New Bridge Opportunity |
Our supervised play is morphing into a super relaxed duplicate session 1.00-3.30 starting Tuesday 21st January. This is aimed at beginners and improvers especially as a transition to the Thursday duplicate
Welcome to 2024 Bridge in Bagworth |
Players of all abilities are welcome to join our regular bridge sessions and guests too are always welcome so bring your friends along.
We offer two sessions a week : Monday evening 7.00pm - ONLINE BRIDGE using the RealBridge Platform; Face to Face bridge Thursday afternoon at 1.00pm at the Bagworth Community Centre. Please attend by 12.45 and if you are running late let us know by ringing 07530364339
Our table money is 1.50 for RealBridge sessions and £2.00 for Face to Face bridge. Our preference is for this to be paid online following an invoice but we are happy to accommodate other payment methods if you prefer.
Competitions 2024 /5 |
Bagworth Whistlestop KO competition 2024 -2025
Please see the competitions option in the menu for the latest on this competition. Thanks! Please note that round 1 should be complete by Christmas 2024, round 2 by 20th Feb, the semi finals by April 3rd and the final by 22nd May
SIMS Pairs
The simultaneous Pairs took place on Thursday January 30th. Congratulations to Graham Alford and Anthony Calverly who so far are at 2nd place nationally. Please see the results page link below and view the hand commentary
RealBridge at Bagworth |
We are pleased to announce that RealBridge is now available via BBVA and your Bagworth Bridge Club on a Monday evening. This is an exciting extension to your bridge playing experience and will be used in addition to your current games on BBO. For those who are not aware of RealBridge it is more akin to playing face to face and is a great substitute for meeting at the club. If you wish to participate click on the link below and we will know of your interest.
Our Real Bridge is on Monday evening 7.00-9.15. Please note that there will be NO RealBridge Session on Monday March 10
70% Club |
Congratulations go to the following players who scored over 70% 2024.
Date |
Name |
Score % |
17/10/24 |
Graham Alford & Ian Grudgings
Graham Alford & Ian Grudgings |
71.11 |
19/09/24 |
Robert Missenden & Philip Price |
76.56 |
05/09/24 |
Averil Bemment & Nigel Brewster |
70.83 |
22/08/24 |
Robert Missenden & Philip Price |
74.31 |
25/07/24 |
George Strang & Andy Brown |
70.31 |
16/05/24 |
Mary & Neil |
70.31 |
18/04/24 |
Pat & Terry |
73.33 |
14/03/24 |
Philip & Robert |
70.27 |
29/02/24 |
Janet & Mary |
70.97 |
25/01/24 |
Averil & Shelagh |
71.05 |
Bagworth Community Centre |
We are a small and recently formed bridge group, now 5 years old, playing relaxed duplicate every Thursday afternoon and regularly have 7 tables. Our sessions are at Bagworth Community Centre for Face to Face Bridge on Thursdays and online bridge using RealBridge on a Monday evenings where the links are always on the website below. We use scoring tablets and pre-dealt boards for our face to face sessions but we are not affiliated to the English Bridge Union at present and so no master points are awarded.
Our Mission is to share and spread the game of bridge to local people for their enjoyment, health and well being in a safe and comfortable environment.
We aim to create friendly and informal bridge play and whilst currently not affiliated to the English Bridge Union, we arrange matters and expect play to conform to their standards and procedures.
Swiss Teams Charity Event |
The Swiss Teams event hosted by Bagworth Bridge Group on Saturday June 1st 2024 was a fantastic sucess!

Certificate from Cancer Research UK celebrating our achievement!
Well done All,we managed to hit the EBU blog headlines with our Swiss Teams event whereby we raised £300.00 for cancer research as part of the Festival of Bridge. Sam, from the EBU staff wrote an article (click here to see it) and did us proud. Thank you all! We have a place on the bridge map!!
Supervised Play |
Regular supervised play started at the Bagworth Community Centre on Monday May 13th. This is an informal weekly session covering bidding and card play especially suitable for Beginners and Imrpovers. Here you can discuss and play hands in an informal setting, practise scoring and build partnerships in a warm and friendly environment. The cost is your usual table money of £2.00.The session is supported by Carol, Shelagh and Neil. Join us when you can and learn new things or straighten out your bidding and card play techniques.