Garden Cities Regional Finals |
Congratulations to the Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Club team of:
George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
Roger Bryant & Gareth Roberts
Nick Stevens & Colin Dean
Giles Ip & Andy Cope
on winning the Midlands Regional Final and qualifying for the National Final of the Garden Cities Trophy.
Championship Pairs 2024 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Denis Gough & Melanie Boynton
who, along with:
2nd: Adrian Knight & Peter Abbott
3rd: Sharon Smitten & Penny Dawson
4th: Val Cooper & Bob Foster
are invited to represent Warwickshire CBA in the EBU Corwen Trophy (entry paid by WCBA)
Midlands No Fear 9-High Swiss Teams |
Children in Need 2023 |
♣ ♦ ♥ ♠ We are supporting ♣ ♦ ♥ ♠
Warwickshire CBA is teaming up with the Bridge Circle
to support Children in Need, and we need your help!
So far this year we have raised £1308
In 2020 we raised £1650
in 2021 we raised £1000
in 2022 it was £1155
a total of £3805 for Children in Need - Thank you!
Evening Sessions @ 7.15pm (on BBO):
Monday 6 November 2023
Tuesday 7 November 2023
(Andrew Robson will be hosting a FREE Zoom session (Wed 8th @ 10:30am) to review the boards from Tuesday's session click here)
Wednesday 8 November 2023
Thursday 9 November 2023
Friday 10 November 2023
Sessions will be free of charge*, but donations (please mark as Bridge Circle/WarksCBA) are welcome, PLEASE, to eCatsBridge CiN
On the evening, search for the event WMBCircle - CiN
*Players will need to be a member of the Bridge Circle to play.
For the above period, membership is free of charge - please visit the Circle website to register.
♥ The Circle will make a donation of £2 per player that plays in all its sessions during the period 6 - 10 November 2023 ♥
Executive Committee/Competitions Committee Update |
It is with sadness and gratitude that we report that Elayne and Mike Meakin have stood-down from the Warwickshire Executive Committee with immediate effect.
We would like to thank Elayne & Mike Meakin so very much for their years of loyal service and commitment to Warwickshire CBA, particularly Elayne with her leadership of the Competitions Committee, and we wish them all the very best for the future.
We also report that Lin Birch has stood-down from the Competitions Committee, and we too thank Lin for her support and dedication and wish her well for the future.
2023 National Inter-County League Finals |
Congratulations to Winners:
Division A - Kent
Division B - Warwickshire
Division C - Northamptonshire
Click the Division for full results
and particular congratulations to the Warwickshire team of:
Leslie Reece & Chris Lewis
Peter Abbott & Tony Poole
Alan Patel & Roger Harris
Jon Downing & Mike Meakin
Championship Pairs Final 2022/23 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Val Cooper & Bob Foster
Warwickshire qualifies for the Tollemache Final |
Congratulations to the Warwickshire Team of:
Ian Handley & George Cuthbertson
Mike Leese & Malcolm Oliver
Peter Heatherington & Dominic Connolly
Gareth Roberts & Paul Fearnhead
Giles Ip & Andy Cope
on winning their section of 15 teams for the first time in many years and qualifying for the Tollemache Final in February
Mentored Novice Pivot Teams 2022/23 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Judith Arnold, Lynne Ballinger, Graham Pemberton,
and mentor, David Jones
Name Change |
Warwickshire CBA's (WCBA) full title is now:
Warwickshire County Bridge Association
If you spot anything on our website that still shows "Contract", please let us know here. Thank you!
WPL Online - 2021/22 Series 2 Winners |
The winners of the 2021/22 Series 2 are ...
Division A : Roger Bryant & Gareth Roberts
Division B : Mike Meakin & Andy Baruch
Division C : Peter Nicholds & David Hulston
Congratulations to them all!
Details of this competition can be found below under Warwickshire Online Club (WOC).
If you would like to play, the next session will be on Tuesday 20 September.
Entries are required by end August. Please email here with your entry.
If you have already taken part, you will hear from us. Thank you.
Warwickshire Teams League 2021-2022 |
Congratulations to:
Division 1 Winners:
West Midlands (Hackett):
Jason Hackett, Paul Hackett, Adrian Kenworthy, John Sansom
Division 2 Winners:
Moseley (Goldman):
Sue Goldman, Jon Downing, Chris Potter, Julian Wernick
Division 3 Winners:
Kevin New, Brian Osmond, Val Cooper, Bob Foster
Goodman Cup 2021-22 |
Congratulations to Winners:
George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
Darren Evetts & Simon Creasey
Teams of 8 Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier |
Congratulations to Winners:
Arden Bridge Club
John Illingworth & Jane Follett, Mary Andrew & Margaret Crangle
Dave Rutter & Dave Pratt, Mike Thorley & Andy Clifford
Arden will now represent Warwickshire in the Garden Cities Regional Final on Sunday 8 May.
Gentle Pairs Winners - 2021/22 - Series 1 |
Congratulations to the Series 1 Winners
of the 2021/22 Gentle Pairs:
Ann Chapman & Graham Pemberton
Click for full results
Cock O' the County 2021 |
Congratulations to
Clive Owen
(with 22248 masterpoints)
2021 Cock O' the County
Runner Up:
Philip Colman (20523 MPs)
The Cock O' The County trophy is awarded to the Warwickshire player
who has won the most masterpoints in the previous calendar year
Midlands No Fear 9-High Swiss Teams |
Saturday 29 January 2022
Congratulations to Winners (Warwickshire):
Sarah Rehmany, Sally Hodgetts, Kate Routledge and Jerry Staffurth
Click here for full results
72nd Midland Counties Congress |
2021 Annual General Meeting |
The 2021 Annual General Meeting of
Warwickshire Contract Bridge Association will take place
@ 6pm
Thursday 24 June
via ZOOM
A copy of the Constitution is available here
Agenda - Click Here
Chairman's Remarks - Click Here
Other Documents (login required):
Nominations for Officers, Committee & Shareholders - Click Here
Treasurer's Report - Click Here
Accounts 2019-2020 - Click Here
Warwickshire Qualifies for Tollemache Final 2022 |
Congratulations to the team of:
Roger Bryant, Dominic Connolly, John Collin, George Cuthbertson, Ian Handley, Peter Heatherington,
Adrian Knight (Captain), Mike Leese, Malcolm Oliver, Clive Owen, Gareth Roberts and Steve Wood
In qualifying for the Tollemache (EBU Teams of 8 County Championship) Finals to be held 19 & 20 February 2022.
Well done!
Midlands (formerly Warwickshire) Air Ambulance Donation 2021 |
Warwickshire CBA donates £1708 on behalf of its Members and Clubs
As you may already know, Warwickshire Air Ambulance is now the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity and, unfortunately, we were unable to run our usual annual Charity Simultaneous Pairs event in 2020.
Having considered how we might approach the event this year, we were unable to come up with a format that would generate the interest and financial yield for the charity that we, as a County, have supported in previous years without placing a great onus on our Clubs during a time when they have other huge challenges to deal with. However, a number of Warwickshire officials asked that their Honoraria and TD fees be donated to the Charity, as did a number of players owed refunds from the abandoned 2019/2020 WPL.
On behalf of the Members and Clubs of Warwickshire CBA we say a big THANK YOU! to each of them.
Children in Need 2021 |
♣ ♦ ♥ ♠ We supported - THANK YOU! ♣ ♦ ♥ ♠
Warwickshire CBA teamed up with the Bridge Circle to support Children in Need with we have this year raised:
£1000 - Thank you!
(These totals include the Circle per table donation and any donations that could be attributed to the Circle/Warwickshire CBA made directly to eCats)
Anna & Mark @ eCats have said, "That’s just magnificent and I can’t thank you enough. You will make sure that everyone knows that we are overwhelmed and so so grateful for their support won’t you".
Last year we raised £1031.50 for Children in Need - Thank you!
Results & Commentary
Friday 5 November 2021 - Results & Commentary
Monday 8 November 2021 - Results & Commentary
Tuesday 9 November 2021 - Results & Commentary
Wednesday 10 November 2021 - Results & Commentary
Thursday 11 November 2021 - Results & Commentary
Gentle Pairs Winners - 2021/22 - Series 1 |
Congratulations to the Series 1 Winners
of the 2021/22 Gentle Pairs:
Ann Chapman & Graham Pemberton
Click for full results
National Inter-County League Finals |
Warwickshire competed in the 2nd (Porter) and 3rd (Markham) divisions of the National Finals.
Both finished a creditable second. Well done to all who helped get them there and to those who played in the finals.
2021 National Inter-County League Finals |
Congratulations to Winners:
Division A - Gloucestershire
Division B - Hertfordshire
Division C - Gloucestershire
Click the Division for full results
A message from Ian regarding the results:
Although I am fairly confident that the software has scored the event using Cross-IMPs (though it isn't transparent on Bridgewebs), it has not merged the two halves of each 10-board match. So in fact the VPs are as if you have played 8 or 10 5-board matches.
