Peterborough Bridge Club Inc
Release 2.19r
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20th Mar 2025 13:39 EDT
Birthdays 2022-2025
9th Mar 2025 14:24 EDT
President’s Message
8th Dec 2024 12:31 EST
BBO On Line Bridge
10th Nov 2024 16:05 EST
Executive Members

President Darrell Rowe

Vice President Lyn Stevens 

Treasurer Cynthia Lord

Secretary Sandy Campbell

House   Darrell Rowe

Bridge Development  Maureen Nichols

Social  Jocelyne Roy

Membership  Birte Ayer

Member at Large  Marlene Steele

Club Manager  Anne Martens

Web Site Administrator   Donna Wales

Past President      Bill Fox

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Pages viewed in 2025
President’s Message
Year End - President's update

As we approach year end I would like to take the opportunity to provide a brief update on the activities of the club.

This has been an extremely busy year for the club.  We have experienced some significant changes with the Board of Directors with the departure of our President, Bill Fox, Treasurer, Marvyn Hall and Website Administrator, Anne Heffernan.  We thank them for the years of service provided.

For the first time since the COVID interruption, we held a very successful sectional tournament.  A big thank you to all who contributed food, their time, and skills. I wish to extend a very special thank you to Phil Smith and Birte Ayer for their roles in organizing the tournament and hospitality. The event was held in September because our traditional May date was not available.  The Board of Directors decided to proceed with holding a sectional tournament again in 2025.  The event will be held at the same venue on the weekend of June 21 – 22nd.   Phil Smith has kindly offered to serve as the tournament lead in 2025.  I sincerely thank Phil for his continued support and commitment to the club and this event.   

The Christmas luncheon and game was held outside of the club for the first time since COVID.  The event was well attended, and we will return to the Peterborough GCC next year for the Christmas luncheon.  The generosity of our members was displayed at the luncheon when we traditionally receive charitable donations in support of the YMCA Crossroads Women’s Shelter and the Brock Mission.  Those in attendance provided donations totaling nine hundred and ten dollars.

Thank you to our members and everyone who contributes to the operation of the Peterborough Bridge Club.  On behalf of the Board of Directors we wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season. 

Darrell Rowe


President's Message June 1, 2024

As your incoming President, I am honored to lead our club over the next few years. As many of you know I have been an active member of the club for the past 7 years and have served as a Board Member for the past year as House Director.I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to our previous President, Bill Fox. My job is to ensure that the Bridge Club thrives, and Bill has certainly set the stage for success. Thank you, Bill, for your work and leadership over the past 2 years.

I also want to thank Marvyn Hall for serving as Treasurer for the past 9 years. His meticulous accounting skills have served the club well. Cynthia Lord has offered to serve as our new Treasurer. Cynthia has over 30 years of experience as a bookkeeper, and we welcome her to the Board Executive Team. I am also sad to announce that after 11 years of serving as the Bridge Club’s Website Manager Anne Heffernan has decided it is time to retire. Anne was instrumental in the creation of the website and has worked hard to ensure that the information on the site was accurate and up to date. The Nominating Committee is looking for a replacement and if you are interested, please contact Lyn Stevens.

I am pleased to announce that the club will be hosting a volunteer appreciation luncheon and bridge game on June 15th. The event will serve to thank and celebrate our members who have taken the time to teach and assist with lessons and help with the maintenance and operation of our club. About 40 of our members have volunteered over the past year, and this serves as a testament of our member’s commitment to ensure that the club thrives. If you have volunteered in any capacity over the past year, please let us know if you wish to attend this event, by including your name to the sign-up sheet posted at the club. A light luncheon will be served followed by a fun afternoon of Bridge. This event is open and free to all volunteers.

Darrell Rowe,  PBC President