Gosforth Bridge Club
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In order to facilitate the appropriate table movement, it is important that players are seated by 6.55pm so that bridge can start at 7pm.  

News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Autumn Event

The Autumn event was held on Sunday 20 October. The winning team were Greg & Mike and Edwina & Julian. Congratulations to them all. 

Autumn Event
Last updated : 10th Dec 2024 22:28 GMT
David Brook Cup
David Brook Cup

The competition for the David Brook Cup was held on Sunday 14 April in Stannington Village Hall. Congratulations to the winners Monica, Rosemary, Greg & Mike.

Last updated : 21st Oct 2024 12:22 BST
Blackburn Open Hand Cup

Blackburn Open Hand Cup Results 2023-24


In order to be eligible pairs must have played at least 50% of the club nights




No. Nights played



Greg Grant & Mike Smith  




Brian Algar & Harris Clarke           




Audrey Barlow & Estelle Fox           




Suzie Record & Lesley Hills           




Hilary Mason & Barbara Sewell          




Mary Trainor & Dorothy Purvis         




Ann Downey & Elspeth Pyman            




William Lothian & Keith Reed          




Tony Evans & Vicky Maier              




Jen Roberts & Linda Scott              




Last updated : 18th Jul 2024 10:37 BST
Warren Rose Trophy
Warren Rose Trophy

The competition for the Warren Rose Trophy was held at the club night on 14 November. 

Congratulations to the winners Hilary & Barbara

Last updated : 12th Mar 2024 22:28 GMT
Bridge Etiquette

Gosforth Bridge Club: Guide to Bridge Etiquette




The ethos of Gosforth Bridge Club is to play bridge in a relaxed and friendly manner. This does not preclude also playing competitively. Although we are not affiliated to the EBU, we do follow the principles of the EBU's "Best Behaviour at Bridge" which include the following:


*Greet others in a friendly manner prior to start of play on each round.

*Be a good "host" or "guest" at the table.

*Make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents.

*Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.

*Ensure that your mobile phone is turned off.

*Enjoy the company as well as the game.


To these we can add:


*Please help by trying to keep noise to a minimum at the end of each round and try to avoid discussing hands in a way that can be overheard at nearby tables. Players sitting out at a half-table should be particularly careful about this.


Bridge Etiquette:


We try to play our bridge in an informal way, but there are important rules of bridge etiquette which we should all adhere to:


Unauthorised information: The only legal means of communicating information about your hand to your partner is via your bidding system. Players should avoid gestures of pleasure or dismay (or astonishment!) at partner's bid and should only reach for the bidding box when they have firmly decided what to bid. You should not volunteer an explanation of one of partner's bids (apart from the case of prescribed announcements) unless asked by an opponent, or at the end of the auction. If you are the recipient of unauthorised information from partner, you must do your best to ignore it and must avoid taking advantage of it.


Review of bidding: It is good practice to leave the bidding cards on the table until the opening lead has been made. The opening lead should be made face down initially to allow partner to ask questions before it is faced (or to correct a lead from the wrong hand).


Role of Dummy: Dummy should follow the instructions of Declarer and should not offer guidance or play cards unasked. Dummy may point out incorrect recording of a quitted trick by any player or try to prevent a possible revoke by Declarer. Dummy should not look at Declarer's hand (or curtain card) during play.


Scoring a hand: Both sides should agree the number of tricks made before the hands are collapsed. North should then enter the score on the traveller and has a duty to show the scoresheet to E/W for confirmation. If this is not done, East or West should ask to see the scoresheet.


Finally, whilst we do have a Tournament Director, who can be called upon to sort out difficulties which arise, we prefer, whenever possible, for issues to be settled amicably at the table. The TD likes to enjoy his or her bridge too!

Last updated : 29th Nov 2015 18:37 GMT