We are to some extent at the mercy of the scoring facilities available to us, and I don't believe that I can produce results as originally intended without (as one player suggested, jokingly I hope!) resorting to pencil and paper. I am fairly confident that the ranking order - in particular when it comes to the overall winners in each division - is unlikely to be affected by the method of scoring used.
Warwickshire hosts of the National Inter-County League Finals |
The National Inter-County League Finals (NICLF) was the brainchild of Graham Jepson. Recognised and sanctioned as a National Final by the English Bridge Union, Graham ran the event personally for the first five years of its existence whereupon he passed the baton to Ian Mitchell. In early 2020, Warwickshire CBA agreed to adopt the event and become its official Sponsoring Authority. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the 2020 event was cancelled, and the 2021 event is the first under Warwickshire’s stewardship. We are delighted that Ian Mitchell has agreed to continue as the event organiser.
The event is a one-day teams-of-eight open to the champion counties of each division of the five Regional Inter-County League Teams-of-Eight events (ie the County League Champions) of:
- The Eastern Counties League
- The Metropolitan Cup (South Eastern Counties)
- The Midland Counties League
- The Northern Bridge League
- The Western League (South West)
Each of the regional events has a slightly different format, but the common feature is that they all consist of three divisions. There is no promotion/relegation, but every county ‘A’ team competes in Division 1, etc.
The National Final consists of three sections (divisions). Division 1 (or 'A' Division) is contested by the five champion teams of the respective 1st divisions of the Regional Leagues. Similarly, the five Division 2 champions (county ‘B’ teams) and the Division 3 champions (county ‘C’ teams) compete within their own categories.
Midlands No Fear 6-High Swiss Teams |
Saturday 19th June 2021
Congratulations to Winners
Ailsa Betts, Vicki Hudson, Lynne Ballinger, Judith Arnold
Full results here
WPL Online - 2020/21 Series 2 Winners |
The winners of the 2020/21 Series 2 are ...
Division A : Tony Poole & Peter Abbott
Division B : Alan Patel & Roger Harris
Division C : Sarah Jones & John Baxter
Congratulations to them all!
Details of this competition can be found below under Warwickshire Online Club (WOC).
If you would like to play, the next session will be on Tuesday 21st September starting at 7.15pm.
Entries are required by end August. Please email here with your entry.
If you have already taken part, you will hear from us. Thank you.
WPL Online - 2020/21 Series 1 Winners |
The winners of the first series of the new WPL Online are ...
Division A : Darren Evetts & Simon Creasey
Division B : Diana Thorne & Peter Randall
Congratulations to them!
Details of this competition can be found below under Warwickshire Online Club (WOC).
If you would like to play, the next session will be on Tuesday 16th February starting at 7.15pm. Entries are required by end January.
County Pairs - 2020-21 Series 2 Winners |
Goodman Cup 2020-21 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Susan Norton Darren Evetts
Ian Handley George Cuthbertson
Elizabeth Gahan Andy Cope
2021 National Swiss Teams |

15 & 16 May 2021
Congratulations to
Sternol Charity Cup (A Final) Winners:
Neil Rosen, Anne Rosen, John Atthey
Kay Preddy, Norman Selway
Consolation (B Final Winners):
Nick Stevens, Clive Owen, Frank Dixon, Paul Brereton
Click for, results, etc
National Swiss Teams 2019 |
2019 Roll of Honour & Prize Winners
Winners (pictured):
Ben Norton, Kieran Dyke, Michael Byrne, Toby Nonnenmacher
2nd: Paul Hackett, Croz Croswell, David Debbage, John Sansom
3rd: Qian Li, Claire Robinson, John Atthey, Richard Bowdery
4th: Robert Miller, Ufuk Cotuk, India Leeming, Ian Robson
5th: Steve Root, Jonathan Harris, Shahzaad Natt, Niall Igoe
Stratification B Winners: Rob Turner, Mary Whyms, Ann Wall, Toby Wall
2nd: Myra Twyman, Roger Twyman, Bob Galvin, Stephanie Galvin
Championship Pairs Finals 2020/2021 |
WOC League 2020-2021 |
Congratulations to:
Division 1 Winners:
Clive Owen, Malcolm Oliver, Andy Cope, Giles Ip, Nick Stevens
Division 2 Winners:
Jon Garrett, Sarah Mcnutt, Sharon Smitten, Gillian Butterworth
Division 3 Winners:
Sue Stone, Sue Froggatt, Annabel Hampson, Marijke Rodrigo
Gentle Pairs Winners - 2020/21 |
Congratulations to the First Ever Winners of the Gentle Pairs:
Geoff Walters & Ashley Gray
Cock O' the County 2020 |
Congratulations to
Philip Colman
(with 18142 masterpoints)
2020 Cock O the County
Runner Up:
Andy Baruch (17550 MPs)
The Cock O' The County trophy is awarded to the Warwickshire player
who has won the most masterpoints in the previous calendar year
Children in Need 2020 |
♣ ♦ ♥ ♠ Thank you! ♣ ♦ ♥ ♠
We, Warwickshire CBA, West Midlands Bridge Club and the Bridge Circle
have raised c£1650 in support or Children in Need 2020.
Well done!
2020 Annual General Meeting |
David Jones Retires |
After 12 years serving as Chairman of Coventry Bridge Club, now Coventry and North Warwickshire Bridge Club, David hangs up his administrative hat. David also recently retired from the County Executive Committee, and from his role as an EBU National Tournament Director, running many national events and oversees congresses.
One role David cannot retire from, however, is as head of the three-generation Jones bridge clan, which he can now spend more time with, along with pursuing his passion for golf and, of course, politics free bridge!
We thank you, David, for your many years of dedicated and loyal service, not only to Coventry Bridge Club, but to the County and Country you have served so wonderfully well, with true passion and good humour, for many years.
We wish you a long and happy retirement with many hours of great golf and bridge.
2019/2020 League & Handicap Winners |
Congratulations to Winners:
WMBC (Hackett)
Jason Hackett, Paul Hackett, Adrian Kenworthy and John Sansom
Northfield (Nicholds)
Peter Nicholds, Philip Colman, Chris Curtis, Raul Sutton and Greg Varnom
WMBC (King)
Pam King, Tony King, Mary Andrew and Margaret Crangle
Sutton (Blythe)
Max Blythe, Tony Hynes, Clive Kent, Ed Laughton, Brian Parker, Roy Smith and Linda Stocks.
EBU Young Player of the Year 2020 |
Intermediate Pairs 2020 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Vicky Milne & Val Evans
Championship Pairs Finals 2019/2020 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Lin & Ron Birch
Consolation Winners:
Tony Cundy & Terry Edge
2019 MasterPoint Leaderboard - County Champions - Cock O the County |
Congratulations to County Leaders:
1st : Dominic Connolly - 15373 Total Points & 2019 Cock O County Winner
2nd - Carolyn Fisher : 9453 Total Points
3rd - Melanie Boynton : 9190 Total Points
Click here for full lists
Entry Fees 2019/20 |
It has been 15 years since Warwickshire last increased its standard table money, but now the time has come.
With effect from 1 September 2019 the standard per session table money will increase from £4 to £5.
2020 Inter-University Bridge Festival |
Warwickshire CBA, Coventry & North Warwickshire and West Midlands Bridge Clubs continue to support the Inter-University Bridge Festival (organised by Warwick University Bridge Society, and hosted by Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Club), which, this year, took place on
Saturday 22 February 2020
Teams from: Imperial College London, London School of Economics, University College London, and Warwick Universities along with a Warwickshire guest team, competed for the title.
Congratulations to Winners:
Warwick University A: Jack Ronayne, Gideon Harvey, Jason Ly, Stanislav Cholakov
Results here.
Pairs Leagues 2019/20 - Series 2 Winners |
Congratulations to:
Warwickshire Pairs League
Division A: George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
Division B: Glyn Preece & Chris Potter
Division C: Jack Ronayne & Gideon Harvey
Coventry Pairs League
Division 1: Steve Green & Martin Jones
Division 2: Malcolm Oliver & Adrian Knight
Division 3: Carolyn Fisher & Pat Watson
Division 4: Alan Patel & Roger Harris
Division 5: Chris Malthouse & Peter Baines
Division 6: Philip Harrison & Bruno Speed
Birmingham Pairs League
Division 1: Peter Heatherington & Dominic Connolly
Division 2: Linda Stocks & Alan Sant
Division 3: Matthew & Helen Brigham
Division 4: Juliana Berck & Evelyn Whiteford
Division 5: Kim Singh & Douglas Brown
Seniors' Pairs |
Congratulations to Winners
Valerie & David Ivens
Teams of 8 Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier 2020 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Coventry 'A'
Susan Norton & Darren Evetts
Martin Jones & Stephen Green
David Kenward & Gareth Roberts
Colin Dean & Nick Stevens
2019 Channel Trophy |
Congratulations to Warwickshire's
Andy Cope & Liz Gahan
and partners/teammates
On winning the Under 21 Channel Trophy
Meg Jones & Imogen La Chapelle
and partners/teammates
Runners Up in the Under 26 Women
(The event involves England, France,
Belgium and The Netherlands)
Full Results Click Here
Mentored Novice Pivot Teams 2019-20 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Sue & Derek Anderson, Waldemar Wolinski,
and mentor, Enid Thorley
Seniors' Pairs 1 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Peter Oldbury & Gordon Clark
Edgar Foster Cups |
Congratulations to Winners:
Denis Gough & Dennis Heighway
and Team Winners:
Midland Counties Bowl 2019 |
Congratulations to Warwickshire Winners:
Gordon Clark, Peter Randall, Dominic Connolly, Peter Heatherington
Warwickshire retaining their 2018 title, with Gordon Clark being in both winning teams.
