Support our Bridge Club by playing On Line with SE Carolina Bridge Club |
If you do play online, we ask that you consider playing online through the South East Carolina Bridge Club. For each member of our club that plays online in one of SE Carolina's Bridge games, our club receives about $2.00 (US) per game per player. South Carolina offers 4 games per day, with games stratified based on Master Points/ Skill Level. (Only players with less than or equal to the number of masterpoints stated in the game title will be eligible to enter the game.) A few of our members have been playing with SE Carolina over the past year. Our Bridge Club Executive has determined that this is a lucrative fundraiser with a great return on investment. Over the past 6 months our club has received about $700.00 from SE Carolina Bridge Club. We expect revenue to increase over the winter months as more of our players switch to online games.
In order to participate you must provide your ACBL number and email address to Birte. (she will then provide this information to the SE Carolina Club.) SE Carolina Bridge Club keeps track of each of our members that plays online and sends us a cheque at the end of each month. If you are interested please check out their website SE Carolina Bridge Club and if you have any questions please give Birte a call (705-313-9742) or drop her a line at
ACBL Tutorials - How to play bridge on BBO |
Click this link for ACBL tutorials which explain everything about how to play bridge on Bridge Base Online (BBO).
Download New BBO App |
To download the new version of BBO, visit, then click Play Bridge Now.
Login with your existing BBO name and password as usual.
Useful BBO Bridge Information |
 Lyn and Jo-Ann have collated some useful information and tips regarding rules and manners for playing in online games. All members, new and experienced can benefit by reading this article. Check the schedule below, call your partner and arrange a game.