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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

September 16,2024 Unit Minutes



Unit 216 Board Meeting

Monday, September 16, 2024   10:30AM

Attendance: Joyce Halvorson, Leslie Heimbach, Carolyn Miller, Carolyn Sabroske, Nancy Wilson

Minutes from Previous Meeting: Approved and posted on website prior to meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Carolyn Miller presented the P&L from August Sectional, Stars of Tomorrow, where we showed a small profit. She also shared balances and cash flow compared to last year.

Old Business:

  1. Stars of Tomorrow: The 8/23-24 sectional had a good turnout with several attendees from Peoria Illinois and Council Bluffs/Omaha. We had 13 more tables than the last time we hosted this tournament. We were assessed a $5 non-member charge from ACBL and we need to pass this on to the players who are not members.

  1. Mentoring (9/6, 9/20, 10/4, 10/18): The first mentoring game was well-attended with 25 partnerships. This Friday we have 26 partnerships signed up.

  1. 2025 Regional: No report given.

New Business:

  1. Business Meeting and Unit Elections: Nancy Wilson and Tom Olsen are up for re-election and Nancy agreed to serve another term. Carolyn S. will check with Tom to see if he is also willing. We will host a free game with lunch Saturday 11/2. Lunch at 11:30AM and game at noon (0-500 and open). Joyce offered to provide sloppy joe sandwiches.

  1. Holiday Party: We will celebrate with a potluck lunch and free game on Saturday 12/7. 11:30AM lunch and noon game (0-500 and open). Nancy will work on a flier and post sign-ups for food contributions.

  1. Winter Fest 2025: Carolyn S will contact ACBL about changing our sectional dates to 1/24-25. Lunch will be on own and we will serve snacks all day. Nancy will work on the flier.

  1. Nancy suggested that we create and post a list of Unit 216 positions and contacts. Specifically, we need to reinstate the position of Education Liason, who coordinates programs and lessons to ensure content and methods. She will talk with Becky Joseph to check her availability/interest.

Adjournment & Next Meeting:

We will meet again Monday, October 28 at 10:30AM. This meeting was adjourned at 11:30AM.

Submitted by Leslie Heimbach