Click here for full results
2019 European Youth Team Championships - BRONZE! |
Congratulations to Liz Gahan and her team-mates on winning the Bronze Medal in the
under 21 teams at the 2019 European Youth Team Championships.
The Under 16s team also won Bronze.
Ben Norton (Leicestershire) and his team-mates finished 8th in the under 26s.
Well done to them all!
Further details click here
Seniors' Pairs 2019 (2) |
Congratulations to Winners:
Clive Owen & Malcolm Oliver
Charity Simultaneous Pairs 2019 |
2019 Goodman Plate |
Congratulations to Winners
Ken Crane, Joanne King, Audrey McBride,
Henry McBride, David Werry
Mixed Pairs Grand Final 2019 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Jane Rowley & Alan Patel
2019 Annual General Meeting |
Notice is hereby given
The 2019 Annual General Meeting of Warwickshire CBA
will take place @ 7pm
Wednesday 19 June @ West Midlands Bridge Club
Constitution click here
Agenda click here
Nominations for Officers and Executive Committee click here
Treasurer's Report - click here (Login required)
(If you cannot log in, please email the webmaster, with your name & EBU number)
2019 League & Handicap KO |
Congratulations to League Winners:
Division I - West Midlands (Hackett)
Justin Hackett, Dan Crofts, Jason Hackett, Paul Hackett, Adrian Kenworthy, Brian Senior
Division II - West Midlands (Fisher)
Carolyn Fisher, Wynne Lewis, Pat Watson, John Cooper, Tony Cundy, Jane Hall, David Hulston
Division III - West Midlands (Seifas)
Nigel Seifas, Neil Ford, Sue Ford Jon Garrett, Paul Owen
Division IV - Sutton (Crane)
Ken Crane, Joanne King, Audrey McBride, Henry McBride
Congratulations to Handicap KO Winners:
West Midlands (Hackett)
Justin Hackett, Dan Crofts, Jason Hackett, Paul Hackett, Adrian Kenworthy
Beginners' Pairs 2019 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Maggie Kay & Janet Hogg
Goodman Cup 2018-19 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Adrian Knight, David Kenward, Peter Heatherington, Dominic Connolly
National Swiss Teams 2019 |
2019 Roll of Honour & Prize Winners
Winners (pictured):
Ben Norton, Kieran Dyke, Michael Byrne, Toby Nonnenmacher
2nd: Paul Hackett, Croz Croswell, David Debbage, John Sansom
3rd: Qian Li, Claire Robinson, John Atthey, Richard Bowdery
4th: Robert Miller, Ufuk Cotuk, India Leeming, Ian Robson
5th: Steve Root, Jonathan Harris, Shahzaad Natt, Niall Igoe
Stratification B Winners: Rob Turner, Mary Whyms, Ann Wall, Toby Wall
2nd: Myra Twyman, Roger Twyman, Bob Galvin, Stephanie Galvin
Championship Pairs Finals 2018/19 |
Congratulations to Championship Pairs Winners:
Peter Heatherington & Domonic Connolly
Consolation Winners:
Mike Meakin & Jon Downing
Intermediate Pairs 2019 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Ash Patini & Michael Smith
2019 Inter-University Bridge Festival |
Warwickshire CBA, Coventry & North Warwickshire and West Midlands Bridge Clubs continue to support the Inter-University Bridge Festival (organised by Warwick University Bridge Society, and hosted by Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Club), which will, this year, take place on Saturday 23 February.
Teams from: Imperial College London, London School of Economics, University College London, Nottingham, Durham, & Warwick Universities along with Warwickshire Juniors(!), will compete for the title.
(Although Warwickshire juniors cannot win the University Bridge Festival title, they have topped the leader board for a number of years now...).
Congratulations to Winners:
Event Winners: Warwickshire 'Juniors' : Megan Jones, Andy Cope, Imogen La Chapelle, Darren Evetts
University Bridge Festival Winners: LSE 100 : Vivian Kawn, Jianbo Sun, Pengfan Zhu, Tytus Zurawski
Results here.
Seniors' Teams 2019 |
Congratulations to Frank Cup Winners:
Bob Foster, Valerie Ivens, Val Cooper, David Ivens
Pairs Leagues 2018/19 - Series 1 Winners |
Warwickshire Pairs League
Division A: Simon Creasey & Darren Evetts
Division B: John Pyner & Bob Foster
Division C: Mike Sallis & Chris Quarmby
Coventry Pairs League
Division 1: Steve Green & Martin Jones
Division 2: Pauline & John Rudolf
Division 3: Brian Stockdale & Alison Nichols
Division 4: Joanne King & Ken Crane
Division 5: Alan Webb & Graham Lightfoot
Birmingham Pairs League
Division 1: John Collin & Steve Wood
Division 2: Ken Crane & Joanne King
Division 3: Dan Crofts & Celia Day
Division 4: David Marsh & Jackie Marsh
Division 5: Ron Court & Brian Stokes
Teams of 8 Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier 2018-19 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Club 'A'
Steve Green & Martin Jones
Susan Norton & Darren Evetts
Colin Dean & Nick Stevens
David Kenward & Gareth Roberts
2019 Midland Counties Congress |
Roll of Honour
Mixed Pairs (Peter Millar Plate) – Gilly Cardiff & Peter Griffin
Flitch (Standish Salver) – Sue Evans & Dennis Loynes
Ladies Pairs’ (Allen Cup) – Carolyn Fisher & Jane Hall
Men's Pairs (Hudson Cup) – Dan Crofts & Andrew Thompson
Open Teams (Hayward Bowl)
Giles Ip, Gabriel Ip, Jon Garrett, Brent Wormald
Swiss Pairs Overall (Foster Cup) – Ben Norton & Mike Bell
Swiss Pairs Stratification B (Cooke Porter Cup) – Richard Smith & Peter Nuttall
Swiss Pairs Stratification C (West Midlands Trophy) – Myra & Roger Twyman
Swiss Teams Overall (Hayward Cup) –
Ankush Khandelwal, Ben Green, Stefano Tommasini, Shahzaad Natt
Swiss Teams Stratification B (Littleford Healey Cup) –
John Mewes, Andrew Leslie, Mary Johnson, Michael Mahoney
Swiss Teams Stratification C (Joyce Hare Plate) –
Caroline Brown, Harvey Brown, Christine Swanston, Mark Johnson
Seniors' Pairs (1) 2018 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Val Cooper & Bob Foster
Children In Need 2018 |
WCBA Supports
WMBC's Children in Need
Which this year has raised:
Thank you!
Mentored Novice Pivot Teams 2018/19 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Arden A
Lynda Williams & Minu Nathwani
Terry Halliwell Ewen & Jenny Middlemiss
Edgar Foster Cups 2018 |
Congratulations to Pairs Winners:
John Councer & Mark Rogers (Gloucestershire)
and Gloucestershire on winning the teams element,
in which Warwickshire finished second.
This event was hosted by Worcestershire
Full Results Here (Worcestershire Website)
Crockfords Plate 2018 |
 Congratulations to Stephen Green, Roger Bryant and Graham Link (earlier rounds),
with team-mates Nick Smith & Alan Wilson on winning the Crockfords Plate.
WPL Feedback |
Click here to view your feedback and our comments
We would like to thank everyone who has provided feedback. We have tried to share our thinking with you on matters where you have raised particular concerns, or suggestions. We are sure you are aware that WPL has developed over many years, and it is one of the most successful County events in the UK, and we do keep reviewing all aspects of the event to ensure it remains enjoyable, competitive, and fair to everyone, without being overly onerous in terms of regulation (although we do have to have them!), and commitment. Regardless of our responses, we do appreciate the feedback and we do bear in mind all the comments received, even if we do not agree with them. Thank you!
Wadsworths Solicitors - New Sponsors of WCBA |
We are pleased to announce that Wadsworths Solicitors have generously agreed to become the new sponsors of Warwickshire CBA.
Wadsworths are a Shirley based firm of solicitors that have been trusted by the people of Solihull for over 30 years. They pride themselves on their legal knowledge, whilst always maintaining a down to earth approach together with a clear commitment to their local community.
