RITE Activities
RITE Activities: visits to Rwanda
Fund Raising
Trustees Visit
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The trustees of RITE visited Rwanda for the first time in February 2011, taking with them various school materials, including pens, pencils, etc, all of which had been donated by people, businesses and banks, local to the trustees. The headmaster at the school in Nyarubaka was delighted with these gifts, as were the children. The trustees discussed, with the headmaster, the future needs of the school. It was useful to meet some of the teachers at the school and to understand the structure of the school.

The trustees then visited Rwanda for a second time in November 2011, again taking with them supplies for the school and the children, including many backpacks for the children to use as satchels.

It was helpful and interesting to meet one of the school inspectors, and many of the children in their home environment, with their families.

Generally, observations indicated that these families were struggling to keep their children at school; however, with their minimal means, it was impressive to see just what they managed to achieve, not only for their own children, but also for others who, without this help, could not travel each day to school

Efforts to understand the needs of the children at the school in Nyarubaka are met by our visits to the school, and in speaking to the children and their families. Fund raising activities attempt to meet some of the needs of these children, where ALL funds donated go to the children, and to nowhere else.

RITE Activities: Fund raising
RITE Activities: Fund raising

Our first major fund raising event was held at St John's Church, Hook in Hampshire, where one of the services was dedicated to a Rwanda Day. This consisted of a service focused on Rwanda, including a presentation on the country and the work RITE is doing, followed by a Rwandan lunch. A similar event was held a year later and it is hoped that this will now be a regularannual event. Partly as a result of the Rwanda Days, RITE has been fortunate to receive regular donations from people interested in the project, and its future. Our next significant fund raising event was a Quiz Night, held at the Scout Hut in Hook. There was a raffle, with prizes donated by several people, including some local businesses, which allowed us to raise additional funds.

Future Plans
We are currently considering various fund raising events for 2013, including a sponsored walk and open house.

A further visit to Rwanda is planned for late 2013.

One of the main challenges that the school is facing today is the lack of electricity. During our last visit, this issue was discussed with representatives of the school and the Secteur. Currently, the school is trying to collect quotations for work to allow the provision of electricity to the neighbourhood. RITE will contribute to this work. This is now its major fund raising focus.