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Please contact us or email Chris Kaye or David Barker

In either case please contact Mary Baker

Welcome to Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club
Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club (At Aston Clinton Park, near Aylesbury) prides itself on providing a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

We play duplicate pairs every Monday.

Pre-dealt hands are used with hand records available

Bridgemates at the table for scoring.

Play starts at 7:15, so please arrive by 7:05

Free tea and coffee are provided.

We enter three teams in the Berks and Bucks County League of 8.


GUESTS: Guests, Visitors and New Members are most welcome. If you need a partner please contact Mary Baker. As we do not operate a Host System, a few days notice is appreciated.

EBU: We are affiliated to the EBU and issue master points.


CAR PARKING: There is ample car parking at Aston Clinton Park.

Weekend Away
Weekend Away
Hand of the Week 24th March

A slamless week again, which always gives me a quandary choosing HotW. After much head-scratching I have chosen Board 5, partly because it gives me the chance to completely contradict what I wrote last week! All but one pair here played in Hearts which, given the nice 4-4 fit is perhaps not surprising. Sadly, the 4-1 split makes 10 tricks (in theory!) impossible although one pair did in fact bid and make 4H. The top spot was taken by one pair who bid and made 3NT, taking an “impossible” overtrick to beat 4H. Last week, I castigated a pair who eschewed a 4-4 major fit to bid a successful 6NT that should not have made. This week it seems NT in the face of the major fit is the way to go. It’s a funny old game! This was exemplified at my own table, where Richard opened 1H and, over, my 2H response, bid 2NT to show his balanced strength and offer me a choice of game. With my two doubletons, the heart game seemed the obvious choice and, a few minutes later, I was kicking myself. The pair this week, who rather than kicking themselves, can slap themselves on the back are Alan and Chrissy. Well done!


Wednesday 26th March. Pete Weisner will be organising again this week. Please click his name to send an email.

Log in to BBO by 7:10pm and wait in the Lobby

Please do not wander off into other areas as you may become invisible to the organiser.

Please check and accept the invitation to play as soon as possible. Multiple invitations may be issued if someone does not accept in time.

Play will usually start around 7:15pm, but may be earlier if everyone is ready.

Explaining bids

If you do not understand an opponent's bid, or want further explanation, simply click on the bid. They will receive a pop-up box, where they can explain what their bid means. This is not visible to their partner, only to you and your partner (so no additional information is passed between them).

If you are asked to explain your bid, please do so promptly using the pop-up box, not in the table chat (as the chat can be seen by all players).

Online play with BBO uses Self-alerting

Before you bid, if your bid is not a natural bid, enter the meaning of your bid in the message box, and click the alert button.

This is not visible to your partner (who should already know what your bid means), only the opponents.

Using Undos

During bidding, if you genuinely mis-click a bid, you can immediately request an undo, which should normally be granted by your opponents.

Undos are not normally allowed during card play, so be careful when playing.

Chris has started an automated email notification service for updates to this section - the service runs from 7am to 10:55pm - if you would like to subscribe, please email Chris

(If you want to notify members of your own similar event here, please email David Barker)

Latest Newsletter

The latest newsletter is available of the News Page here

Director: David Barker
Scorer: Bridgemate
Director: William Astles
Scorer: Bridgemate
Director: Stephen Marshall
Scorer: Bridgemate
31st Mar 2025
Director: Richard Plummer
7th Apr 2025
Director: Fiona Scriven
14th Apr 2025
Director: Steve Marshall
21st Apr 2025
Pairs BH
Director: Mary Baker
28th Apr 2025
Pairs AGM 6.45
Director: Bill Astles
EBU promotions for December 2024

Congratulations to the following who were promoted during December:

Liz Perrottet
District Master
Steve Elms
District Master

Current EBU Rankings for club members (who have opted in) are available here

On Line League
Berks and Bucks Contract Bridge Association 
On Line League for 24/25.
We have three teams again and it is on Realbridge.
A team - Mary Baker (captain)
B team - David Barker (captain)
C team - Carol Harris (captain)

Matches have now started.

Thank you to all three captains for their hard work in organising the matches.

Thank you to all those that are playing in the teams.

To see the On Line League results tables click here