If you are looking to engage the services of solicitors, please do consider Wadsworths. They are able to assist in most areas of the law, including; Residential Conveyancing, Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Probate, Court of Protection, Family Law, Immigration, Commercial Property, Services for Businesses, Dispute Resolution, Employment Law, Clinical Negligence Claims and Personal Injury Claims. If you do get in touch with them and mention Warwickshire CBA, you may be eligible for a special offer!
Wadsworths Solicitors, 325 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 3BL. Tel: 0121 745 8550. Email here.
2018 World Youth Team Championships |
We wish Liz Gahan and teammates, and Andy Cope and teammates, the very best of luck in the 17th World Youth Teams Championships being held in Wujiang, China, from 8th to 18th August. Andy and Liz are representing their respective teams, Under 26 Women, Under 16s. Also competing are the Under 21s and the Under 26s. A list of the English teams is available here.
All England Junior teams qualified at the 2017 European Junior Teams Championship, the first time all the junior teams have qualified for a World Championship, so a huge well done to them all.
Event Website
Warwickshire members participated in a special fund raising event, raising £1000, to support the EBU and the junior teams.
17th World Youth Team Championships - Well done Liz! |
Congratulations to Liz Gahan
on her selection to represent England
at the 17th World Youth Team Championships
Suzhou, China, 8-18 August 2018
We wish Liz, and her teammates, all the very best!
England Under 16s reach final of World Online Junior KO |
2018-2019 Calendar Confirmed |
Please note that dates are still subject to change and Clubs are advised not to book anything without confirming the date with WCBA before so doing.
Due to resourcing issues, Warwickshire's Calendar now only contains events run directly by, or in association with, Warwickshire CBA.
ANY CLUB OPEN EVENT requires the approval of WCBA as part of the EBU Licensing Process
Shakespeare Swiss Teams |
Congratulations to Winners:
Lyn & Roy Dempster, Rob & Chris Evans
Midland Counties Challenge Bowl |
Seniors' Pairs |
Congratulations to Winners:
Peter Oldbury & Gordon Clark
Charity Simultaneous Pairs 2018 |
Mixed Pairs 2017-18 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Marilyn & David Jones
Warwickshire Clubs in EBU's Top 50 2017/18 |
2018 League & Handicap KO |
Congratulations to League Winners:
Division I - West Midlands (Hackett)
Justin Hackett, Dan Crofts, Jason Hackett, Paul Hackett, Adrian Kenworthy
Division II - Moseley (Morris)
Sue Morris, Dominic Connolly, Peter Heatherington, Geoff Morris
Division III - Northfield (Nicholds)
Peter Nicholds, Philip Colman, Chris Curtis, Jane Nicholds, Julian Shingler, Raul Sutton, Greg Varnon
Division IV - Arden (Isaacs)
Joanne Isaacs, Maria Marsay, Louise Noble, Sharon Smitten, Ann Wilkins
Congratulations to Handicap KO Winners:
Coventry (Green)
Stephen Green, Roger Bryant, Darren Evetts, Martin Jones, Graham Link, Susan Norton
Goodman Plate 2018 |
Congratulations to Goodman Plate Winners:
Lin & Ron Birch, Elayne & Mike Meakin, Andy Baruch
Beginners' Pairs 2018 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Sonia Yagi & Fiona Langton
National Swiss Teams 2018 |
2018 Roll of Honour & Prize Winners
Winners (pictured): Ben Green, Andrew Murphy, Ben Norton, Ankush Khandelwal
2nd: Paul Fegarty, Catherine Curtis, David Kendrick, Jeremy Dhondy
3rd: Sally Brock, Barry Myers, Jeffrey Allerton, Frances Hinden
4th: Edward Levy, Paul Hackett, David Debbage, John Sansom
5th: Liz Commins, David Stevenson, Julian Merrill, Paul Roberts
Stratification B Joint Winners: Jamie Fegarty, Liam Fegarty, Andy Cope, Henry Rose jointly with Val Cooper, Bob Foster, Valerie Ivens, David Ivens
Stratification C Winners: Sandra Squires, Annabel Hampson, Jacqueline Marsh, David Marsh
Ladies' and Men's Pairs 2018 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Ladies' Pairs: Anne Carmichael & Gillian Adams
Men's Pairs: Raul Sutton & Peter Nicholds
Goodman Cup 2018 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Susan Norton, Darren Evetts, Ian Handley, George Cuthbertson, Simon Creasey & Roger Bryant
The team will represent Warwickshire in the Pachabo
17th World Youth Team Championships - Well done Andy! |
Congratulations to Andy Cope
on his selection to represent England
at the 17th World Youth Team Championships
Suzhou, China, 8-18 August 2018
We wish Andy, and his teammates, all the very best!
Championship Pairs Finals 2017/18 |
Congratulations to Championship Pairs Winners:
Susan Norton & Darren Evetts
Consolation Winners:
Dave Rutter & Dave Pratt
2018 Seniors' Teams & Frank Cup |
Congratulations to Winners:
Chris Lewis, Leslie Reece, Pauline & John Rudolf
Intermediate Pairs 2018 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Pauline Hogan & Keith May
Teams of 8 Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier 2017-18 |
Sunday 28 January 2018
Congratulations to Winners and Qualifiers for the Regional Finals:
West Midlands Bridge Club 'B'
Margaret Wort & Paul Loweth, Pauline & John Rudolf,
Andy & Graham Cope, Elizabeth Gahan & Megan Jones
Pairs Leagues 2017/18 - Series 1 Winners |
Warwickshire Pairs League
Division A: Adrian Knight & David Kenward
Division B: Prue Knight & Wynne Lewis
Division C: Leslie Reece & Nigel Wain
Birmingham Pairs League
Division 1: Peter Heatherington & Dominic Connolly
Division 2: Glyn Preece & Chris Potter
Division 3: Philip Colman & Chris Curtis
Division 4: Liz Court & Edward Legg
Division 5: Melanie Boynton & Roy Gardiner
Coventry Pairs League
Division 1: Susan Norton & Darren Evetts
Division 2: Pauline & John Rudolf
Division 3: Val Cooper & Bob Foster
Division 4: Margaret Wort & Sarah Jones
Division 5: Kath & Graham Lightfoot
Midland Counties Congress 2018 |
Seniors' Pairs 2017 (1) |
Congratulations to Winners:
Val Cooper & Bob Foster
Mentored Novice Pivot Teams |
Sunday 19 November 2017
Congratulations to Winners:
Coventry 2: Linda Smith, Paul Smith, Linda Huckvale & Mentor, Martin Lythell
Children in Need 2017 |
West Midlands Bridge Club
7pm - All Welcome
WAS MADE AT WPL. £184 was collected. Thank you!
West Midlands BC wins 2016-17 NICKO Plate |
Congratulations to the
West Midlands Bridge Club A team:
Peter Oldbury, Gordon Clark, Roger Flood, and Pip Whitehouse
on winning the
2016-17 National Inter-Club Knockout Plate
The WMBC team beat Young Chelsea Bridge Club G by 118 imps (YCBC conceded after 32 boards of the 48 board final, when WMBC led by 118 IMPs)
Well done!
