Simultaneous Pairs |
A reminder to club members that our duplicate sessions on Monday 10 March, Wednesday 12 March and Thursday 13 March will comprise Simultaneous Pairs events. The sessions will be held on RealBridge and just follow the usual links to play. SIMS are sessions where identical boards are played at all the bridge clubs that have entered the event - usually at least 20 clubs nationally and internationally. They therefore represent a great opportunity to play competitive bridge in the relaxed setting for which Bewdley is renowned. The SIMS are managed by E-Cats Bridge, with whom the club has unestablished long term relationship.
The SIMS sessions are charitable and look to raise funds for very worthwhile causes. This round of SIMS - The Charity Challenge Simultaneous Pairs - will raise funds for both Mind and Macmillan Cancer Support. E-Cats Bridge suggest a donation of £3 per player per session but clearly the amount paid is entirely at the discretion of players.
Both E-Cats Bridge and Bewdley Bridge Club have needed to change arrangements for participating players to make their charitable donations. Details of how to make donations appear at the end of this email. Please do not make your payments either to Bewdley Bridge Club or E-Cats Bridge.
I would encourage every member to participate in these sessions which represent one of the highlights of the club year. These are not elite competitions - far rather they are aimed at maximising participation by club bridge players and raising funds for good causes. You are welcome to play in as many of the SIMS sessions as you would like, regardless of the club subscription which you hold and regardless of the sessions in which you usually play.
To make charitable donations, please visit the E-Cats Bridge website.Follow the links for "Our Simultaneous Pairs" and "The Charity Challenge Simultaneous Pairs". Click the link that is entitled "For More Information" and subsequent links will explain how to make your donation via Just Giving.
I am sorry that the arrangements for charitable donations are needlessly complex - this is wholly beyond the control of E-Cats Bridge and Bewdley Bridge Club.
I wish everyone playing in the SIMS the very best of luck and look forward to seeing some very good scores by Bewdley players.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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A reminder to club members that our duplicate sessions on Monday 10 March, Wednesday 12 March and Thursday 13 March will comprise Simultaneous Pairs events. The sessions will be held on RealBridge and just follow the usual links to play. SIMS are sessions where identical boards are played at all the bridge clubs that have entered the event - usually at least 20 clubs nationally and internationally. ..........
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Handicap Trophy - Fourth Round Results and Trophy Winners |
 The Handicap Trophy results were incredibly close!
Here are the adjusted scores for round 4 and the final standings.
Congratulations to the overall winners:
Chris Greatbatch and Sue Deakin!
Coming in a very close second and third were:
Vicky Franklin and Paul Surplice
Chad Chadwick and Philip Morgan
Many thanks to Alan for all his hard work in calculating the scores.
Handicap Trophy - Final Round! |
The fourth and final round of our annual Club Handicap Trophy will take place this coming Thursday 20th February.
A reminder that there will have been four rounds in total and competitors need to have competed in at least three of the four rounds together to be eligible to win the trophy.
For your information, here are the results and adjusted scores for
Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3
9 High Teams Match Sunday 9th February |
 Our 9 High teams did us proud on 9th February representing Worcestershire in the county match. Well done to Nicola and Stuart, Carole and Clare, Candy and Jayne, Ian and Sue.
Another milestone for our club!
Swiss Pairs Evening |
 Many thanks to club members for supporting the Swiss Pairs so strongly on Wednesday evening. 12 tables is great. Congratulations to Keith and Barry for winning, Derek and Steve second, and Bill and Stuart third.
Thanks to Ian and Vicky for hosting, glad you got to play.
9 High Competition |
There is a 9 high pairs competition this Saturday 8th February starting at 2pm on Realbridge.
This is the usual fun competition aimed at those below the NGS of 9 so ideal for less experienced players who want to get involved and have a go!
Please let me know asap if you would like to join in the fun?
Eileen eileen@oakleydevelopment.couk
EBU Master Pairs - Bewdley Bridge Club Heat 23/2/2025 |
Bewdley Bridge Club invites EBU members below the rank of Regional Master to join us for this heat of the EBU Masters Pairs. The event will take place on RealBridge on Sunday 23rd February, starting at 11am. It will consist of two sessions and we will play 36 boards. There will be a 30 minute break for lunch half way through.
Here is the Link for the session
Club Members: This event is free for Bewdley Bridge Club Members, as costs are covered by the club’s subscription fees.
Non-Members: A fee of £8 per player applies, which covers all event-related costs, including EBU charges. Payments should be made online to Bewdley Bridge Club (business account number 10301671, sort code 20-82-70). When making a payment, please use your name as the transaction reference.
Entry Submission: To enter a partnership, please send your names and EBU numbers to David Halford (Bewdley Bridge Club Chairman) at
Link to donate for the SIMS sessions. |
THE SIMS sessions are charitable and look to raise funds for very worthwhile causes. Funds raised from this programme of SIMS will be donated to UNICEF. E-Cats Bridge suggest a donation of £3 per player per session but clearly the amount paid is entirely at the discretion of players.
Click here to donate
EBU Masters Pairs - Sunday 23 February 2025, 11am Start |
The EBU has invited Bewdley Bridge Club to host a heat of this event and I am delighted to report that the Club Committee has agreed that we should accept this invitation.
This is a new initiative for our club and I hope that as many members as possible will wish to participate. The event will be staged on RealBridge with a start time of 11am and will comprise two sessions with an interval for lunch.
The event is open to everyone whose EBU Grade is below the rank of Regional Master. Almost every club member is therefore eligible to play.
All costs relating to club members playing in this event will be funded by Bewdley Bridge Club so there is no additional payment required from our members.
It is almost certain that players from other bridge clubs will wish to participate and this makes the event even more special.
Please can you let me know, as soon as possible please, whether you wish to participate in this event.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
SIMS and a Link to Donate |
A reminder to club members that our duplicate sessions on Monday 27 January, Wednesday 29 January and Thursday 30 January will comprise Simultaneous Pairs events. The sessions will be held on RealBridge and just follow the usual links to play. SIMS are sessions where identical boards are played at all the bridge clubs that have entered the event - usually at least 20 clubs nationally and internationally. They therefore represent a great opportunity to play competitive bridge in the relaxed setting for which Bewdley is renowned. The SIMS are managed by E-Cats Bridge, with whom the club has an established long term relationship.
