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This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".


Hi All,

Summer has finally arrived and I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine. I have a few things to let you know about.


We have decided to raise some money for the Wendover Dementia Support by donating our table money and I am hoping you will be kind enough to donate some extra on the evening. You have always made us proud in the past at your generosity. I am sure you all have experienced someone with Dementia and they help the carers as well as those with the illness.


This will be the first week of our earlier start time. As mentioned before, we will need you to arrive by 7.05. This will then give us time to set up the computer etc to enable us to start at 7.15. As long as one of the pair is there by 7.05 then it will not matter if their partner arrives a bit later. (No later than 7.14 please!)


As you all know, our rent has gone up from the 1st June, so unfortunately we can’t discount the quarterly amount as we had hoped. We did discuss whether we needed to increase the amount this time but we have decided that it can remain at £25 for this next quarter, July, August and September. The amount for those that pay when they play will also remain at £3. We will obviously monitor this every quarter. Here are the bank details.

NatWest Sort Code            60-01-31

Account Number              59862181

Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club

As you all know, Steve Marshall is our Treasurer, and he has stated that, as long as you have put your name as reference on the payment, he DOES NOT need an email when you pay. He will be happy to accept cash. Please bring this along on a Monday evening.


David wants to remind you all about the On-line BBO Wednesday teams that we organise. There are all the details on our website. If you want to know more about it, then please contact David. It is just a friendly match, playing 24 boards and it usually takes between 2 and 2 ½ hours. It’s free! No table money to pay so long as you have paid your annual sub or are a guest of a member.


As there was sufficient interest for our club to attempt to organise a bridge weekend, Lesley, our new secretary has spent a lot of time and effort in trying to find a suitable venue. Lesley contacted a lot of different hotels and some never responded, some were too expensive and there is only one that actually gave us a reasonable price and informed us about their availability. As we were thinking Autumn/Winter as a possible time of the year, we felt that we would aim on not going too far. Staverton Park, near Daventry, is the venue that we are considering. They could not offer us any dates this Autumn that were suitable but they could offer us weekends in January. We are looking at Friday 17th January for two nights, 4 or 5 sessions of bridge, breakfast, lunch and dinner plus teas and coffees for around £200 - £250 each. We would like to know if you will still be interested in supporting this event as we will need to let the hotel know by 15th July. Please email Lesley to indicate your interest.


I think that is all for now.

Best Wishes, Mary.

Last updated : 22nd Jun 2024 15:40 BST