Shakespeare Swiss Teams 2017 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Kenilworth BC - Barbara Roberts, Michael Gammon, Valerie & David Ivens
Goodman Plate 2016-17 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Liam Johnstone, Chris Potter, Julian Wernick & Jon Downing
Seniors' Pairs 2017 (2) |
Congratulations to:
Anne & Nick Woosnam
Warwickshire Pairs League 2016/17 (Series 2) |
Congratulations to Division Winners:
Division A - George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
Division B - Stephanie & Bob Galvin
Division C - David Hulston & Peter Nicholds
The results are CONFIRMED
P on the ranking list denotes PROMOTION
R on the ranking list denoted RELEGATION
League & Knock-Out 2016-17 |
Congratulations to League Winners:
Division 1
Sutton Coldfield C
(John Collin, Steve Wood, Mike Leese, Malcolm Oliver and Jeremy and Liz Fenwick)
Division 2
Moseley B
(Jon Downing, Sue Goldman,Peter Heatherington, Liam Johnstone, Chris Potter,Doug Tweddle and Julian Wernick)
Division 3
West Midlands C
(Carolyn Fisher, John Cooper, David Hulston, Wynne Lewis, Pat Watson and the late Graham Sherlock-Brown)
Division 4
Edgbaston Priory 2
(Marijke Rodrigo,Sue Frogatt,Annabel Hampson, ,Geraldine Draysey and Mary Shingler)
Handicap KO Cup
Moseley B
(Jon Downing, Sue Goldman,Peter Heatherington, Liam Johnstone, Chris Potter,Doug Tweddle and Julian Wernick)
Mixed Pairs 2017 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Anne & Nick Woosnam
Championship Pairs Finals 2016/17 |
Congratulations to 2017 Championship Pairs Winners:
John Collin & Mike Leese
2nd: Jeremy Fenwick & Steve Wood
3rd: David Rutter & David Pratt
4th: Anne & Nick Woosnam
Who also qualify to represent Warwickshire in the EBU Corwen Trophy
Consolation Final Winners:
Derek Oddy & Edward Legg
Charity Simultaneous Pairs 2017 |
Goodman Cup 2016-17 |
George Cuthbertson, Ian Handley, Susan Norton, Simon Creasey & Darren Evetts
Beginners Pairs 2017 |
Congratulations to Winner:
Jenny & Piers Cockcroft
National Swiss Teams Congress 2017 |
2017 Roll of Honour & Prize Winners
Winners (pictured): Kieran Dyke, Michael Byrne, Ed Jones, Toby Nonnenmacher
2nd: Catherine Draper, Nichola Smith, Andrew Woodcock, Malcolm Prior
3rd: Ben Green, John Holland, Barry Myers, Sally Brock
4th: Paul Hackett, John Sansom, Ed Levy, David Debbage
5th: Simon Stokes, Ian Bruce, Nick Stevens, Ben Norton
6th: Steve Root, Jonathan Harris, Tom Paske, Stefan Skorchev
Stratification B Winners: Neil Ford, Sue Ford, Paul Owen, Jon Garrett
Stratification B 2nd: Lawrence Gaunt, Jenny Gaunt, John Nolan, Sarah Jones
Stratification C Joint Winners: Henry Rose, Jasmine Bakhshi, Imogen La Chapelle, Elizabeth Gahan & Rob Wilson, Maggie Webster, Chris Quarmby, Mary Currigan, Judith Currie
Intermediate Pairs 2017 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Melanie & Peter Boynton
Seniors' Teams 2017 |
Congratulations to
Stephanie & Bob Galvin,
Jon Downing & Julian Wernick
Non-Expert Teams 2016/17 |
Click here for Results
Congratulations to Winners:
Jackie O’Sullivan, Suzanne Naylor, Mick Connell, Glynis Nicholson and Karen Bartlam
Warwickshire County Premier League 2016/17 |
2016 Midland Counties Congress |
Seniors Pairs September 2016 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Peter Oldbury & Leslie Reece
Mentored Novice Pivot Teams 2016-17 |
Congratulations to Winners
Iris Lane, Fay Maxwell, Trina Price and mentor, Prue Knight
2017 Midland Counties Congress |
Goodman Plate Launched! |
We are pleased to annouce the addition of a Plate Knock-Out in the Goodman Cup.
Teams knocked out in Round 1 and Round 2 will play in the Plate event for a cash prize!
Click here for the draw
Teams of Eight Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier 2017 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Coventry A
Stephen Green & Martin Jones
Roger Bryant & David Kenward
Nick Stevens & Colin Dean
Darren Evetts & Susan Norton
WPL 2016-17 Series 1 |
Results are CONFIRMED
Promotions/Relegations are represented by P and R respectively.
Congratulstions to DivisionWinners:
WPL A - Ian Thompson & Mike Willoughby
WPL B - Caroline & Harvey Brown
WPL C - Doug Tweddle & Matthew Brigham + Prue Knight & Wynne Lewis
Ladies' & Men's Pairs 2016-17 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Ladies Pairs' - Margaret Wort & Liz Gahan
Men's Pairs - Ian Handley & Darren Evetts
2016 Inter-County League Finals |
Congratulations to the Porter team for winning their Group:
Peter Oldbury & Brent Wormald
Gordon Clark & Mike Sallis
Leslie Reece & Chris Lewis
Jon Downing & Mike Meakin
The Dawes teams finished second in their Group:
George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
Simon Creasey & Darren Evetts
Roger Bryant & David Kenward
David Jones & Garry Watson
Seniors' Pairs July 2017 |
Contratulations to Winners:
David Jones & Mike Northwood
Shakespeare Swiss Teams 2016 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Rugby Village Bridge Club
Blues - Maxwell Kynoch & Malcolm Melrose, Nicky & Jim Bainbridge
Pairs Leagues 2016 - Series 2 Winners |
Warwickshire Pairs League
Premier A - George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
Premier B1 - Dave Pratt & Dave Rutter
Premier B2 - Edward Legg & Derek Oddy
Birmingham Pairs League
Division 1 - Glyn Preece & Chris Potter
Division 2 - Peter Heatherington & Julian Wernick
Division 3 - Denis Gough & Dennis Heighway
Division 4 - John Walter & Wirender Khorana
Coventry Pairs League
Division 1 - Stephen Green & Martin Jones
Division 2 - Yasser Haider & Simon Stokes
Division 3 - John Baxter & Rob Cook
Division 4 - Andy Cope & Paul Jones
Division 5 - Thierre Jones & Maggie Rattigan
Warwickshire Air Ambulance Visit - June 2016 |
Myra Scott represented Warwickshire members on a visit to the Warwickshire Air Ambulance Base on Monday 6 June 2016.
Warwickshire supports the Air Ambulance with its annual charity simultaneous pairs, which this year raised £2140!
It costs an average of £1700 per mission, so our efforts certainly have contributed significantly to the saving of lives. Well done all!
Let us hope that next year we can top this year's amount!
EBU Online KO Cup 2016 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Stephen Green, Roger Bryant, Martin Jones, Rob Helle & teammate, Ed Hoogenkamp
2016 Annual General Meeting & Frank Cup |
Executive Committee Officers & Members were elected as proposed.
Congratulations to Frank Cup Winners:
Stephanie & Bob Galvin, Chris Lewis, Leslie Reece
Congratulations also to:
Liz Gahan, Meg Jones & Andy Cope (pictured below)
who were presented with the English Bridge Union Gold Level Junior Award
Midlands Improvers Pairs 2017 |
Sunday 3 July
Congratulations to winners:
Steve Smith & Jason Webb, Staffs & Shrops
DRAFT 2016-17 Calendar Agreed |
The DRAFT 2016-17 Calendar was agreed at the Executive Committee Meeting, 26 April.
The FINAL 2016-17 Calendar will be agreed at the July meeting.
If Club's are planning open events, please ensure that the dates are agreed with the County before doing anything else.
Click here for DRAFT Calendar
(Please note that dates are subject to change)
Please email us if you are planning events, so we can avoid clashes, etc.
Hylda Townsend 13 November 2014 |
Hylda was a doyenne of bridge who, until recent times, was a keen and active bridge player, as well as being a committed and capable bridge administrator.
At National level, Hylda became a Vice President of the English Bridge Union in 1997; was the recipient of a Dimmie Fleming award in 1993, and had been a
long serving Member of the English Bridge Union Tournament Committee.
At County level, Hylda served as Chairman and a Shareholder of Warwickshire Contract Bridge Association, being made a Life Member for her services to the
County in 2009. Hylda always kept a keen eye on the affairs of the County, and over many years Chairmen have found her insight and support extremely
At Club level, Hylda was a Founder Member, Life Member, and President (1979‐1981), of Moseley Bridge Club. She was also a Life Member of North
Birmingham Bridge Club where she was instrumental in helping the Club to acquire its premises. A Life Member of West Midlands Bridge Club, Hylda was
heavily involved in many aspects of the Club’s management and, well into her nineties, ran an assisted play session, from which a number of enthusiastic
bridge players emerged.
Hylda, unfortunately, stopped playing bridge a few years ago, but will now be taking her seat at the Eternal Bridge Table where all her finesses, endplays and
squeezes will be fruitful, and where during the bidding she will always be on the same wavelength as her partner.
Hylda’s personality, sense of humour, and all‐round presence, will remain forever in the hearts of all those who knew her.
Introduction to Duplicate Play & Novice Spring Pairs 2016 |
Congratulations to:
Introduction to Duplicate Play Winners: Mick Connell & Glynis Nicholson
Novice Spring Pairs Winners: Judith Currie & Nigel Seifas
Goodman Cup 2015-16 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Mike Leese, Steve Wood, Roger Bryant & Steve Green
who beat the team of
Ian Handley, George Cuthbertson, Darren Evetts, Simon Creasey, Susan Norton & David Kenward
A team from the finalists will represent Warwickshire in the EBU Pachabo Cup 11 & 12 June 2016
2015-16 Handicap Cup KO |
Congratulations to Winners:
Lin & Ron Birch, Audrey & Henry McBride
Charity Simultaneous Pairs 2016 |
Mixed Pairs Final 2015-16 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Margaret Crangle & Andrew Clifford
Fledgling & Introductory Pairs 2016 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Fledgling Pairs – Dianne Meere & Roger Baty
Introductory Pairs – Melanie & Peter Boynton
Championship Pairs 2016 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Val Cooper & Bob Foster
2nd Anne & Nick Woosnam
3rd Ian Handley & George Cuthbertson
4th Alan Patel & Roger Harris
Those listed above have been invited to represent Warwickshire in the EBU Corwen Trophy 4 & 5 June 2016
Congratulations also to the Consolation Pairs Winners:
Chris Potter & Glynn Preece
Non-Expert Teams 2015-16 |
Arden – Sharon Smitten, Jo Isaacs, Chris Gunning, Allan Richardson, Ann Wilkins
Runners up:
WMBC – Pauline Hogan, Chris Bateman, Sally Hodgetts, Keith May, Polly Stephens,
Best 3 scores:
Edgbaston Priory/WMBC – Melanie & Peter Boynton, Kate McKinnon-Evans, Ali Al-Chalabi
International Replay 2015-16 |
Congratulations to:
Division I Joint Winners
Steve Green & Martin Jones
Division II Joint Winners
Marilyn Jones & John Godderidge
2016 Inter-University Bridge Festival |
Warwickshire CBA, Coventry & West Midlands Bridge Club continue to support the Inter-University Bridge Festival.
