Gosforth Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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In order to facilitate the appropriate table movement, it is important that players are seated by 6.55pm so that bridge can start at 7pm.  

Welcome to Gosforth Bridge Club

♠   Welcome to Gosforth Bridge Club's Web Site  ♣ 

We meet every Tuesday at Northern Rugby Club starting at 7.00 pm (all players to be seated by 6.55 pm)

We are a small, friendly non-EBU club with a current membership of over 30 

David Brook Cup
David Brook Cup

The competition for the David Brook Cup was held on Sunday 14 April in Stannington Village Hall. Congratulations to the winners Monica, Rosemary, Greg & Mike.

20th October 2024
Autumn Event
Stannington Village Hall
9.30 am - 4.30 pm
12th November 2024
Warren Rose Trophy
Northern FC 7 pm
17th December 2024
Christmas Party Night
Northern FC 7 pm
7th January 2025
Club reopens
Northern FC 7 pm
Scorer: Keith Reed
Scorer: Keith Reed
Scorer: Jen Roberts
Scorer: Keith Reed