THE SIMS sessions are charitable and look to raise funds for very worthwhile causes. Funds raised from this programme of SIMS will be donated to UNICEF. E-Cats Bridge suggest a donation of £3 per player per session but clearly the amount paid is entirely at the discretion of players.
Click here to donate
I would encourage every member to participate in these sessions which represent one of the highlights of the club year. These are not elite competitions - far rather they are aimed at maximising participation by club bridge players and maximising funds for good causes. You are welcome to play in as many of the SIMS sessions as you would like, regardless of the club subscription which you hold and regardless of the sessions in which you usually play.
I wish everyone playing in the SIMS the very best of luck and look forward to seeing some excellent scores by Bewdley players.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
Swiss Teams - Enjoyable Evening! |
 A Swiss Teams evening is always an enjoyable social event and we had 12 tables for the most recent one.
Congratulations to Richard, Ian, Chad and Philip, clear winners on the evening.
Congratulations too to Eileen and Jenny who kindly made made up our numbers then came top in the cross imps.
Big thanks to Bill for directing.
New class for Beginners starting soon |
Eileen will be starting another new beginners course on Monday 20th January 9.30am. This will be the usual format of a brief and interactive ppt presentation followed by supervised play on Realbridge.
If you have any family or friends who might be interested in joining in the fun, can you please let her know asap.
07974 743575
Another 9 high competition coming up in February |
There is a separate 9 high section and they are looking for willing victims (I mean volunteers) to participate.
If you have participated in any of the 9 high events before you will know how much fun they are. The 9 high events are designed to encourage less experienced players to take part in a fun competition knowing that you are competing against players of a similar ability as yourself and NOT any of the top players.
Partnership's combined NGS will be below 106
This event is taking place on RealBridge starting at 2.00pm – playing 32 boards.
It would be great if some pairs from Bewdley Bridge Club were able to represent Worcester as we have done on many occasions previously.
Please reply to me asap if you would like to join in the fun!
Masterpoint Promotions in November |

The EBU is pleased to encourage and reward members who have been performing well with Masterpoints which, after acquiring a certain number, lead to a promotion in rank.
Congratulations to all our members listed below who have attained a promotion in November!
Bill Rosie 1 Star Master
Chad Chadwick 4 Star Premier Master
Felicity Somervell Master ..
Jonathan Price 2 Star Master .
Rachel Ward 1 Star Master.
John Chadaway Area Master
Christopher Gait County Master
Robert Harris Area Master
Christmas F2F |
 Wednesday 11th December will be our Christmas F2F at Wharton Park.
We would like Members to arrive at about 6.15pm for a glass of wine and a mince pie so that we can start playing at 6.45pm.
Festive attire is optional 
Could you please confirm attendance to help with the set up.
Thank you.
Club Handicap Round 3 Adjusted Scores |
 The adjusted scores for Round 3 of the Club Handicap Competition are shown below. Many congratulations to Chad and Philip for still coming top in this round even though they had the biggest handicap of all!
Here are the results and adjusted scores for Round 3
Here, again, are the adjusted scores from Round 1 and Round 2
Many thanks as always to Alan for doing all the analysis.
Worcestershire CBA - Christmas Charity Teams |
Please see details below of an excellent event being staged By WCBA on Monday 9 December 2024. This event would be suitable for the more confident and experienced members of our club.
WCBA are staging the event on Monday 9 December 2024 at the Royal British Legion Club in Claines (Cornmeadow Lane WR3 7PL) with a 7pm start time.
No table money will be charged but players are encouraged to bring a raffle prize and buy some raffle tickets to raise money for a local charity. Seasonal refreshments will be provided (free) at the interval.
WCBA will provide team mates for any pairs interested in playing. Also, already formed teams of four are welcome to play.
Please let me know if you wish to play and I will liaise with the organisers.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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Please see details below of an excellent event being staged By WCBA on Monday 9 December 2024. This event would be suitable for the more confident and experienced members of our club.
WCBA are staging the event on Monday 9 December 2024 at the Royal British Legion Club in Claines (Cornmeadow Lane WR3 7PL) with a 7pm start time. ..........
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Club Handicap Trophy Round 3 |
English Bridge Union (EBU) Master Points |
 The EBU is pleased to encourage and reward members who have been performing well with Masterpoints which, after acquiring a certain number, lead to a promotion in rank.
Congratulations to our member listed below who has attained a promotion in October
Philip Morgan 3 Star Premier Master
(Click for an explanation of the EBU ranks)
West Midlands County 9 high Competition |

There is another 9 high competition coming up on Saturday 30th November starting at 2pm. This is a fun afternoon where you can experience playing in a competition that is restricted to those players with less experience based on their national grading.
I hope to see lots of Bewdley Bridge Club Members taking part.
The Club will pay the entry fees so you just need to say yes to me
or apply directly via the Midlands Counties web site (click on title above) and then turn up on the day

Simultaneous Pairs |
A reminder to club members that our duplicate sessions on Monday 11 November, Wednesday 13 November and Thursday 14 November will comprise Simultaneous Pairs (SIMS) events. The sessions will be held on RealBridge and just follow the usual links to play. SIMS are sessions where identical boards are played in all the various bridge clubs that have entered the event - usually at least 20 clubs nationally and internationally. They therefore represent a great opportunity to play competitive bridge in the relaxed setting for which Bewdley is renowned. The SIMS are managed by E-Cats Bridge, with whom the club has an established long term relationship.
The SIMS sessions are charitable and look to raise funds for very worthwhile causes. Funds raised from this programme of SIMS will be donated to Children In Need.
Both E-Cats Bridge and Bewdley Bridge Club have needed to charge arrangements for participating players to make their charitable donations. Full details of how to make donations appear at the end of this email. As an introduction to this, please do not make your payments to Bewdley Bridge Club or to E-Cats Bridge.
