Stourbridge Bridge Club and Stourbridge Institute Bridge Section
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May Minutes
20th May 2024 13:56 BST
Mar Minutes
6th May 2024 14:35 BST
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Following the vote at the AGM, table money will increase from 11th July 2024 as follows:-

Members £3 (£1 for Director/Scorer)

Visitors £4

Mar Minutes

Stourbridge Institute Bridge Association

Minutes of Committee Meeting 6th March 2024

Present: Linda Wright, Georgina Lineker, James Taylor, Margaret Hanson, Gavin Tringham, Glo Jackson, Fiona Hahn.

Minutes of Committee Meeting of 10th January 2024 were approved online.      

Chairman’s Report

  • When bridge is held in the dining room, bar staff should be able to turn on the air con. This makes such a big difference to the air quality.
  • Bridge Teaching -This will run for 20 weeks from February 1st to mid-June with the aim of preparing current students for evening and afternoon bridge sessions.
  • Monday afternoon bridge sessions continue to go well.   It would be helpful if more experienced players could attend.
  • Social Bridge on March 16th beginning at 1:30. There will be a break at 3:30 for tea and cake. A raffle will be held from 6:00–6:30, proceeds to Mary Stevens Hospice. After that, fish & chips prepared by our new chef.

Secretary’s Report

  • EBU
    • EBU Club Membership is due for renewal.  Direct debit to be taken on April 10th.
  • WCBA
    • Newsletter printed and on our noticeboard.
    • County Championship Pairs on March 17th at Ombersley.

Media Co-ordinator’s Report

  • Our website is up to date.
  • Linda reported that photos of the bridge room are to go on the SISC website.  Linda will update our section of the page.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Accounts are up to date.
  • 2023 accounts are currently with Sally Johnson for auditing.

Rota Co-Ordinator’s Report

  • Rotas are up to date to the end of March.

Competitions Secretary’s Report

  • Honours board update - Winners of last year’s Evening Order of Merit to be announced and prizes awarded at this year’s AGM.
  • At next year’s AGM, winners of this year’s Afternoon Order of Merit and this year’s Evening Order of Merit will be announced and prizes awarded.
  • Our trophies are in a bad state and it was felt by the committee that prizes of wine would be more suitable than the trophies.

Dates of next Meetings

  • Committee Meeting - Wednesday 8th May 2024
  • AGM - Tuesday 18th June 2024 (7pm)