Bagworth Whistlestop Bridge Group
Release 2.19q
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14th Jul 2024 10:30 BST
70% Roll of Honour
11th Jun 2024 20:38 BST
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8th Jun 2024 17:24 BST
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70% Roll of Honour
        Well it's two 70%s in a month! Betty and Barbara did brilliantly on Thursday March 5th gaining just short of 72%. A win with clear blue water between them and the next pair. It's pretty good at 89!! Congratulations to Margaret and Steve who became the first members of the 70% club. They were both walking on water on Thursday 13th February and came away with more than 15% above the rest of the field and a free week’s table money as well!

Well done Nigel and Simon new members of the 70% club gaining 71.43% on 11.11.21 which was nearly 10% higher than their nearest rival!

Well done John and Josie for their 70% on the last session of 2021.

Well done Andy and George who saw June out in style with a 70% plus on June 30th 2022

Well done Belinda and Betty for their 70+% on November 17th 2022

Well done Simon and Nigel again for another 70%+on February 23rd 2023, the first in 2023

Well done Belinda and Marilyn for their 70%+ on March 23rd 2023! While the cat's away and all that!

Well done Simon and Graham for 70%  on March 30th and Graham winning the raffle

Well done and welcome to the 70%+ Robert and Phillip squeaking into the 70% on March 14th 2024 and with clear blue water 10% between 1st and 2nd players!

There was the sound of gentle snoring in the room when George and Andy got their 2nd 70% plus of the year and crept away with a wonderful score of 82% on August 17th. Well done.

First entry to the 70% club for 23/24 is Ann Brooks and Phil Callaway with a great score of 72.5% on 10th August, well done both!

Marilyn and John set a cracking pace throughout the session on June 22nd  to get nearly 72%. Well done both

Well done Andy and George - a 72% July 20th, your first in 23/24, a great score.

It was icing on Shelagh's birthday cake when she came top with partners - Averil and Carol on 25th January and entered the 70% elite for the first time. Terrific!

Welcome Pat and Terry to the 70% club. A cracking score on April 18th 2024!

Well not only did Mary and Neil get 70%+ they won the May scratch pairs. Welcome to the 70% club!!
