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The Club shall be called The Western Bridge Club


The club shall be a bridge club to promote the game of bridge.


The membership shall comprise Members and Honorary Members.  The Honorary Secretary shall maintain a Register of all Members.

    1. Management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee of at least seven of its members, and shall consist of a President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and at least four others, elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).  Nomination of Members for election must be lodged with the Secretary, in writing or by email, three days before the AGM.  Members so nominated must have countersigned the nomination as agreeing to stand.
    2. Members of the Committee shall hold office for three years, and if willing, shall be eligible for immediate re-election.  Any two of the offices of President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, but not all three, may be held simultaneously by the same person.
    3. The Committee shall have all powers necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the Club.  It shall have powers to fill by co-option any vacancies occurring in its number in the course of the year.   Members so co-opted shall act until the next AGM, when they shall retire, but shall be eligible for election.  Four members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
    4. Matters coming before the Committee shall be decided by vote, and the President shall have a casting vote.
    5. All by-laws made by the Committee shall be binding on every Member until rescinded, either by the Committee or by the Members at a General Meeting
    6. All cheques, bills, electronic payments and other documents drawn on the Club’s bank accounts will be authorised in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Committee from time to time for control of the Club’s bank accounts.

In addition to the by-laws enacted as in Clause 4(e) above, changes to the by-laws may be proposed by any Member, but shall be approved or rejected at a General Meeting.

    1. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held during the month of April on a date fixed by the Committee.  At this meeting a statement of the Club’s financial affairs for the previous financial year ended 31st March shall be submitted, changes in the annual subscription, and members of the Committee elected.  All other General Meetings shall be Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs).
    2. The Committee shall have the power to call an EGM  at any time, and shall be bound to call one on receiving a written requisition to do so signed by at least one quarter of the Membership, specifying the object of the Meeting, and lodged with the Honorary Secretary.
    3. All General Meetings of the Club shall be called by a circular (on the Western Bridge Club website, by email or hard copy)  to all Members giving at least six days’ notice, specifying the place, date and hour of the Meeting, and stating the general nature of the business to be considered.  Such circular may be served by the Club  through the website, upon Members personally, by email  or by letters sent to the Members at their respective addresses as recorded in the Register of Members.  Non-receipt of such circular by any Member shall not invalidate the proceedings of any meeting.
    4. At all General Meetings of the Club, at least one third of the Membership shall constitute a quorum.
    1. A simple majority of those voting shall be sufficient to carry any resolution, except in the case of a resolution to alter the terms of the Constitution, which to succeed shall require a two-thirds majority of those attending the Meeting at which this resolution is on the Agenda.
    2. Each Member shall have one vote.  Votes shall be given by a show of hands, unless otherwise moved, and approved, and the President shall have a casting vote.
    3. Proxy voting shall not be permitted.
    4. No member shall be entitled to attend or vote at any meeting so long as any subscription or other sum due by him/her to the Club remain unpaid.

Applications for membership shall be addressed to the Honorary Secretary, who, upon receiving the decision of the Committee as to whether they be accepted or rejected, shall notify the applicants accordingly.

    1. Membership subscription shall be decided at the AGM or at any EGM called for that purpose.  Honorary Members shall be exempt from the payment of any subscription.
    2. Annual subscription shall become due on the day after the AGM.  This is payable within 14 days, and shall be in respect of the year to the following 31st March.  Membership  may lapse for those who do not pay within the prescribed time period.
    3. A Member wishing to resign shall notify the Honorary Secretary to that effect in writing or by email before the AGM, failing which the Member shall be liable for the subscription for the following year.  However, if the AGM has approved a significant increase in the subscriptions, a Member may resign without any liability for the new subscription.

The Club’s funds and interest arising shall be used exclusively to defray the expenses incurred by the Club.  These include rent for premises, prize money, affiliation fees, playing cards and associated equipment, stationery and postage, and sundries.


The distinction of Honorary Membership shall be awarded by vote, by secret ballot, of two-thirds of these attending a General Meeting, to recognise an individual’s exceptional service to the Club.



    1. All disciplinary powers of the Club shall be vested in the Committee, which shall have the power to suspend for such a period as it may determine, any Member whose conduct is, in the opinion of the Committee, prejudicial to the interests of the Club, or in breach of any of the rules of the Constitution or By-laws in force at the time.
    2. Any Member who has been suspended under the terms of Clause 12 (a) above may be expelled by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those voting at a General Meeting of the Club.

On Dissolution of the Club, after clearing the Club’s debts and the sale of all material assets, any surplus funds shall be divided among the Members on the Register at the date of dissolution.  Honorary Members shall count as full Members.


14,  BY-LAWS

    1. Any suggestions or complaints which Members may wish to make shall be addressed to the Committee.  In no circumstance shall a Member approach directly the proprietor, or an employee of the proprietor, on the Club’s premises.
    2. A Member shall notify a change of address to the Honorary Secretary in writing and failing such intimation all notices sent to an old address will be held delivered.
    3. Members are expected to leave the premises by 5.30pm, except when taking part in special evening competitions.
  2. PLAY
    1. Shall commence at 1.00pm (Aggregate Tournament).  If sufficient Members so desire, Match Point Tournament may be arranged.
    2. All play will be partnership play.
    3. For Aggregate Tournaments., the two opposing partnerships shall cut for the privilege of sitting North/South.  The East/West partnership shall move.  If there be an odd partnership, it shall be designated East/West.  If as a result of the number of tables, it will be necessary for a partnership to sit out twice, the particular partnership shall be that which cuts the lowest.
    4. All disputes arising out of play shall be referred to the Tournament Director,, whose decision is final.


    1. Annual Subscriptions, Charges for each Member per session and Prize Money shall be decided by Members at the Annual General Meeting.
    2. Members admitted after 1 November in any year shall pay one-half of the annual subscription.  Where they do not have SBU membership through another Club, the SBU annual subscription shall be added to this.
    3. For Matches, each Member shall pay a sum to be decided by the Committee for either a Home or away match. 
    1. The same visitor may not be introduced more than three times in one financial year.
    2. Visitors shall be charged the same table money as a Member


               The Club will not accept responsibility for valuables or personal belongings lost on the premises.

Approved at the WBC AGM 15 May 2024