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Membership Forms

BOTE membership application:
Membership Application.pdf

Waiver of Liability:
Waiver of Liability.pdf

BOTE Reopening Waiver
Reopening Waiver.pdf

2025 BOTE Membership Renewal

The 2025 membership renewal is ongoing. Cost of renewal is $25 and this can be brought to any game and given to the Director or forwarded electronically to using the password Swilers.
New members should complete the application form. The link is above in membership forms.

Contact Board Members

A link has been established that will allow
members to send ONE (1) email message
that will be viewed by ALL Board Members:

Books for Loan

Library:The "Information" tab
above provides a list of bridge books.

Our Bridge Library has been updated
Our Bridge Library has been updated

Thanks to our generous donors, the Club, over the years, has been able to build a comprehensive collection of over a hundred bridge books on a variety of topics, past and present. The reorganization of the Library is complete and it  is now located on the Book Cart in the back room. Please remember to sign out any book you're taking.

Waiver of Liability
During the Covid crisis, our Club, like many, had a serious revenue shortage that threatened its very existence. We were able to withstand those extensive losses due to two main factors, first, previous Boards had wisely reserved a ‘rainy day’ contingency fund that allowed us to continue to pay our bills and second, we made serious financial cuts to our operating budget, including Director fees and the Manager’s salary, in order to survive the lean months.

Previously, when we had a strong, steady revenue stream, the Club carried extensive insurance to protect all its volunteers, Directors, teachers and the Club Manager from any personal liability, that might arise in the course of carrying out their duties. The insurance cost over $2,000 a year, significant for a small club. At the fall ‘22 AGM it was proposed and accepted by the Membership that this insurance be cancelled as a financial saving. It was agreed that the actual risks of sustaining personal injury from playing bridge were minimal and that we all could, as responsible adults, accept those risks collectively and individually.It was also decided to include a waiver of responsibility, to protect our staff and volunteers, in the conditions of Membership to reflect the lack of insurance coverage.All present members will be asked to sign the waiver and any new members will be asked to sign on joining. Should any member be unwilling to agree to such a waiver and wish to rescind their membership please notify us of this choice and we will refund their membership fees. 

Our new Waiver of Liability form is attached. Please take the time  to read it carefully.

Your 2022-23 Board of Directors

Please remember that Bridge on the Edge is a scent-free bridge club. We have several members who are severely allergic to scent.

Welcome to Bridge On The Edge

Web Site

Welcome to the website of Bridge on the Edge, based in St. John's, NL, Canada.  In 2016 we became a player owned bridge club.  We support a respectful culture, both at the bridge table and in all BOTE communications, for the enjoyment and growth of all members.  

Please check with any Board member if you need additional information.

Members who want to use the member's functions (ie bookings etc), please ensure you've accessed the site using the bridgeweb link



Monday, December 16, was a very busy day for Bridge on The Edge. In the morning, at the Legion on Blackmarsh Rd., we held our AGM which had a record turnout of Club members in attendance, this is very gratifying to see. To begin the proceedings all of the Board Executives spoke in turn, reviewing the main issues that were topical during the past year. The news was the most positive we have had in recent years in terms of membership growth, financial stability, and educational opportunities. After the short informative talks, the Nomination Committee took the floor in order to fill three vacant positions left by retiring members who had served their two year term. Pramila Paddock was elected Vice-President, while Nina Power and Kevin Hogan were elected as members at large. We welcome the addition of new knowledge and experience these Board Members will bring. The meeting then moved into Open Forum and a very lively discussion ensued with a number of innovative ideas from the floor put forth for the new Board to consider. (For those unable to attend that day, we will post a summary of the AGM Minutes on our website.)

At noon, the attendees moved next door to enjoy a delicious Christmas Turkey Dinner, professionally prepared and served piping hot by the Royal Canadian Legion staff . It was a wonderful meal indeed.

We then hitched up our sleighs and sped over to the Club to Ho Ho Ho our way into the Santa Shuffle Pairs and enjoyed some additional afternoon socialization and holiday treats.

At the North Pole, when the naughty & nice list was posted, Festive Fran & Gringerbread Greely won both A & B sections while Kris Kringle Kook & Prancer Pat tied for first with Santa Sharon & Elizabeth the Elf for the C strata.

In the far East, Rudolph Roydeer & Blitzen Bink came in first in A, while Jolly Jim & Feast of Stephen won in B. In C, Mistletoe Michelle & Merry Mary, took first place.

A great time was certainly had by all.


In addition to the continued success of the Club, looking back on 2024, it was a very good year for individual accomplishments. We celebrated some top performances from 2023 in a Milestones ceremony held in late May. Seventeen players were honoured, as several of them enjoyed significant quantum leaps in their bridge careers. Throughout the entire year numerous players also gained valuable tournament travel experience and more players attained  advances in their Life Master standings. We are proud to honour them in the upcoming 2025 Milestones Ceremony.

We look forward to 2025, with an eye to new achievements, accomplishments and good times at the bridge table. 

Supervised Play Resumes
Bridge on the Edge is pleased to announce that Supervised Play will resume on Monday January 13th in the same format as last year.  The sessions will start at 9:30am with a short lesson, followed by 2 hours of play with expert help available on bidding, play of the hand, defence or any other bridge related issue.  Cost will be $10 for members and $15 for non-members.  
Very importantly, we ask that you PLEASE pre-register for these sessions on our website at the latest on the Sunday evening prior to the session.     Our instructors try very hard to ensure that there are four players at each table and cannot guarantee you will be able to play without pre-registration.  If you cannot register on our website  please email to let us know you plan to attend. Also we would like to emphasize that this is not beginner lessons, all participants should have an understanding of basic bridge principles.

For members interested in improving their game through a mentoring program please contact Wanda Lundrigan at for details and assignment of a mentor

What's Happening in January
What's Happening in January

Open Pairs 1:00pm

Open Pairs 1:00pm
0-99 Pairs 1:00pm

Supervised Play resumes January 13th



Fall is falling and we’re offering lots of Education opportunities.  Beginners, Supervised Play and Bridge Essentials. Let us know if there is anything you would like to see taught or that you’d like to teach.  Please contact your Education Committee at

2nd January 2025
Thur Afternoon- Open pairs
1:00 PM
Dealer: Shakti Chandra
Table Set Up: Marguerite Noonan
2nd January 2025
Thur Afternoon- 0-99 Pairs
1:00 PM
6th January 2025
Mon Afternoon- Open Pairs
1:00 PM
Dealer: Nellie Burke
Table Set Up: Margaret Comerford