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This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
News from the Committee - July 2024

Hi Knox Bridge Club members

We have a full complement of players for our next Interclub Red Point Event at 1.00 on Sunday 14 July. Knox is hosting the event at Arrabri Community House and the visiting club is Berwick Bridge Club. Please arrive by 12.30 to help set up the ten tables. Thanks to those who have offered to bring afternoon tea.

Our team is:

Ian Addison and Bei Tang

Brenton Coombs and Stella Hammond

Carl Davids and Ethel Davids

Margaret Delaney and Heather Francis

Dot Emery-Smith and Barbara Strachan

Greta Gill and Margaret Ryan

Susan Lang and Theo Pereira

Karim Langer and Coral Harrison

Christine Parkin and Ian Wright

Clare Stratton and (to be advised)

After our Interclub with Berwick Bridge Club, our next big event is our Knox Bridge Club Annual Congress on Saturday 3 August at Waverley Bridge Club. Entry is via the Waverley Bridge Club portal or please contact Clare Stratton Congress Convenor 0438 547 647. Donations of morning and afternoon tea will be appreciated. We encourage members to enter for the event.

On Tuesday 23 July we will  be having a Charity Event. This means that the table fees for the session will be donated to a charity. The committee has chosen the charity, Look Good Feel Better, Facing Cancer with Confidence, which provides wigs for cancer patients. At the session, Moira Baughan will tell us all about the charity. Additional donations can be given to Moira on the day. We are planning to have a Charity Event every year, and so if you are involved in any particular charity, please pass on the information to a committee member.

Barbara Strachan is now Acting President as Jenni Turner President is standing down for personal reasons until further notice. Jenni is continuing in her role as Partner Contact. Their phone numbers are Barbara 0413 408 239 and Jenni 0491 003 639.

We have recently had our Dealing Machine serviced. Thanks to Les Churcher Masterpoint Secretary and John Phyland for organising that.

Twelve members are attending the Mid-week bridge holiday break in August at Marysville. We look forward to having an enjoyable time of social bridge, sight-seeing and socialising.

I hope by now that all members are regularly checking out our Knox Bridgewebs website for the results, hand-records and news items. If you haven’t found the website yet, just Google ‘Knox’ and ‘Bridgewebs’. If you are having difficulty navigating the site, please ask a committee member to help you. If you want to know who is on the committee, go to Information, then to Committee.

Best wishes


Stella Hammond

Secretary/Public Officer

ABF-Accredited Bridge Teacher

Knox Bridge Club Inc

PO Box 242

Bayswater Business Centre

Bayswater VIC 3153

Arrabri Community House

42 Allambanan Drive

Bayswater North VIC 3153

Last updated : 8th Jul 2024 03:20 GMT
News from the Committee - June 2024

Hi Knox Bridge Club members

A reminder that as 10 June is a Public Holiday, we won’t be holding a bridge session on Monday afternoon 10 June.

Our next club Red Point Event is on Monday 24 June, Winter Solstice. Please don your beanies and scarves. If anyone has a snowman or winter-themed item, please bring along for display, thanks.

We are hosting an Interclub Red Point Event at 1.00 on Sunday 14 July in the Colchester Room at Arrabri. We have invited Berwick Bridge Club members. This is an augural event. I will bring a list on Tuesday otherwise please email me to let me know that you and your partner would like to be included, thanks. It will be another opportunity for members to gain red Masterpoints. Our limit will be 10 pairs. Knox will be providing afternoon tea for the mid-session break. If you would like to offer to bring a plate, please let Jenni know.

Please note our Annual Congress is only a couple of months away on Saturday 3 August at Waverley Bridge Club.

We would like to aim at having more computer scorers. Please let Les know if you are interested in training on Compscore3.

Please be sure to check event dates in your calendar booklets and on our website: Click on link and open hyperlink or just google Knox Bridge Club. The hand record and results information is very user-friendly.