I would encourage every member to participate in these sessions which represent one of the highlights of the club year. These are not elite competitions - far rather they are aimed at maximising participation by club bridge players and maximising funds for good causes. You are welcome to play in as many of the SIMS sessions as you would like, regardless of the club subscription which you hold and regardless of the sessions in which you usually play.
To make charitable donations, please visit the ECats bridge website. Follow the links for Our Simultaneous Pairs and ECatsBridge for BBC Children In Need Pairs. Click the link that is entitled "For More Information". Then click the link "Sending In the Donations - Either as a Club or as Individuals." Finally, click the link for Children In Need and it will open a Just Giving Page. When making a donation click the "Enter Custom Account Link" and set it as zero, thereby ensuring that the whole of your donation goes to Children In Need.
I am sorry that arrangements for charitable donations are now needlessly complex - this is wholly beyond the control of both E-Cats Bridge and Bewdley Bridge Club.
I wish everyone playing in the SIMS the very best of luck and look forward to seeing some excellent scores by Bewdley players.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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A reminder to club members that our duplicate sessions on Monday 11 November, Wednesday 13 November and Thursday 14 November will comprise Simultaneous Pairs (SIMS) events. The sessions will be held on RealBridge and just follow the usual links to play. SIMS are sessions where identical boards are played in all the various bridge clubs that have entered the event - usually at least 20 clubs nationally and internationally. ..........
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Swiss Teams - Enjoyable Evening! |
 On Wednesday, 6th November, we held our annual teams competition. It was an enjoyable evening with 12 teams competing for the Bewdley Bridge Club Teams Trophy.
Congratulations to Bill, Stuart, Nicola, and Ann for their outstanding performance as clear winners of the trophy.
Swiss Teams, Wednesday 6 November 2024 |
Many thanks to club members for supporting this event so strongly. I am delighted to report that we will have 12 teams competing for the annual Swiss Teams Trophy. Details of the teams, which were randomly drawn, appear in this email. Please join your team mates at your home table at the start of play. Playing in the event Is easy - the incredible RealBridge software deals with all the movements so relax and enjoy the event.
If for any reason circumstances change and you cannot play in the event, please let me know immediately.
The teams and their home table numbers are:-
1. N/S Rufus Ulyet / Lorna Fellows E/W Bob Law / Sue Deakin
2. N/S Chris Greatbatch / Val Ridding E/W Chad Chadwick / Philip Morgan
3. N/S Sue Knoll / Duncan Holman E/W Elaine Bell / Lolly Turner
4. N/S Paul Surplice / Jill Yates E/W Barry Menheneott / Keith Watson
5. N/S Derek Moses / Steve Brown E/W Jenny Vale / Bob Harris
6. N/S Eric and Wendy Silverstone E/W Candy Shelley / Jeff Faulkner
7. N/S Richard Litchfield / Ian Darch E/W Carole Adamek / Clare Maiden
8. N/S John and Sylvia Fletcher E/W Paul Greaves / Terry Collins
9. N/S Bill Rosie / Stuart Smith E/W Nicola Downes / Ann Sutherland
10. N/S Eleanor Greaves / Rosemary Cannon E/W Jonathan Price / Richard Greenwood
11. N/S Chris Gait / John Hellens E/W Laurence Badham / Sylvia Tudor-Hughes
12. N/S Tony Tidmarsh / Sue Del Mar E/W David and Sarah Halford
If there is a problem with one pair, Sarah and I will drop out from the event.
As always with Swiss events, please do not attempt to play if you have any concerns about the reliability of your computer equipment or your internet connection. Also, please play to a good tempo - slow play is especially problematic when playing in a Swiss event.
Good luck to everyone.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
Swiss Teams - Annual Trophy - Wednesday 6 November 2024 |
The club will be staging its annual Swiss Teams Trophy Competition on Wednesday 6 November 2024 with the usual 7pm start time. Previous teams events have been extremely popular and I look forward to another excellent evening of bridge.
As with previous teams events, the teams will be pre-formed with a more experienced pair teaming up with a less experienced pair. This gives everyone a good chance of winning the competition. The event is suitable for all levels of experience.
Please can you let me know - by Friday 1 November 2024 at the absolute latest - if you and your partner wish to play. It would be extremely helpful if a pair could volunteer to act as hosts thereby ensuring that we have full teams of four.
The event is open to all members, regardless of the level of subscription paid and regardless of the sessions in the week in which an individual member normally plays.
Swiss Teams is a superb form of bridge and I look forward to you playing in the event.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
A Message from David Halford |
I am very pleased that table numbers are increasing again, no doubt after many members have enjoyed their September holidays. The forthcoming programme of online bridge has many highlights, including:-
- Annual Swiss Teams Trophy;
- Simultaneous Pairs for Children In Need;
- Heat 3 of the Club Handicap Competition.
It would not be possible to run this varied programme without the dedication and commitment of our pool of Club Directors. Running events online provides significant challenges for our directors and it is a tribute to their professionalism that our sessions run so smoothly. Many thanks to all our current directors. The club would welcome interest from anyone wishing to join our directing rota - please liaise with me, Eileen or Sue if interested.
As with all forms of competitive bridge, rulings from directors are absolutely final and must not be challenged during a bridge session. Club members have a responsibility to support the director in running the session and there are two major ways in which they can help.
The first is to play at a good tempo. Some boards are harder to bid and play than others, but an allocation of 7 minutes per board should be more than adequate to complete the round to time. Directors continue to have the right to cancel a board if a table is seriously behind the rest of the field.
The second is not to play if there are any doubts about the reliability of computer equipment or internet connection. Loss of a player is always problematic for a director but is a very serious issue when playing Swiss Pairs or Swiss Teams. It is worth commenting that most modern smart phones have a "WiFi Hotspot" facility (usually within Settings) that could be used in an emergency if internet connection is lost mid-session due to a power cut.
Many thanks for your continued loyalty and support.