This year London School of Economincs, Imperial, Warwick University and Warwickshire Juniors.
Congratulations to Winners:
Warwickshire Juniors (retaining their 2015 title):
Liz Gahan, Meg Jones, Andy Cope & Darren Evetts
Runners Up (and winners of the Official Inter-University Bridge Festival):
London School of Economics: Yifei Zheng, Keith Lai, Jiawei Lim, Ho Hin Benedict Pan
Butler Ranking
2016 Teams of 8 Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier |
Congratulations to Winners:
Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Club A
Susan Norton & Darren Evetts
Martin Jones & Stephen Green
David Kenward & Roger Bryant
Colin Dean & Nick Stevens
We wish Coventry the best of luck in the Regional Finals.
Pairs Leagues 2015 - Series 1 Winners |
Warwickshire Pairs League
Premier A - George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
Premier B - Ian Thompson & Mike Willoughby
Premier B NGS - Myra & Roger Twyman
Birmingham Pairs League
Division 1 - John Collin & Steve Wood
Division 2 - Sue Goldman & Doug Tweddle
Division 3 - Helen Brigham & Matthew Brigham
Division 4 - Jane Collier & Chris Martin
Coventry Pairs League
Division 1 - Stephen Green & Martin Jones
Division 2 - Mike Adams & Nigel Wain
Division 3 - Graham Cope & Graham Sherlock-Brown
Division 4 - Kevin New & John Godderidge
Division 5 - Anne Burrage & Ken Miles
Congratulations to 2015 Silver Plate Winners |
Congratulations to 2015 Silver Plate Winners
Tony Poole, and teammates from Worcestershire, Chris Philp, Stewart Fishburne, and Mike Willoughby
Midland Counties Congress |
Roger Bowles |
It is with sadness that we announce the death of Roger Bowles
Roger passed away on 27 December 2015 following a fall at his home.
As a former Warwicksihre member, Roger served as Secretary for a number of years and was known by all local players.
Our sincerest condolences go to Roger's wife, Shirley, family and friends.
Roger's Funeral will be on Monday 18 January 2016, 1pm, at:
At Worcester Crematorium, Tintern Avenue, WR3 8HA
Immediately following the formal service, there will be a gathering in the Seymour Suite,
at the DIGLIS HOUSE HOTEL, Severn Street, Worcester WR1 2NF.
Directions: From the Worcester Crematorium to The Diglis House Hotel it is about 2 miles.
NB The Diglis House Hotel has car parking to the front and rear and there are municipal car parks nearby.
Family flowers only please. However, if you would like to make a donation to charity, his family have selected one of the many charities Roger supported. As a family they have chosen the second charity because Roger died only bexause of his head injuries and did not have any life threatening disease.
The John Muir Trust – Charity No: SC002061
Conservation Charity dedicated to protecting and enhancing wild places.
Roger was a keen walker and loved open spaces –and he passionately supported this charity.
Headway – the brain injury association
Depends on voluntary donations to support people who suffer brain injuries.
If you wish to make a ‘donation’ please make your cheque payable to either one of the above charities. Or if you wish your donation to be split between both charities, please make your cheque payable to E Hill &Son Donation Account. There will be an opportunity to leave your donation at the Crematorium or send direct to E. Hill & Son, Funeral Directors, Fairfield House, Defford Road, Pershore, Worcs WR10 1HZ.
Non-Expert Teams 2013/14 |
Congratulations to:
Overall & Blue Division Winners Arden C
Tony Whitby, Bob Griffiths, Sean Callaghan and Bryan Stock
Red Division Winners Northfield B
Maurice Smith, Barbara Gough, David & Jackie Marsh
For table of results. click here
WMBC Hosting Gold Cup Finals 12 & 13 December 2015 |
The 2015 Gold Cup Finals will be held at West Midlands Bridge Club over the weekend of
12 & 13 December 2015
Spectators are welcome
Semi-Finals on Saturday
Final on Sunday
Matches will be broadcast on BBO
Click for Event Website
Bridge as a Sport Judicial Review |
 November 2015
Having lost the appeal the EBU are now considering the next course of action.
22nd & 23 September 2015
The Judicial Review in to Sport England's position that bridge should not be considered a 'sport' was heard at the High Court on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd September 2015
It is not expected that a ruling will be made immediately, but any new information will be shared with the membership when it is known.
To find our more click here
4 Jun 2015
Sports minister, Tracey Crouch MP, has today spoken of the benefits of playing bridge.
When asked by fellow MP Bob Blackman for an update regarding the status of bridge, and other mind sports, as sports, she replied “I recognise that many of these games are enjoyed by many people and that the mental agility required in this activity can help with conditions and bring many health and wellbeing benefits". She added that approaches for funding support could therefore be made to the departments of education or health.
The Judicial Review into Sport England's refusal to recognise bridge as a sport is scheduled for 22nd - 23rd September. A summary of the arguments for a reversal of their position can be seen in the EBU Press Release
Bridge has again been in the headlines recently, with reports in the national media on the case involving the EBU, Sport England, and whether ‘bridge is a sport’.
In the most recent hearing Mr Justice Mostyn ruled that a judicial review could be undertaken against Sport England’s refusal to recognise bridge as a sport. This is a first step in the legal process to have Sport England recognise bridge as a sport, so whilst it is not a definitive decision in itself it is an important and positive step towards a favourable ruling and a reversal of Sport England’s position.
The EBU hopes that a favourable outcome will be to the benefit of its members, but also to all current, and potential, bridge players in the country, and to society as a whole. We hope that irrespective of personal opinion of what constitutes a ‘sport’, all members will appreciate the inconsistencies in Sport England’s position, and that the benefits of playing bridge deserve the greater exposure that a change in their stance could generate.
Read More on the EBU Website
At their recent meeting the Warwickshire Executive Committee endorsed the EBU Board's decision to seek a Judicial Review, and wished them every success.
How can we help?
Given that bridge is currently in the public’s thoughts we encourage members to contact their local media, or local MP (perhaps after May 7th), and extol the virtues of bridge. You need not address the issue of whether it is, or is not, a sport – that is something which will ultimately hinge on a legal ruling – but please explain why it is such a worthwhile pursuit and should get the greater prominence and funding which the status of ‘sport’ would allow it to receive. Any positive response which your contribution receives may aid the EBU’s case, but more significantly will increase interest in bridge in the Warwickshire area.
Leslie Reece receives Dimmie Fleming Award |

At EBU Shareholders Annual General Meeting 25 November 2015
Leslie has been a member of the Warwickshire Executive Committee, formerly Council, for thirty four years. Joining the Committee in 1981 as assistant League Secretary, Leslie took over as League Secretary in 1985, an office he held until he became Vice‐Chairman in 1990. Leslie took over the Chairmanship in 1992 and remained for two years until he retired and then spent a year as an Ex‐Officio member of the Committee. In 1996 Leslie returned to the office of League Secretary, a post he held for nine years until, in 2005, he became Treasurer, an office he still holds today. In addition to his various roles on the Committee Leslie has, over the years, represented Warwickshire as a Shareholder, which he still continues to do. He has also served on many subcommittees of the County, and on the Midland Counties Congress Committee.
Chick O the County 2015 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Pauline & Simon Hogan
Runners Up:
Sharon Smitten & Alan Richardson
Mentored Novice Pivot Teams 2015 |
Congratulations to Winners
WMBC 4 - Neil Boynton, Elizabeth Boynton,
Kate McKinnon-Evans & Mentor, Carolyn Fisher
Seniors' Pairs - October 2015 |
Congratulations to:
Leslie Reece & Peter Oldbury
Ladies & Men's Pairs 2015 |
Congratulations to:
Ladies Pairs Winners: Linda Stocks & Sue Cope
Runners Up: Elayne Meakin & Lin Birch
Men's Pairs Winners: Ian Handley & Darren Evetts
Runners Up: Philip Colman & Denis Gough
Leslie Reece Awarded Life Membership |
Warwickshire CBA is proud to announce that Leslie Reece has been awarded Life Membership of the County in recognition of his thirty four years service to Bridge in Warwickshire. Leslie has served on the Executive Committee (formerly Council) in various roles including Chairman, Vice-Chairman, League Secretary and is currently serving as Treasurer.
Leslie was presented with the award at the Warwickshire Pairs League, 21 October 2015
In Memoriam Roy Edwards |
Members will be sad to hear that Roy passed away on 22 October 2015. Roy, a Staffordshire & Shropshire member, was known to many of us as a regular player both locally and nationally. Roy’s jovial nature will be sadly missed.
