This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
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Whitley Road Premises |
Whitley Road Premises Update February 2025
Our landlord is being extremely uncooperative about the damage he has caused to the premises that we lease (since 1955). He has refused to repair the damage and told us we should leave. He said that he wanted the premises to redevelop into residential units. When we said he would be required to compensate us, he changed his mind and said he would offer us a new lease. Therefore, we served on him a legal notice requiring him to tell us, formally, whether he wants us to leave the premises, or to offer us a new lease at a fair market rent. He has two months in which to do this. So far, he has suggested that he would grant us a new lease, but at a tremendously increased rent, much higher than a fair market rent.
The committee maintains that our landlord should:
Either compensate us for surrendering the lease.
Or we should be granted a new lease, on fair terms, after the damage has been repaired.
If we cannot reach an amicable agreement then we will start court proceedings.
Meanwhile, we are proposing to sue him to recover the extra costs we have had to pay (mainly renting space at RRC). This will be through the Small Claims Court.
We will keep you informed of further developments.
Photo Gallery |
Photo Gallery
Phil Jackson is updating the Photo Gallery. He is splitting the collection into current and past members. Names will be shown, unless the member does not wish this.
Members are invited to provide recent photos.
Saturday Evening Bridge |
A reminder, the club runs an online RealBridge session every Saturday evening at 7pm.
This is a relaxed session of about 21 boards.
With the longer evenings, please join us. Everyone is welcome. We have a few non-local people playing.
Info about RealBridge is on our website (Online Club Bridge).
Club Members Area |
Club Members, please sign up to the MEMBER'S AREA.
To set up your MEMBER ACCESS, you need the email address that we have for you. If you can't set up your membership or have changed your email address, please let me know Steve Renold.
You can view your current NGS and Master Point Ranks, and a Personal Analysis of your performance in WB&TBC sessions.
The MEMBER'S AREA also contains Committee Minutes, Club Accounts, etc.