I look forward to seeing those of you coming to Barmouth in 10 days time and look forward to seeing others online in the weeks ahead.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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I am very pleased that table numbers are increasing again, no doubt after many members have enjoyed their September holidays. The forthcoming programme of online bridge has many highlights, including:-
- Annual Swiss Teams Trophy;
- Simultaneous Pairs for Children In Need;
- Heat 3 of the Club Handicap Competition.
It would not be possible to run this varied programme without the dedication and commitment of our pool of Club Directors. ..........
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Inter County 9 High Swiss Pairs - Saturday 19 October 2024 |
The 9 High Pairs Series is starting again, organised by the Midland Counties. This has been a popular event in recent years and those playing will be representing Worcestershire as well as themselves. Run on RealBridge with a start time of 2pm, the event is open to all but our most experienced and highest qualified club members. 90-95% of club members are eligible to participate. Previous events have been very popular, with Bewdley members contributing to notable successes for the county.
Entry is via the Midlands Congress website. Bewdley Bridge Club will fund all entry fees associated with this event.
I do hope that the event is well supported and look forward to some great individual scores from Bewdley members.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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The 9 High Pairs Series is starting again, organised by the Midland Counties. This has been a popular event in recent years and those playing will be representing Worcestershire as well as themselves. Run on RealBridge with a start time of 2pm, the event is open to all but our most experienced and highest qualified club members. ..........
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Worcestershire CBA - Inter Club Teams Competition, 2024/25 |
WCBA are staging the above competition over the coming winter months. It will be staged over five Friday evenings and held, Face To Face, at Ombersley Memorial Hall (WR9 0DY). The dates of the heats are 18 October, 29 November, 24 January, 21 February and 21 March.
Teams of four play each evening. However, teams can have up to 8 members who can play during the competition.
The intention is to have two sections. One is suitable for confident, experienced club players. The other is for players who are newer to bridge.
Bewdley Bridge Club will fund the entry fee for any team wishing to participate in this event. Please can anyone interested contact me by Tuesday 1 October at the absolute latest, stating clearly which section would suit them.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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WCBA are staging the above competition over the coming winter months. It will be staged over five Friday evenings and held, Face To Face, at Ombersley Memorial Hall (WR9 0DY). The dates of the heats are 18 October, 29 November, 24 January, 21 February and 21 March. ..........
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Worcestershire CBA - Malvern Congress 2024 |
Worcestershire CBA are staging the above event, which represents the premier event of the annual calendar, on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October. Full details, including a congress brochure, appear on the WCBA website.
The Green Pointed Swiss Pairs and Swiss Teams events are suitable for the most experienced and confident players only. These are national events with expert players participating.
In addition, there is a Newcomers' Pairs Competition being staged on the afternoon of Saturday 26 October. This event would be suitable to the more confident players who have started playing in recent years in the duplicate sessions provided by Bewdley Bridge Club.
Good luck to anyone who wishes to play.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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Worcestershire CBA are staging the above event, which represents the premier event of the annual calendar, on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October. Full details, including a congress brochure, appear on the WCBA website.
The Green Pointed Swiss Pairs and Swiss Teams events are suitable for the most experienced and confident players only. ..........
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Face to Face next Wednesday 25th September |
Our next F2F session at Wharton Park is Wednesday 25th September at 6.45pm
Could you please let Eileen know if you are planning on attending so we have a good idea of numbers for setting up.
07974 743575
EBU Masterpoint Promotions for our Club Members |
 The EBU is pleased to encourage and reward members who have been performing well with Masterpoints which, after acquiring a certain number, lead to a promotion in rank.
Congratulations to our members listed below who have attained a promotion in August
Peter Dobson County Master
Paul Surplice District Master
(Click for an explanation of the EBU ranks)
New Link for Festival of Bridge Donations |
Message from Worcestershire County Bridge Association (WCBA) |
Is anyone interested in entering a team into the Worcestershire league this coming season? There are different divisions for all abilities including a no fear section for the less experienced players. it would be great to have some teams representing Bewdley. See information below.
Worcestershire County League Competition
We are inviting entries for this competition. Again, we would like two divisions and a No-Fears League. We would be delighted if we could get even more teams to enter so if you know of anyone who may be interested, please let me know. The County League has always been a sociable as well as a competitive competition and I know that players have enjoyed it greatly in the past. Please therefore consider entering a team.
- Teams can be constituted of four to six players. Please come up with a suitable name. Also, I will need the name of the team Captain who will arrange matches with their opposite number. The Captain’s contact details – phone number and e-mail address is needed.
- I would hope to have sufficient teams for at least 2 Divisions plus a No Fear League. If teams played last year, then their results will determine which Division they are placed in this year with an expectation that 2 teams will be relegated from Division 1 and 2 teams promoted to Division 1. New teams in the Open League will be placed in Division 2 (or possible Division 3 if we have enough teams for 3 Divisions). If we get sufficient new entries for the No Fear League, we may be able to expand that to 2 Divisions.
- The matches can be played Online or Face to Face – this decision should be made by both teams. If you want to play on Realbridge we can provide assistance on setting the match up. In the past the matches have been Face to Face and hosts have tended to supply a supper. Please note that this is not necessary. A drink and a biscuit or piece of cake should suffice. That is not to say that if you wish to display your cordon bleu skills you should not – that is a matter for you – but don’t feel obligated (as a matter of courtesy it might be a good idea to tell the opposition captain of your intentions in regard to refreshments).
- The charge is £10 per team to enter.
- As last year, your team does not have to have players where Worcestershire is the first county of allegiance (Unlike the Green Pointed County KO Teams). We would be happy to include players from outside the County – which is actually more feasible now if playing Online. For instance, I know that Droitwich club regularly has players from all over the Country and very welcome they are too. So, if you have made friends from outside Worcestershire or want to bring in a ‘ringer’ this is your chance. Remember though that some teams may wish to prefer to play Face to Face so you may need to be able to accommodate that.
- So that we can organise the Administration; please enter your team by Wednesday 4th September 2024 now extended to 11th September.