Our sincerest condolences go to Roy’s family and friends.
Roy’s funeral took place on Monday 2 November at Walsall Road Crematorium
Edgar Foster Cups 2015 |
Congratulations to Pairs Winners:
Brian Lawless & Dominic Connolly
The Teams Element was Won by:
Staffordshire & Shrophire
World Bridge Championships 2015 |
27 September to 10 October 2015
The World Bridge Championships start this weekend in Chennai, India, and, for the first time, England will be represented in all three competitions. All teams qualified by virtue of their medal-winning performances at the 2014 European Championships.
All teams have qualified for the knock out stages!
Good luck to our teams:
Open team - Bermuda Bowl Justin Hackett & Jason Hackett; David Gold & David Bakhshi; Andrew Robson & Tony Forrester; NPC: Simon Cope; Coach: Andrew Murphy
Women's team - Venice Cup Sally Brock & Nicola Smith; Fiona Brown & Catherine Draper; Heather Dhondy & Nevena Senior; NPC: Derek Patterson; Coach: David Burn
Senior team - D'Orsi Trophy Paul Hackett & David Mossop; Gunnar Hallberg & John Holland; David Price & Colin Simpson; NPC: Simon Cochemé
Coverage on BBO
Click for Website
GOODMAN Final Result 2014/2015 |
First County Result of 2015/16 |
vs Staffordshire
Dawes (1st Team) 19-1
Porter (2nd Team) 13-7
Markham (3rd Team) 12-8
Details can be found in the Inter County League section
Shakespeare Swiss Teams 2015 |
Congratulations to winners, Arden
Mary Andrew, Margaret Crangle, Andy Clifford & Mike Thorley
Frank Handicap Cup, Cock O' the County & Non-Expert Pairs |
Congratulations to:
Frank Handicap Cup Winners:
Lin & Ron Birch, Andy Baruch, Mike Meakin
Cock O' the County Winners:
Lin & Ron Birch
Non-Expert Pairs Winners:
Anju Shah & Brian Mitchell
Four Warwickshire Clubs Feature in top 25 Clubs 2014-15 |
West Midlands - 3rd
Kenilworth - 4th
Stratford on Avon - 12th
Sutton Coldfield -25th
Click for full list
New Chairman's Corner & Annual Report 2015 |
Warwickshire Pairs League 2014-15 Series 2 |
Congratulations to:
Premier A Winners - Roger Bryant & Stephen Green
Premier B Winners - Terry Parkes & Tony Poole
Premier B Stratification - Doug Tweddle & Matthew Brigham
Key to Rankings - P = Promotion Zone, R = Relegation Zone
Coventry Pairs League 2014-15 Series 2 |
Congratulations to Division Winners:
Division I - Stephen Green & Martin Jones
Division II - Chris Lewis & Leslie Reece
Dividion III - David Kenward & Mike Summers-Smith
Division IV - Derek Thomas & Steve Royston
Division V - Ann Ridgway & Alf Cowdrey
Birmingham Pairs League 2014-15 Series 2 |
Congratulations to Division Winners:
Division I - Glyn Preece & Chris Potter
Division II - Prue & Adrian Knight
Dividion III - Denis Gough & Dennis Heighway
Division IV - Sheila Lewis & Tom Donoghue
Division V - Shaunagh Wand & Evelyn Whiteford
Mixed Pairs Grand Final 2015 |
Wednesday 27 May 2015
Congratulations to Winners:
Carolyn Fisher & Peter Oldbury
2014-15 League & Handicap KO |
Congratulations to winners of:
Division I and the KO Handicap Cup:
West Midlands A: Margaret Wort, Darren Evetts, Jason, Justin & Paul Hackett and Brian Senior
Division II
Coventry: Mike Butler, Frank Deakin, Colin Dean, John Godderidge, David Jones, Marilyn Jones, Martin Jones, Kevin New, Mike Northwood
Division III
Arden: Andrew Clifford, John Illingworth, David Pratt, David Rutter, Mike Thorley
Introductory League
West Midlands B: Martyn Brawn, Heather Fairbairn, Neil Ford, Susan Ford, Nigel Seifas
Championship Pairs Finals |
Congratulations to Winners:
John Collin & Mike Leese
2nd Brian Lawless & Dominic Connolly
3rd David Rutter & David Pratt
4th Sue Goldman & Douglas Tweddle
Those listed above have been invited to represent Warwickshire in the EBU Corwen Trophy 30 & 31 May 2015.
Congratulations also to the Consolation Pairs Winners:
Jean Burns & Ken Crane
Charity Simultaneous Pairs 2015 |
International Replay 2014-15 |
Congratulations to:
Division I Winner - Martin Jones
2nd - Stephen Green
3rd - Nick Stevens
Division II Winner - Derek Thomas
2nd - Graham Cope
3rd - Andy Cope
Green Point Swiss Pairs 2015 |
Congratulations to Joint-Winners:
Stephanie & Bob Galvin
Roman Gembicki & Arthur Hughes
Fledgling & Introductory Pairs |
 Congratulations to Winners:
Fledgling Pairs: Sue & Paul Debling (Stratford)
Introductory Pairs: Ann Wilkins & Roger Golsby (Arden)
Eggheads - 9 April 2015 |
Congratulations to the EBU Eggheads Team, 5 Diamonds, on winning BBC2's Eggheads!
The Five Diamonds (pictured with the Eggheads and host Jeremy Vine) - Nick Smith, Chris Cooper, Emily Middleton, Marc Lee and Denis Gough.
Non-Expert Teams 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Red Section - West Midlands B – Nigel Seifas, Heather Fairbairn, Martyn Brawn, Sue & Neil Ford
Blue 1 Section - Edgbaston Priory A – Marijke Rodrigo, Gerri Draysey, Alex Iliff, Sophie Lagarde, Mark Reuben, Tom Burley
Blue 2 Section – West Midlands E – Andy Moir, Jeff Mann, Nick Hall, Helen Thompson, Paul Machin
Click for Results Table
Peter Chapman (24 May 1931 - 2015) |
It is with sadness that we report the death of Peter Chapman.
Peter was a highly respected bridge player, representing his County many times.
A retired Maths teacher, from King Edwards School Edgbaston, Peter followed with keen interest the Bridge career of one of his former pupils, Clive Owen (now in the North East).
Peter had a formidable recall of hands he had played. He recently told me of an amazing coup he executed in the National Teams played at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool in the early seventies. Peter and his partner George Cook with team mates Hylda Townsend and David Hulston broke down on their way to the event, but just managed to get to the in time. They paid £3 per night for their hotel rooms!
Peter was a Life member of Moseley Bridge Club and will be sorely missed.
Dodo Georgevic
Member Success in 2015 NEC Cup Japan |
Congratulations to Jason Hackett (with partner Brian Senior and team-mates John Holland and Gunner Hallberg) for winning the 20th NEC Cup Teams in Japan.
Teams of 8 Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier |
Congratulations to winners Coventry & North Warwickshire A
Ian Handley & Simon Creasey, Garry Watson & David Jones, David Kenward & Roger Bryant, Martin Jones & Stephen Green
WPL 2014-15 Series 1 Results - CONFIRMED |
The WPL Results are CONFIRMED
Congratulations to Winners:
A - George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
B - Denis Gough & Dennis Heighway
Stratification B Winners - Doug Tweddle & Matthew Brigham
Key: P = Promotion Zone, R = Relegation Zone
Seniors' Teams 2015 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Tony Poole, Peter Oldbury, Pip Whitehouse & Roger Bowles
WMBC Team wins 2014 NICKO |
Congratulations to the West Midlands Bridge Club team of Jason, Justin & Paul Hackett, Brian Senior and Anita Sinclair on winning the
2014 National Inter-Club Knockout
Gold Cup Finals at WMBC |
This weekend (13 & 14 December 2014) West Midlands Bridge Club will be hosting the Finals of the 2014 Gold Cup.
Spectators are welcome.
