Unit 216 & Des Moines Area Bridge
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August 12,2024 Unit Minutes
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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

August 12,2024 Unit Minutes
August 12, 2024 Unit Minutes

Unit 216 Board Meeting
Monday, August 12, 2024 10:30AM

Attendance: Joyce Halvorson, Leslie Heimbach, Carolyn Miller, Carolyn Sabroske, Nancy Wilson
Minutes from Previous Meeting: Approved and posted on website prior to meeting.
Education Report: Joyce Johnson contacted Carolyn Sabroske about providing Beginner Bridge Lessons
this fall. Carolyn suggested she create a flier to advertise in the community (grocery stores, etc) to
garner attendance.
Treasurer’s Report: Carolyn Miller shared balances and cash flow compared to last year.
Old Business:
A. Stars of Tomorrow: The 8/23-24 sectional has been promoted within the club and at several
surrounding tournaments. Sign up sheets for food contributions have been posted.
B. Mentoring (9/6, 9/20, 10/4, 10/18): Fliers are posted and the sign up for Mentees currently has
about 12 people interested in receiving mentoring. As partnerships will be assigned, people to
provide mentoring are being invited to participate.
C. 2025 Regional: Carolyn S. shared a mock-up for a potential flier. Brian Weikle will be our director
in charge. He and the ACBL have approved the tournament information which is available on the
ACBL website and some copies were also at the Bridge Center. Tom will also post on our local
website soon. We will invite Ann Olsson to join Tom at our next meeting for them to provide
further updates.
New Business:
A. We discussed an email that was sent 8/10 to Unit 216 and Des Moines Area Bridge players from
John Stell. He was informing people of his teaching videos on YouTube.com. We determined it is
not a scam, but not a program that the Unit specifically endorses or will promote.
B. Cornbelt Regional: Our unit to host this tournament 9/27-28/24. Carolyn will produce a flier and
Nancy agreed to arrange partnerships. We will invite our members to contribute food.
C. We discussed generating promotional programs to invite and develop I/N (Intermediate and
New) players.

Adjournment & Next Meeting:
We will meet again Monday, September 16 at 10:30AM. This meeting was adjourned at 11:45AM.

Submitted by Leslie Heimbach