Best wishes



Stella Hammond

Secretary/Public Officer


Last updated : 8th Jul 2024 03:22 GMT
News from the Committee - May 2024

Hi Knox Bridge Club members

We had a relatively short committee meeting, and so just a few reminders of upcoming events:

Our next club Red Point Event is on Tuesday 21 May, Cultural Diversity Day. We will be having a culturally diverse supper. If you would like to contribute, please see Jenni Turner, President. We’ll take a mid-session supper break.

Our Annual Congress is on Saturday 3 August. We have maintained the cost of table fees as the same as the last few years, $40. If you would like to help in any way, please see Clare Stratton, our Congress Convenor.

Dealing of our cards is done once a month on a Monday morning as we have enough sets of boards for one month. If you are interested in learning how the dealing machine works and would like to help, please see Jenni Turner, President.

We have been invited to attend the Yarra Valley Bridge Club Mini-Congress, Sunday 16 June. If you’re interested in playing at this event, please see Clare Stratton. The cost is $40 and you need to BYO lunch.

Best wishes


Secretary/Public Officer


Last updated : 8th Jul 2024 03:23 GMT
News from the Committee - April 2024

Hi Knox Bridge Club members

A reminder that our Annual General Meeting is at 6.45pm on Tuesday 23 April. Those who can, please arrive early to help set up. The bridge session will start at 7.00pm as usual.

The Interclub Red Point Event to be hosted by Upwey Bridge Club at the Upwey Football Club, Chosen Avenue, is this Sunday, 21 April, starting at 1.00pm. The table fees are $5 per player. The event is now fully subscribed and the list of Knox players is attached.

Our next club Red Point Event is on Monday 22 April. The theme is Earth Day. We ask players to please wear brown and/or green to support the aims of Earth Day for the conservation of our planet. We’ll take an afternoon tea break and provide an Earth-themed afternoon tea.

I have given most members their 2024 Calendar. Please check your phone number and let me know if you have changed your phone, thanks.

A reminder that our Annual Congress is on Saturday 3 August at Waverley Bridge Club. The Director is Laurie Kelso. Please plan to attend and note this date in your diary.

Welcome to new members, Ross Lang,  and returning member, Christine Parkin. We are looking for a partner for Ross on Monday afternoons. Please talk to Jenni, thanks.

It’s great to see a new addition to our Dealing Team, thanks to John Phyland. If anyone else is interested in learning and helping with the Dealing, please talk to Jenni.

Thanks to Barbara Strachan for sending get well, birthday et al cards as usual. Please remember to let Barbara know if you know of a member who is sick or is having a special birthday.

Best wishes

Stella Hammond

Secretary/Pubic Officer


Last updated : 8th Jul 2024 03:24 GMT
News from the Committee - March 2024

Hi Knox Bridge Club members                                                                

2024 Membership Fees

Thanks to members for paying their membership fees so promptly.

Members Annual Function – Monday 25 March

Our committee is finalising plans for our 2024 Annual Function at Foothills Conference Centre on Monday 25 March. We have 34 players and we’re hoping for two more players to make up the numbers to 9 full tables. If you aren’t on the Foothills list, but would like to play, please contact me or Jenni. The ‘day’ starts at 10.00am with morning tea of Portuguese Tarts, and as in previous years, I’ve made up a game, so bring along your little grey cells! The ‘day’ should finish about 3.30pm. There is no bridge at Arrabri on Monday 25 March.

Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 23 April

Our 2024 AGM is on Tuesday 23 April. I’ll be emailing your ‘Notice of AGM’ email by 9 April. Please note this date in your diary.

Interclub Red Point Event – Sunday 21 April

This event with Upwey Bridge Club will be hosted by Upwey Bridge Club at their club in Chosen Avenue, Upwey. Please note this date in your diary.

Interclub Red Point Event – Sunday 14 July

We invited Berwick Bridge Club members to an Interclub Red Point Event at Arrabri Community House. We are looking forward to this new venture with Berwick Bridge Club. Please note this date in your diary.

Interclub Red Point Event – Sunday 29 September

This event with Upwey Bridge Club will be hosted by Knox Bridge Club at Arrabri Community House. Please note this date in your diary.