Alexander Allfrey, David Bakhshi, Tony Forrester, David Gold, Andrew Robson
Andrew McIntosh, Phil King, Stefan Skorchev, Cameron Small
Alexander Allfrey, David Bakhshi, Tony Forrester, David Gold, Andrew Robson
beat (by 6 IMPS)
Jim Mason, Les Steel, Hugh Mc Gann, Alan Mould, Duncan Happer, Paul Bowyer
Simon Gillis, Frederick Bjornlund, Espen Erichsen, Ben Green, John Holland, Zia Mahmood
Lost to (by 57 IMPS)
Andrew McIntosh, Phil King, Stefan Skorchev, Cameron Small
Matches will be broadcast on BBO
Mentored Novice Teams |
Congratulations to the Winners:
Geraldine Draysey & Barbara Gough
Marijke Rodrigo & (Mentor) Denis Gough
Congratulations also to our team of Juniors (& Mentor) who came second:
Andy Cope & Elizabeth Gahan
Meg Jones & (Mentor) Sarah Jones
Ladies & Men's Pairs 2014 |
Congratulations to:
Ladies Pairs Winners: Beryl Latham & Louise Payne
Men's Pairs Winners: Mike Meakin & Andy Baruch
Seniors' Pairs October 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Val Cooper & Bob Foster
Chick O' the County 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Sue & Paul Debling
Crockfords Cup Winners! |
Congratulations to Jason & Justin Hackett
with teammates David Mossop, David Price & Colin Simpson
on winning the 2013-14 Crockfords Cup
Cafe Bridge September 2014 |

Congratulations to Winners
Chris & Mike Lynn
& Runners Up
Mike Sallis & Brian Osmond
Shakespeare Swiss Teams 2014 |
Congratulations to winners:
David & Valerie Ivens, Mike Curley & John O'Farrell
Warwickshire Senior Teams 2014 |
The Chairmen of Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Club and West Midlands Bridge Club once again claim the Seniors' Teams title. Margaret Wort (WMBC) and David Jones (CNWBC), with their respective partners Cyril Hall and Mike Northwood, won the event for the second successive year.
Warwickshire Pairs League 2013-14 Series 2 |
Results are CONFIRMED
Congratulations to
WPL A Winners: Ian Handley & George Cuthbertson
WPL B Winners: Caroline & Harvey Brown
Results Key:
P = Currently in Promotion Zone
R = Currently in Relegation Zone
Non Expert Pairs 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners
Sushi & Stephen Abercrombie
Cock O' The County 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Leslie Reece & Terry Parkes
Warwickshire Members Win Medals at 52nd European Championships |
Congratulations to Paul Hackett
and teammates David Mossop, Gunnar Hallberg & John Holland, David Price & Colin Simpson and NPC:Simon Cochemé, for winning Gold in the Seniors
Congratulations to Jason & Justin Hackett
and teammates Tony Forrester & Andrew Robson, David Bakhshi & David Gold,
NPC: Simon Cope and Coach: Ben Green for winning Bronze in the Open
Warwickshire Teams Compete in 2014 Inter-County National Finals |
Members of the Porter (County Second Team) and Markham (County Third Team) will be competing in their respective divisions on Sunday in the Inter-County League National Final.
We wish them the very best of luck:
Porter Team
David Jones & Mike Butler
Dodo Georgevic & Robin Ogg
Leslie Reece & Terry Parkes
Peter Oldbury & Gordon Clark
Markham Team
Dave Rutter & Dave Pratt
Marilyn Jones & Frank Deakin
Carolyn Fisher & Jane Hall
Jon Downing & Mike Meakin
International Replay 2013/14 |
2014 Garden Cities Trophy |
Coingratulations to WINNERS for the second consecutive year, Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Club:
Roger Bryant, Ian Handley, David Kenward, George Cuthbertson, David Jones, Garry Watson, Stephen Green & Martin Jones
Mixed Pairs Grand Final 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Caroline Coombs & John Hind
Goodman Cup KO 2013-14 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Mike Leese, Steve Wood, Roger Bryant & David Kenward
The team will represent Warwickshire in the EBU Pachabo Cup 7 & 8 June 2014.
We wish them the best of luck.
Green Point Swiss Pairs 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners:
George Cuthbertson & Ian Handley
Warwickshire Charity Simultaneous Pairs 2014 |
An Introduction to Duplicate Play 2014 |
Congratulations to:
Winners: Pauline Hogan (with host partner Ron Birch) from WMBC
Runners Up: David Baxter & Craig Dewsnam from WMBC
Introductory Pairs 2014 |
Congratulations to:
Winners – Barbara Gough and Philip Gough, Northfield BC
Runners up – Liz Green & Brian Mitchell, Arden BC
For full results click here
Fledgling Pairs 2014 |
Congratulations to:
Winners – Jackie & Mark Nixon, Stratford BC
Runners up – Nigel Seifas & Martyn Brawn, WMBC
For full results click here
Oxfordshire's Beck Cup 2014 |
Congratulations to winners:
Ian Handley, Simon Creasey, Roger Bryant and Darren Evetts
WCBA Championship Pairs Final 2013-14 |
Congratulations to:
Winners - Adrian Knight & Leslie Reece
Consolation Final Winners - Pat & Brian Parker
Warwickshire Members' Success in 2014 Pakistan Day International Bridge Championship |
Three of our Members Jason Hackett, Justin Hackett and Brian Senior enjoyed great success in the 2014 Pakistan Day International Bridge Championship held in Karachi. Justin and Jason along with their teammates won the Teams, with Brian and teammates in second place. Brian and partner were also second in the Pairs.
Congratulations to them all.
2014 Loughborough (EBU) Youth Bridge Challenge |
Warwickshire's Representatives
(pictured from WMBC Andy, Grace & Elizabeth)
Grace partnered Ethan from York BC, in the MiniBridge Challenge and finished second.
Andy & Elizabeth competed in the Bridge Challenge. They started in the Schools Cup Teams along with teammates Phil & Rowena from York BC and, missing out on qualification to the final stages, they then went on to the swiss teams and finished third in the Schools Plate.
An excellent achievement by all and thank you to everyone who supported our Juniors in making this all possible. We look forward to next year!
New EBU Panel TD in Warwickhsire |
Congratulations to Maggs Pyner who has been appointed to the EBU Tournament Director's Panel.
Well done Maggs!
Novice Swiss Pairs 2014 |
Northfield Bridge Club - Sunday 2 March 2014
Congratulations to Winners:
David & Jackie Marsh, from Northfield
Joint Runners Up
Lena Spindley & John Lucioli, from West Midlands and
Pam & John Defty, from Northfield
Click for full results
Seniors' Pairs - January 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Peter Styles & Brian Lawless
2014 Inter-University Bridge Festival |
Warwickshire CBA, West Midlands and Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Clubs supported the Inter-University Bridge Festival held at Warwick University on 1 & 2 February 2014. Players from London School of Economics, Imperial College London and Warwick University competed in Butler Pairs and Teams Competiitions.
Results are available from the right hand menu and the results archive.
Butler Pairs Winners - Filip Sebest & Kevin Satti from Imperial College London
Teams Winners - Toby Griffiths, Ben Fitton, Shahzaad Natt, Michael Alishaw from Warwick University - Click for the Butler Analysis
WPL 2013-14 Series 1 |
Congratulations to:
Steve Green & Rogert Bryant - WPL A Winners
Bob Foster & John Pyner - WPL B Winners
Teams of 8 Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier 2014 |
Congratulations to Winners:
Coventry & North Warwickshire Bridge Club
George Cuthbertson, Ian Handley, David Jones, Garry Watson,
Martin Jones, Steve Green, David Kenward, Roger Bryant
Tollemache Qualifier 2014 |
Our Tollemache team (Roger Bryant, John Collin, George Cuthbertson, Steve Green, Ian Handley, David Kenward, David Jones, Mike Leese, Malcolm Oliver, Garry Watson and Steve Wood) sadly did not qualify. Our thanks to them all for representing us in a very challenging weekend of bridge.
Hylda will be 100 years old on the 7th March. The club will be Honouring this occasion. However if you would like to send individual congratulations to Hylda her address is:
Solihull Health Trust Heron Ward. Swallows Meadow Court. Shirley. Solihull B90 4PH
Message from the English Bridge Union:
We are delighted to wish a Happy 100th Birthday to our Vice President, Hylda Townsend who was born on 7th March 1913. She is a doyenne of bridge, the game she has played almost all her life.
As well as being a keen player, Hylda is a committed and capable bridge administrator. At national level, she has been an EBU Vice President and a member of the EBU Tournament Committee, and was the recipient of a Dimmie Fleming award.
Hylda is actively involved in the local bridge club scene. A founder member and one time president (1979-1981) of Moseley Bridge Club, her name is engraved on the Hulston Townsend Cup, donated in 2004 to celebrate thirty years since she first won the Club Pairs. Hylda was also instrumental in helping the North Birmingham Bridge Club to acquire its premises. Although she never served on the West Midlands Bridge Club Committee, Hylda was involved in many aspects of its management. Well into her nineties, she continued to run an assisted play session, from which a number of enthusiastic players have emerged.
Hylda is also involved at county level, having been a former Chairman and Shareholder of Warwickshire CBA, where she was made a Life Member in 2009.
Happy 100th Birthday Hylda!
Warwickshire Bridge Focus is Launched |
Click to read Warwickshire's latest publication for Members. Bridge Focus will be a four monthly publication containing a variety of County, Club and National news.
If you would like to contribute to Bridge Focus please email Publicity.
Warwickshire Member awarded MBE |
Congratulations to David Heard
Awarded MBE
For Community Services in Birmingham
EBU Organisational Structure |
Attached is an overview of the EBU's Organisational Structure. Members may find it interesting. If you are inspired to volunteer please contact Darren to discuss further.
New Sponsor |
Warwickshire CBA is pleased to announce its new sponsors.
Nicklin LLP
Click to visit Nicklin's Website