Knox Bridge Club Incorporated |
 Knox Bridge Club Inc is affiliated with the Australian Bridge Federation. We hold two sessions of duplicate bridge on Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening at Arrabri Community House, Bayswater North. We use Compscore3 for scoring and have our own dealing machine so hand-record information is available on this website. Table fees are $7 for members and $8 for non-members. Membership fees are due on 1 March, $45 for Home club members and $20 for Alternate members. New members and visitors are welcome.
Members Annual Function |
 Members Annual Function, a Red Point Event, is at 10.00am on Monday 24 March, at Eastwood Golf Club, 332 Liverpool Road, Kilsyth South. Morning tea will be served on arrival. The bar will be open for drinks at your own expense.
Red Point Event - Shrove Tuesday 4 March |
Thanks to those members who made pikelets and provided supper.
Bridge on Monday Public Holidays |
 Several members last year asked why we don't play bridge on Monday Public Holidays. The committee discussed this last year and it was decided that we would take a 'Show of Hands' the week before as to whether we play bridge on Monday 27 January (Australia Day), Monday 10 March (Labour Day) and Monday 9 June (King's Birthday). Please note that as well as needing sufficient players to make a session worthwhile, we also need a Director and a Scorer.
ABF Alerting Regulations |
Members and Visitors, please be aware that there are ABF Alerting Regulations. All bridge players should be aware of the requirements of these regulations. To read these regulations, please go to the link on this website under 'Useful Links'.
ABF Regulations for Written Bidding and Bidding Boxes |
Members and Visitors, please be aware that there are ABF Regulations for Written Bidding and Bidding Boxes. All bridge players should be aware of the requirements of these regulations. To read these regulations, please go to the link on this website under 'Useful Links'.