2024 Annual Congress – Saturday 3 August

Our Congress is on Saturday 3 August, the first Saturday in August as in previous years. As per last year our Congress will be held at Waverley Bridge Club. The committee decided to maintain congress table fees at last year’s level, $40 per player. Please note this date in your diary.

Marysville mid-week bridge – Wednesday to Friday 14-16 August

Plans are well under for our Marysville bridge break in mid-August, another new venture.

Knox Bridgewebs website

If you are having difficulties finding your way around the website, please ask me, Doug or one of our tech-savvy members to help you. The website has a host of information, including results, hand-records, calendar including all Red Point and other Events for the year, etc etc.


Knox Bridge Club runs on the enthusiasm of its members. If you would like to volunteer to help, please see me or Jenni. We appreciate and thank all those members who help.

Best wishes

Stella Hammond

Secretary/Public Officer


Last updated : 8th Jul 2024 03:24 GMT
News from the Committee - February 2024

Hi Knox Bridge Club members

Our committee met for our first meeting on Monday. We had a full agenda to review progress and organise events for the new year.

Our Members Annual Function, a Red Point Event, at Foothills Conference Centre, Mooroolbark, is on Monday 25 March. To keep the cost at a reasonable level for members, we decided to forego the afternoon tea, but to have morning tea on arrival, the tasty Portuguese tarts, and the lunch as per last year, Asian Fusion, which proved very popular. The cost of meals is $50, but the subsidised price for members is $30. The club will also cover the cost of the room hire for bridge. Please see flyer attached. An attendance list will be on the front table from Monday. Payment of $30 by electronic funds transfer is preferred otherwise please pay cash to Peter Barter, Treasurer, or Stella Hammond, Secretary. There will be not be bridge at Arrabri on this Monday.

Compscore3 and Bridgewebs

We are pleased with our new scoring system, Compscore3, and the supporting Bridgewebs website. We encourage members to look up the results on Bridgewebs and also to check out the various other categories in the Menu.

Thanks to our current scorers, Doug, Les and Karim. Your support in this important role is very much appreciated.

We would like to know if any other members are interested in learning to score on Compscore3. We put a lot of effort into training scorers and Doug has completed a step-by-step training manual, thanks Doug, and thanks Les for your support. We would like to have a pool of 5-6 trained scorers. If you are interested, please talk to Doug Davies, Masterpoint Secretary 0432 848 193, or Stella Hammond, Secretary.

Reminder - Membership Fees are due by 1 March

Home Club members $40 and Alternate/Associate members $20. Payment by electronic funds transfer is preferred to

NAB BSB        083 125

Account          037384394

or cash to Peter Barter, Treasurer, or Stella Hammond, Secretary.

Mid-week Bridge at El Kanah, Marysville, Wednesday to Friday, 14-16 August

Please talk to Barbara Strachan 0413 408 239 or Jenni Turner, President, 0419 003 639.

Full list of Red Point Events for this year:

Tuesday 13 February - Shrove Tuesday with Pancake Supper (thanks to Doug and Gail, and Annie and Graham for the pancake supper)

Monday 25 March - Members Annual Function (see above)

Monday 22 April - Earth Day

Tuesday 21 May - Cultural Diversity Day (an opportunity to taste a variety of foods for supper and wear cultural gear)

Monday 24 June - Winter Solstice

Tuesday 24 September - Footy Grand Final                         

Monday 14 October - Christopher Columbus Day

Tuesday 5 November - Melbourne Cup Day

Other dates to note:

Tuesday 23 April - Annual General Meeting             

Saturday 3 August - Annual Congress   

Tuesday 10 December - Members Christmas Party

Interclub Red Point Events       

Planning is underway for Interclub Red Point Events during the year. 

2024 Calendar Booklets

The 2024 calendar booklets will be printed after we have finalised our 2024 membership. Please let me know if you have a change of telephone number, thanks.

We are looking forward to another successful year at Knox Bridge Club.

Best wishes

Stella Hammond

Secretary/Public Officer



Last updated : 8th Jul 2024 03:24 GMT