Once I know how many teams have entered, I will send out a further communication with fixtures etc. So why not enter a team on the attached entry form and send it back to me by Post or e-mail. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (my contact details are on the Entry form).
Nick Forward
Worcestershire County League Competition - Entry Form
Team Name :………………………………………………………………………………………….
Captains Name:……………………………………………………………………………………...
Team Members……………………………………………………………………………………….
Starting Preference (Open/No-Fear)…………………………………………………………..
Captain’s phone number and e-mail………………………………………………………….
Please send your Entry Form to Nick Forward e-mail
421 Birchfield Road, Webheath, Redditch, Worcs B97 4NF
Tel 07706 115514
Payment of £10 is preferred by direct transfer to HSBC bank, sort code: 401507, account no: 21315781 with the reference LEAGUE. If this is not possible then a cheque made payable to WCBA will need to be posted to the Treasurer.
WCBA Treasurer
Chris Taylor, 19 Victoria Road, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 2TE
Please note that matches can be arranged Face to Face or On line depending on the preferences of the two teams involved. Over the season (October to April) it would probably entail around 6 matches so the requirement is not especially onerous.
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Is anyone interested in entering a team into the Worcestershire league this coming season? There are different divisions for all abilities including a no fear section for the less experienced players. it would be great to have some teams representing Bewdley. See information below. ..........
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Bewdley Bridge Club Subscription - October 2024 to March 2025 |
Here is an update on activities provided by Bewdley Bridge Club and an invitation to you to renew your subscription for the six month period from October 2024 to March 2025
The club will continue to provide a diverse programme of online bridge using the excellent RealBridge platform All three of our weekly duplicate sessions - Monday afternoon, Wednesday evening and Thursday evening - remain popular and provide the opportunity to play friendly but competitive bridge We have developed our programme so that it includes Simultaneous Pairs in partnership with E-Cats Bridge, Swiss Pairs and Swiss Teams The Club Handicap competition is a far more significant part of the club calendar, played over four quarterly heats throughout the year. We continue to look for innovative opportunities to develop the club calendar for the enjoyment of members
We will have periodic sessions of Face To Face Bridge at the lovely setting of Wharton Park Golf Club The next such session will be on Wednesday 25 September 2024 The annual club Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday 11 December 2024 RealBridge sessions will be provided on these Wednesday evenings for those members unable to attend Face To Face.
In addition, the club provides morning social and teams sessions which remain very popular and which have helped to develop new players to join our ranks. Table numbers for the Friday Fun sessions continue to grow and these sessions have helped newer players become familiar with duplicate bridge. Many thanks to Eileen, Sue and others who have helped to develop these sessions.
Club membership is at a record high - 119 members - with every prospect of further membership growth over the coming year.
Many thanks to Eileen for providing the most progressive teaching programme in Worcestershire. New initiatives will continue to be developed with the aim of widening bridge participation.
This all points to a thriving club. Our table numbers have remained stable for Wednesday evenings and continue to grow for Thursday evenings. Friday Fun Bridge continues to grow and Monday afternoon duplicate provides a good setting for improvers to participate in a longer bridge session. I wish to extend my thanks to all club members for their loyalty and support. In particular, I wish to thank everyone who continues to assist with club management, not the least those members who have directed online bridge - a thankless task but always delivered professionally.
I am immensely grateful for the support of a superb committee and would wish to thank Eileen, Belinda, Sue, Alan, Jonathan and Candy for their hard work and encouragement.
Club finances are in excellent health and have been expertly stewarded by our Treasurer, Belinda Morgan. In the context of the strong financial position, I am delighted to report that subscription rates can remain unchanged for the period from October 2024 to March 2025. Club reserves are strong and remain available to support either unexpected capital expenditure or to support development of new initiatives or opportunities should they emerge.
As with previous six month periods I am inviting you to make a single subscription payment which will cover all bridge to which you have subscribed. You can choose to purchase a single or multiple weekly subscription for club duplicate sessions. Also you can purchase single or multiple subscriptions for morning sessions.
The subscription rates for online bridge for the next six months are as follows:-
Duplicate Single Weekly Play £20
Duplicate Multiple Weekly Play £40
Morning Single Weekly Play £5
Morning Multiple Weekly Play £10
So the maximum subscription which would cover every online activity provided by the club would be £50 (which equates to approximately £2 per week). Your Committee considers that this represents excellent value for money and a statement of our appreciation for the loyalty and support from club members. I really hope that you will renew your subscription.
Please will you pay your subscription to Bewdley Bridge Club. The account is a business account and its number is 10301671 with sort code 20-82-70. Please when making a payment put your name as the transaction reference.
In summary, I wish to repeat my thanks to all club members for their support and I look forward to you renewing your subscription and continuing to participate in the progression of our club.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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Here is an update on activities provided by Bewdley Bridge Club and an invitation to you to renew your subscription for the six month period from October 2024 to March 2025
The club will continue to provide a diverse programme of online bridge using the excellent RealBridge platform All three of our weekly duplicate sessions - Monday afternoon, Wednesday evening and Thursday evening - remain popular and provide the opportunity to play friendly but competitive bridge We have developed our programme so that it includes Simultaneous Pairs in partnership with E-Cats Bridge, Swiss Pairs and Swiss Teams The Club Handicap competition is a far more significant part of the club calendar, played over four quarterly heats throughout the year. We continue to look for innovative opportunities to develop the club calendar for the enjoyment of members
We will have periodic sessions of Face To Face Bridge at the lovely setting of Wharton Park Golf Club The next such session will be on Wednesday 25 September 2024 The annual club Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday 11 December 2024 RealBridge sessions will be provided on these Wednesday evenings for those members unable to attend Face To Face.
In addition, the club provides morning social and teams sessions which remain very popular and which have helped to develop new players to join our ranks. ..........
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Festival of Bridge, September 2024 |
Latest News - Festival of Bridge Finale - Sunday 15 September 2024
I have been contacted by the EBU giving me details of a special event they will be staging on the above date.
