This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Hi All,
Another three months have flown by since I last sent out a newsletter. Spring is here and hopefully the sun will keep shining. I have a few things to mention, the first is the quarterly payment.
The amount for the next quarter, April, May and June, will be £25. The amount for those that pay when they play will be £3. Here are the bank details.
NatWest Sort Code 60-01-31
Account Number 59862181
Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club
Please reference your full name on the payment. NO email is required. Steve will be happy to accept cash on a Monday evening.
We will be having our AGM on 28th April. If anyone would like something to be added to the AOB, please let me know by 14th April. We will send out an Agenda and a copy of the accounts during the week commencing 21st April.
Some of you will know that the Parish Council are looking into charging to park in the car parks at Aston Clinton Park. Some of the committee went along to the consultation to see if this would affect us. We were told that as we are hiring the hall then we will be exempt. IF this goes ahead, then nearer the time we will have to register our number plates. Visitors to our club will be able to register on a tablet within the building.
It was a shock to hear that Brian had passed away on Sunday 9th February. I got to know Brian when I joined SMBC about 15 years ago. He was Chairman at that time and he persuaded me to become captain of a team in the Berks and Bucks league, join the committee and to go on a directors course. He then persuaded me to take over as Chairman from 2013. He was always there to help and advise me, especially with any computer problems. For many years he stayed on the committee and prepared the boards every week. It was sad when his wife Diane became ill and passed away in September 2023. Brian returned to our club and played regularly on a Monday.
The matches are nearly all over. Final results should be known by our AGM. Thank you to all those that have played in the three teams. David, Carol and I could not do this without your support.
Thank you to all those that attended our first bridge weekend. It all went very well. Lesley and I were very pleased with the feedback from all those that went and because of that, we are looking into running another one next year. We will send out more details a.s.a.p.
APRIL 21st , MAY 5th, MAY 26th. We have three bank holidays during April and May. There will be bridge as normal.
MONDAY 28th APRIL. AGM starting at 6.45.
SATURDAY 28TH JUNE. Two members, Indrajit and Rob, who also play at Aylesbury Aces, are organising a bridge tournament. It will start at 11.00am and finish around 5.30pm. 36 boards will be played over two sessions. It is a Swiss Pairs event. Complementary lunch, wine, tea and coffee will be provided and there will be prizes and master points. An EBU director will be running the event. The cost is £35 pp. There is an early bird discount of £5 if you register and pay by 10th June. It will be held at Mandeville School, Ellen Road, Aylesbury. More details to follow.
I think that covers it all.
Best Wishes, Mary.
Last updated : 17th Mar 2025 11:42 GMT |