Stourbridge Bridge Club and Stourbridge Institute Bridge Section
Release 2.19p
Recent Updates
11th Jul 2024 13:34 BST
May Minutes
20th May 2024 13:56 BST
Mar Minutes
6th May 2024 14:35 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024

Following the vote at the AGM, table money will increase from 11th July 2024 as follows:-

Members £3 (£1 for Director/Scorer)

Visitors £4

May Minutes

Stourbridge Institute Bridge Association

Minutes of Committee Meeting 8th May 2024

Present: Linda Wright, Georgina Lineker, James Taylor, Gavin Tringham,

 Margaret Hanson, Fiona Hahn, Glo Jackson

The minutes of the committee meeting of 6th March 2024 were approved online.

Chairman’s Report

  • Chairman’s statement
    • Bridge Teaching

This has gone really well with 22 students some of whom are filtering into evening and afternoon bridge sessions. This tuition is due to end towards the end of June this year.

    • Monday afternoon bridge is proving to be a success, currently averaging 5 1/2 tables.
    • Our latest social bridge event went very well. We raised £120 for Mary Steven’s Hospice and enjoyed some great fish and chips!
    • Our duplimator and bridgemates have done sterling service but will eventually need to be replaced. In order to do this the committee are considering ways in which the money could be raised and will put together a proposal to be presented at our AGM.

Committee Responsibilities

  • AGM on Tuesday June 18th 2024
    • Notice of the AGM, proposals, nominations and agenda – GJ
    • Purchase of wine to be awarded as prizes rather than the current dilapidated trophies – GL
    • Honours board, printing of agenda and accounts – JT                               It seems that a gold leaf engraver, necessary for the updating of the honours board, may have been located.
    • Accounts - JT
    • Email to members re AGM – JT

Secretary’s Report

  • WCBA                                                                                          AGM online by Zoom on 13/05/24
  • EBU

Updates from Aylesbury – Bridge Festival updates

Treasurer’s Report

  • Everything is up to date.
  • Sally Johnson has audited accounts for the AGM.

Media Co-ordinator’s Report

  • The Members Only section of our website to be updated.
  • Members to be emailed re our AGM.

 Rota co-ordinator’s Report

  • Rotas are proceeding to schedule.

Competitions Secretary’s Report

  • Last year’s Evening order of Merit was won by David Philpott and Mike Heard

Resources co-ordinator’s Report

  • No shortages to report

Dates of next meetings

  • AGM Tuesday June 18th  
  • Committee Meeting Wednesday July 10th