This will be a national competition, staged on RealBridge with a start time of 7pm, played over 20 boards. The entry fee is £4 with all proceeds going to Cancer Research UK. Entries can be submitted using the My EBU section of the EBU website.
If any members are interested I can forward the email that I have received from the EBU. It certainly sounds like an excellent and very worthwhile event
The Festival of Bridge (FoB) is a major initiative promoted by the English Bridge Union and co-ordinated locally by the Worcestershire CBA. It will be taking place in early September and has two principal objectives. The first of these is to encourage greater participation in bridge and the second is to raise funding to support Cancer Research UK. Please see below a Just Giving page which has been set up for Worcestershire bridge players by means of which you can make a donation if you wish. This is on a strictly voluntary basis.
Here is the link
Our evening duplicate sessions on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 September will form part of the FoB and notional table money from these sessions will be donated to the charity via WCBA. These sessions are open to all club members as well as non-members and I really hope that as many members as possible will participate in either or both sessions. All Bewdley members, regardless of your subscription and your normal preferred playing sessions, are welcome to play in these sessions. The sessions will be suitable for all levels of experience and it would be great if some of our newer members gave at least one session a try. At least one of the sessions will be Swiss Pairs.
WCBA have organised a series of initiatives aimed at promoting the game and encouraging wider participation. All of these initiatives are very praiseworthy and have required significant hard work for the organisers.
Three cafe bridge events - where bridge is literally played at various coffee shops, etc in a town - have been organised. The aim is to attract the curiosity of customers at the various events and possibly stimulate an interest in bridge. The dates of these are Pershore (5 September), Worcester (11 September) and Barnt Green (12 September).
In addition, WCBA is organising a day of bridge activities to promote the game and encourage people to play. This is a major event and is planned for Worcester City Centre on Saturday 7 September. Bridge will be played at a number of high profile locations across the city and this creates a tremendous opportunity to promote the game in general and, I hope, Bewdley Bridge Club. Any pairs - or even more helpfully foursomes - who would be willing to participate in this event would be really welcome. I am sure it would be most enjoyable.
If any member wishes to get involved with any of these initiatives I can help put you in contact with the organisers if necessary.
Details of all these events are below.
Worcestershire Contract Bridge Association Worcestershire.pdf
I hope that the FoB is a great success and I am pleased that Bewdley Bridge Club will be making a worthwhile contribution to a very imaginative initiative.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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Latest News - Festival of Bridge Finale - Sunday 15 September 2024
I have been contacted by the EBU giving me details of a special event they will be staging on the above date.
This will be a national competition, staged on RealBridge with a start time of 7pm, played over 20 boards. The entry fee is £4 with all proceeds going to Cancer Research UK. ..........
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Swiss Teams, Wednesday 28 August 2024 |
Our session on Wednesday 28 August 2024 will be Swiss Teams. I have not had time (nor will I have time) to pre-form teams so I would request that members form teams on entering RealBridge. Please form your team by joining your partner at the lowest available table and you will form a team at that table. Please try to avoid forming "super teams" as I want everyone to have a good chance of winning the event.
Vicky and Nicola have volunteered to act as host pair to ensure we have a complete number of teams. Many thanks to them for doing this.
We will play a Swiss movement with 6 x 4 Board Rounds.
Please do not attempt to play in this event if you have any concerns about your IT equipment or internet connection as any problems during the event are infinitely worse to handle for the session director. Also, please play to a good tempo as movement for the next round is only possible after all players have finished the current round.
The event is open to all club members, regardless of the subscription paid and regardless of the sessions in the week in which an individual member normally plays.
Teams is a superb form of bridge and I look forward to you playing in the event. For the avoidance of all doubt, players of all experience levels are welcome to play.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
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Our session on Wednesday 28 August 2024 will be Swiss Teams. I have not had time (nor will I have time) to pre-form teams so I would request that members form teams on entering RealBridge. Please form your team by joining your partner at the lowest available table and you will form a team at that table. ..........
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Club Handicap Round 2 Adjusted Scores |
EBU Masterpoint Promotions for our Club Members |
 The EBU is pleased to encourage and reward members who have been performing well with Masterpoints which, after acquiring a certain number, lead to a promotion in rank.
Congratulations to all our members listed below who have attained a promotion in July!
Tony Tidmarsh 1 Star Master
Louise Wilson 2 Star Premier Master
Margaret Harper County Master
(Click for an explanation of the EBU ranks)
♥ Bridge Lessons ♥ |
It is that time of year again when I am planning to run beginners bridge lesson starting in September. The lessons will take place on a Monday morning at 9.30am using a ppt presentation on Zoom. This is followed by bidding and playing on Realbridge with me there to coach and support.
If you have any family or friends you think would like to join in the fun can you please put them in contact with me directly either by email, phone, text or WhatsApp.
Eileen Oakley 07974 743575
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It is that time of year again when I am planning to run beginners bridge lesson starting in September. The lessons will take place on a Monday morning at 9.30am using a ppt presentation on Zoom. ..........
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A Successful Presentation Evening and F2F Bridge |

On Wednesday 17th July we held our annual Trophy Presentation Evening at Wharton Park.
It was a most enjoyable evening and the following trophies for 2023/24 were presented:
Club Shield (Wednesday) - David Clarke and Steven Clifton
Club Shield (Thursday) - Chad Chadwick and Philip Morgan
Myra Hunter Cup - Bill Rosie and Stuart Smith
Handicap Trophy - Steve Brown and Derek Moses
Teams Trophy - Steve Brown, Derek Moses, Michaela Vallance and Belinda Morgan
Packwood Trophy - Nicola Downes.
Congratulations to all the winners.
The original (now full) shield for Wednesday bridge has had to be replaced. It was with great delight that our chairman presented it as a keepsake to Stuart Norgrove, a winner an incredible five times with his partner Richard Greenwood.
(Here for interest is a list of all trophy winners since 1996)
The presentation of the trophies was followed by an sociable evening of Face to Face bridge with five tables.
