Bewdley Bridge Club
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25th Jul 2024 21:52 BST
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Welcome to Bewdley Bridge Club
Swiss Pairs Wednesday 31st July - A Message from David Halford

Our Wednesday evening duplicate on 31st July will be Swiss Pairs.  These sessions have been very popular in the past and I hope that the event is a success.  All club members, regardless of their subscriptions and regardless of the sessions in which they usually participate are welcome to play.  The event is suitable for all levels of experience.  There is no need to advise me of your intention to play.

The event will be staged over 6 x 4 Board matches.

It is not practical to play a Swiss event with a half table as each round will last for around 25 minutes.  I should therefore be grateful if a pair could volunteer to act as hosts, playing if we have sufficient full tables but standing down if there is a half table.

Please do not attempt to play in this event if you knowingly have concerns about the reliability of your computer equipment or your internet connection.  Loss of a pair during a Swiss event will cause major problems for the director and will greatly spoil the enjoyment for the rest of the players.

I would also ask all players to play to a good tempo.  The next round in a Swiss event can only start when all tables have finished the current round, so slow play really is a cause of frustration for others.

Swiss Pairs is a superb form of bridge and I look forward to you playing in the event.

Kindest Regards,

David Halford 

Last updated : 25th Jul 2024 21:52 BST
Friday Fun
Thursday Pairs
Wednesday Pairs
Monday Pairs
Friday Fun
Thursday Pairs
Wednesday Pairs Online
Annual Prize Giving and Face to Face Wednesday Pairs
29th Jul 2024
Monday Pairs
Director: Eileen
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31st Jul 2024
Swiss Pairs
7 pm
Director: David
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1st Aug 2024
Thursday Pairs
7 pm
Director: Bill
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2nd Aug 2024
Friday Fun
Director: Eileen
 RealBridge Login
5th Aug 2024
Monday Pairs
Director: Eileen