Bewdley Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Tues Wed (Teams) Fri (Pairs) 9.15am
27th Jul 2024 10:59 BST
Tuition (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)
27th Jul 2024 10:58 BST
Thursday Pairs 7pm
25th Jul 2024 23:05 BST
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25th Jul 2024 21:52 BST
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Thursday Pairs 7pm


Thursday Pairs on the RealBridge platform at 7pm.

Simply CLICK HERE  and enter your full name and EBU number in the ID box.

Then sit at any table opposite your partner.




Any problems 

email Eileen or ring her on 07974 743575  

email David or ring him on 07939 520068

email RealBridge Support or ring them on 07942 322209