Simultaneous Pairs Results |
 The results have now been finalised by ECats Bridge for the Simultaneous Pairs events that were staged in the week commencing 1 July 2024.
On Monday 1 July, 281 pairs competed in 24 separate bridge clubs in 3 countries. Chad and Eileen finished 8th overall (65.07%, 332 Master Points), John and Sylvia Fletcher finished 12th (63.97%, 318 Master Points) and Sue Knoll and AN Other finished 17th (62.77%, 300 MPs).
On Wednesday 3 July, 214 pairs competed in 15 clubs in 3 countries. Sarah Halford and AN Other finished 6th overall (64.06%, 291 MPs), Peter Dobson and Anne Freestone finished 8th (63.43%, 283 MPs) and Tony Tidmarsh and Sue Del Mar finished 18th (60.10%, 243 MPs).
On Thursday 4 July, 299 pairs competed in 22 clubs in 2 countries. On this occasion, no Bewdley pairs finished in the top 20 places, the best results being Sarah Wenden and Louise Wilson (38th) and Richard Litchfield and Ian Darch (40th).
Full results are available on the ECats web site.
Please can those members who have yet to make their charitable donations do so as soon as possible. The requested amount is £4 for each session in which you played. Please make your payment to Bewdley Bridge Club. The account is a business account and its number is 10301671 with sort code 20-82-70. When you make your payment to Bewdley Bridge Club please put your name as the transaction reference. I am expecting that the club will be able to make a donation of at least £125 to each of Kidney Research UK and British Heart Foundation as a result of members supporting these events so strongly.
Many thanks for your continued loyal support to our club.
Kindest Regards,
David Halford
EBU Masterpoint Promotions for our Club Members |

The EBU is pleased to encourage and reward members who have been performing well with Masterpoints which, after acquiring a certain number, lead to a promotion in rank.
Congratulations to our member listed below who has attained a promotion in June!
Carole Adamek Area Master
(Click for an explanation of the EBU ranks)
EBU Masterpoint Promotions for our Club Members |

The EBU is pleased to encourage and reward members who have been performing well with Masterpoints which, after acquiring a certain number, lead to a promotion in rank.
Congratulations to your members listed below who have attained a promotionl
Ann Sutherland County Master
Stuart Smith Advanced Master
(Click for an explanation of the EBU ranks)
Payment Details - Simultaneous Pairs (SIMS) 1,3,4 July |
A reminder to club members that our duplicate sessions on Monday 1 July, Wednesday 3 July and Thursday 4 July will comprise Simultaneous Pairs (SIMS) events. The sessions will be held on RealBridge and just follow the usual links to play. SIMS are sessions where identical boards are played in all the various bridge clubs that have entered the event - usually at least 20 clubs nationally and internationally. They therefore represent a great opportunity to play competitive bridge in the relaxed setting for which Bewdley is renowned. The SIMS are managed by E-Cats Bridge, with whom the club has an established long term relationship.
The SIMS sessions are charitable and look to raise funds for very worthwhile causes. Funds raised from the SIMS will be donated equally to Kidney Research UK and British Heart Foundation.
Please will you make a payment of £4 for each of the above sessions in which you play to Bewdley Bridge Club. The account is a business account and its number is 10301671 with sort code 20-82-70. When you make your payment to Bewdley Bridge Club please put your name as the transaction reference. Bewdley Bridge Club will accumulate these funds and make a single payment to each of the charities that are benefitting from this event.
I would encourage every member to participate in these sessions which represent one of the highlights of the club year. These are not elite competitions - far rather they are aimed at maximising participation by club bridge players and raising funds for good causes. You are welcome to play in as many of the SIMS sessions as you would like, regardless of the club subscription which you hold and regardless of the sessions in which you usually play.
I wish everyone playing in the SIMS the very best of luck and look forward to seeing some excellent scores by Bewdley players.
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A reminder to club members that our duplicate sessions on Monday 1 July, Wednesday 3 July and Thursday 4 July will comprise Simultaneous Pairs (SIMS) events. The sessions will be held on RealBridge and just follow the usual links to play. SIMS are sessions where identical boards are played in all the various bridge clubs that have entered the event - usually at least 20 clubs nationally and internationally. ..........
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ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, Wednesday 10th July at 6:30PM |
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Bewdley Bridge Club will be held online using Zoom on Wednesday 10 July with a start time of 6:30. This will enable all club members to participate in the meeting. Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting.
The agenda includes the Annual Report of the Club Chairman and presentation of the Financial Statements for the club as of March 2024. It also asks for approval of the 2022-23 AGM Minutes.
The agenda also requests that Members endorse the revised Bewdley Bridge Club Constitution, the revision being primarily required in order to normalise practices that have been adopted as online bridge has been developed and expanded.
Your Club Officers (David Halford - Club Chairman, Eileen Oakley - Club Secretary and Belinda Morgan - Club Treasurer) will resign in customary practice immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting but have all expressed a willingness to seek re-election at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a further year. If there are any Club Members who wish to be considered for any of these roles, they are required to advise the Club Secretary of their candidacy by Friday 21 June 2024 at the absolute latest. Any such candidates need to be formally proposed and seconded by other club members.
If any member wishes to raise an item of Any Other Business, that item and the reasons why it needs to be considered needs to be submitted to the Club Secretary by Friday 21 June 2024 at the absolute latest.
Club trophies will be presented when the club plays Face To Face Bridge at Wharton Park Golf Club on Wednesday 17 July 2024.
The 2023/24 year has been very successful for Bewdley Bridge Club, with membership and participation at record levels. Your Committee looks forward to your participation in the 2024 Annual General Meeting and to continued sharing in the success of our club.
A Message from Worcestershire Contract Bridge Association |
Firstly, an announcement that the Midland Mixed Teams, CANCELLED which was a success last year, will be running again this year on Saturday 6th July.
Click here for details of the event
(Please let Eileen know if you are interested and note that all fees will be paid by Bewdley Bridge Club)
Secondly, it has been suggested that the Inter-County League, which currently has three divisions (Dawes, Porter and Markham) should better reflect the membership of the Midlands Counties by including a Nine-High division in addition, ie it should be restricted to pairs with a combined NGS of 106 or less. We would very much welcome your members' views on this proposal.
