Christmas 2024 |
Wishing all Well Bridge Club members and friends a very happy Christmas and a peaceful and healthy 2025
Massey Bros League |
The Massey Bros. League is a CBAI - Eastern Region inter-club teams' league sponsored by Massey Bros., Funeral Directors. Massey Bros. are located across the road from us here in the Wishing Well.
The objects of the league are to promote the playing of team bridge and to encourage inter-club competition. This year we have three teams in the Intermediate section of the league and the first session will take place next Sunday 3rd November in the Mount Merrion Community Centre. Currently Mick Stuart's team of Mick, Yvonne Corrigan, Bairbre Ennis and Marie Fitzgerald hold the Intermediate B winners title. They are pictured here receiving their trophy from Eastern Region President Maura Kavanagh. Marie is now an A grade player so Rita O'Sullivan has joined the team and they will be competing to retain their title. They'll be facing stiff opposition from the six other teams in their section. Eileen Brazil and Eilis Drum are the two captains of our other teams. They will be playing in an 8 team section so will have to meet each other at some stage!
We wish the very best of luck to all our teams in the competition and hope they enjoy the events.
Winners of CBAI Simultaneous Pairs 2024 |
Mick Stuart receiving his prize for achieving 1st place in Ireland in the CBAI Simultaneous Pairs this year. Congratulations to Mick and his partner Jeannette Gribben. They played in our Friday session and were first in the club and also first overall in the country. A marvellous achievement for them both.
Winners of Eileen O'Doherty Trophy |
Congratulations to Mary McDaid and Clodagh Sweeney, winners of the Eastern Region Eileen O'Doherty trophy. Mary and Clodagh triumphed over twenty four other pairs in the competition which was hosted by St. Brigid's Bridge Club, Cabinteely on 16th November. Well done also to Well BC members Mick Stuart and Yvonne Corrigan who finished in third place.
J.J. Murphy Novice Trophy winners |
Mick Stuart and Yvonne Corrigan receiving the J.J.Murphy trophy from CBAI Chief Executive Dermot O'Brien. Mick and Yvonne won the National Novice Pairs championship in Templeogue at the weekend. Congratulations!
Fantastic result for Mick Stuart and Yvonne Corrigan who won the CBAI National Novice finals competition yesterday in Templogue. They faced strong opposition from all over the country and came out in pole position with over 67%. Congratulations to you both from all of us in the Well Bridge Club. Well done.
Congratulations! |
Congratulations to Mick Stuart and Yvonne Corrigan who BID and MADE a Grand Slam on Friday, 3rd March. The 7♥ contract was on Board 13 and they were the only pair who bid it. Well done!
Carol McKenna RIP |
Regrettably, Carol McKenna passed away last Monday 23rd December. Carol became a member of the club this season and previously played with her husband Joe who sadly died earlier in the year. Unfortunately Carol became ill soon after joining us and has been unable to play in recent months. Condolences from all of us go to her family. Funeral details are on