A slamless week again, which always gives me a quandary choosing HotW. After much head-scratching I have chosen Board 5, partly because it gives me the chance to completely contradict what I wrote last week! All but one pair here played in Hearts which, given the nice 4-4 fit is perhaps not surprising. Sadly, the 4-1 split makes 10 tricks (in theory!) impossible although one pair did in fact bid and make 4H. The top spot was taken by one pair who bid and made 3NT, taking an “impossible” overtrick to beat 4H. Last week, I castigated a pair who eschewed a 4-4 major fit to bid a successful 6NT that should not have made. This week it seems NT in the face of the major fit is the way to go. It’s a funny old game! This was exemplified at my own table, where Richard opened 1H and, over, my 2H response, bid 2NT to show his balanced strength and offer me a choice of game. With my two doubletons, the heart game seemed the obvious choice and, a few minutes later, I was kicking myself. The pair this week, who rather than kicking themselves, can slap themselves on the back are Alan and Chrissy. Well done!