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Firstly, an announcement that the Midland Mixed Teams, CANCELLED which was a success last year, will be running again this year on Saturday 6th July. ..........
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Swiss Events in June 2024 |
Bewdley Bridge Club is holding two Swiss events in June 2024 and details appear below,
On Wednesday 5 June we will be playing Swiss Teams. In order to play this event we cannot accommodate a half table. I should therefore be very grateful if a pair who are planning to play next Wednesday could volunteer to act as a host pair, dropping out in the unfortunate event of a half table. No pair will ever be asked to host more than once.
Teams will not be pre-formed so I would ask members to form teams on entering RealBridge. Please form your team by joining your partner at the lowest available table and you will form your team at that table. Please try to avoid forming "super teams" as I want everyone to have a good chance of winning the event.
We will play a Swiss movement with 5 x 4 Board Rounds.
On Thursday 26 June we will be playing Swiss Pairs. Again a half table is problematic so again I should be grateful if a pair could volunteer to act as hosts for this event. Similarly the event will be staged over 5 x 4 Board rounds.
Both events are open to all club members, regardless of the subscription paid and regardless of the sessions in the week in which a member normally plays.
Swiss Teams and Swiss Pairs are both superb forms of bridge and I look forward to you playing in these events. For the avoidance of all doubt, players of all experience levels are welcome to play.
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Bewdley Bridge Club is holding two Swiss events in June 2024 and details appear below,
On Wednesday 5 June we will be playing Swiss Teams. ..........
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Exciting Competition for Newcomers! |

WORCESTERSHIRE CONTRACT BRIDGE ASSOCIATION would like to invite you to play in the Worcestershire Newcomer’s Event THE CHAIRMAN’S CUP. This is a fun event aimed at people taking lessons or who have just started playing duplicate bridge – to be eligible you need less than five year’s playing experience (excluding beginner’s lessons). Players with an NGS greater than 7 and/or previous winners are not eligible to enter. No need to be an EBU member. The event is played at a gentle pace over 18 boards. It will take place on Sunday 7th July 2024 - 2.00 pm start finishing approximately 5.30 pm. At Ombersley Memorial Hall, Sandys Lane, Ombersley, WR9 0DY
Please contact Eileen if you are interested.
Bewdley Bridge Club will pay all entrance fees.
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WORCESTERSHIRE CONTRACT BRIDGE ASSOCIATION would like to invite you to play in the Worcestershire Newcomer’s Event THE CHAIRMAN’S CUP. ..........
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Club Handicap Trophy - Results for Round1 (of 4) |
 The first round of the club handicap competition 2024/25 was played on Thursday 16th May 2024.
Congratulations to the winners, Ian Argyle and David Halford.
They were closely followed by Ian Darch / Richard Lichfield and Chad Chadwick / Philip Morgan.
Here are the adjusted results.
The winner of the Club Handicap Trophy is decided after four rounds - the winning partnership must have competed together in at least three of the four rounds. The next round is on Thursday 15th August.
Swiss Teams tonight? |
We are hoping that we will have sufficient table numbers for this Thursday evening to allow us to play a Swiss Teams event. We probably need 8 full tables to make this viable. If table numbers are a little lower we might switch to playing Swiss Pairs.
In order to play a Swiss event we cannot accommodate a half table due to the long wait associated with four board rounds. We are grateful to Jane and Flick who have offered to act as host pair.
Any teams will not be pre-formed so we would ask members to form teams on entering RealBridge. Please form your team by joining your partner at the lowest available table and you will form your team at that table. Please try to avoid forming "super teams" as we want everyone to have a good chance of winning the event.
We will play a Swiss movement with 5 x 4 Board Rounds.
The event is open to all club members, regardless of the subscription paid and regardless of the sessions in the week in which a member normally plays.
Swiss is a superb form of bridge and we look forward to you playing in the event. For the avoidance of all doubt, players of all experience levels are welcome to play.
Simultaneous Pairs Results |
 Delighted to see some superb results in the recent SIMS.
In the Monday afternoon session, Chad and Eileen finished 3rd nationally, out of 384 pairs playing in 26 clubs (69%).
Steven and David finished 9th in the same session (65%).
Many congratulations.
David Halford.
Membership Subscription April-Sept 2024 |
Club reserves are strong and remain available to support either unexpected capital expenditure or to support development of new initiatives or opportunities should they emerge. We are delighted to be in a position to offer reduced subscription rates for the next six months.
As with previous six month periods you are invited to make a single subscription payment which will cover all bridge to which you have subscribed. You can choose to purchase a single or multiple weekly subscription for club duplicate sessions. Also you can purchase single or multiple subscriptions for morning sessions.
The subscription rates for online bridge for the next six months are as follows:-
Duplicate Single Weekly Play £20
Duplicate Multiple Weekly Play £40
Morning Single Weekly Play £5
Morning Multiple Weekly Play £10
So the maximum subscription which would cover every online activity provided by the club would be £50 (which equates to approximately £2 per week). This compares with £70 for the current half year. Your Committee considers that this represents excellent value for money and a statement of our appreciation for the loyalty and support from club members. We really hope that you will renew your subscription.
Please will you pay your subscription to Bewdley Bridge Club. The account is a business account and its number is 10301671 with sort code 20-82-70. Please when making a payment put your name as the transaction reference.
By payment of this fee members agree to:
- Abide by the club constitution, rules and policies and procedures
- In respect of Data Protection Legislation agree for personal data to be shared as described in the club constitution on the website
- Ensure they have suitable equipment to play online Bridge
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Club reserves are strong and remain available to support either unexpected capital expenditure or to support development of new initiatives or opportunities should they emerge. We are delighted to be in a position to offer reduced subscription rates for the next six months.
As with previous six month periods you are invited to make a single subscription payment which will cover all bridge to which you have subscribed. ..........
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