Please log in at least 10 minutes before the session start time.
You don't need to stay at your device, just leave it running.
UNDOES are allowed for Bids (not change of mind) and not allowed for Card Plays
Visitors, please pay your table money (£3 each) by bank transfer, before the session. See "How to Pay".
RealBridge Session Links (incorrect Date then reload webpage).
Saturday 08Mar
To take part in a RealBridge session, click on the link above. This takes you direct to the session. Input your real Name (first name & last name) (not alias) & ID (EBU no. if you know it). Then Login. Look for your partner and "sit" opposite. Or "sit" at a pair of vacant seats.
Before the first round of a session, clicking the Scores button shows the players at every table.
Please make sure your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc) is on the latest version.
If you are using an iPad or Tablet, it is a good idea to power off and restart before the session. This will stop any background apps etc and free up memory.
Please refresh your video if it freezes (see highlighted button below)

If your connection "freezes" try reloading the browser page (Windows PC/laptop - F5 (or Ctrl+R), Mac - CMD+R, Tablet & iPad - circular arrow to left of browser address bar this will take you back to the RealBridge login, then direct to your table). If this doesn't work, restart your device (PC, laptop, tablet, etc).
Having problems? RealBridge can be contacted on 07942 322 209 for technical advice & support (even during a session).
RealBridge info at RealBridge and Webcam Test.