Introduction to Bridge
Please find below the powerpoint version of the Introduction to Bridge training session, as well as a PDF version. The PDF version is suitable for printing as backgrounds have been removed to save on printer ink.
MBC Introduction to Bridge.pptx
MBC Introduction to Bridge - PDF version.pdf
Also there is a general bridge reference card which aligns with the introductory material, and includes card play suggestions as well as information on how we play the game
MBC Introduction to Bridge Reference Card.docx
These documents as well as dealable hands (PBN files) for each week can be downloaded from this google drive
Bidding Revision Workshop
Lessons - Bidding Intro Quiz.pdf
Lessons - Bidding Intro Teaching Notes.docx
Lessons - Bidding Memory Aid.pdf
Lessons - Bidding Revision Workshop Notes.pdf
Introduction to Defense Workshop
Lessons - Defense Intro Workshop.pdf
Lessons - Defense Intro Teaching Notes.pdf
Lessons - Defense Intro Opening Leads Ans.pdf