Rod will be giving short bridge lessons at noon on the first Thursday of each month starting in January. Please sign up for the balanced Eight-is-Enough team game which is postponed until February 20th. The January scheduled time was replaced by a D17 STaC game on January 30th. A pizza party will be held after the team game.
Note: whenever we hold a special game on Thursday (NAP, Grass Root, STaC, etc.), there is a chance that the Tuesday and Friday games may also hold those special games that week!
We will have our Annual Membership Party on March 20th with a free membership game and lasagna dinner (including salad and bread). Members can bring snacks and desserts. Hopefully we will have enough players to have 2 sections (open and beginner). If you are interested in being nominated for the board, contact Anita Wilson.
Thursday Afternoon Bridge
The cost for Thursday games is $5 for each player, including the club championship games and Eight is Enough Team games. Some special games with extra points (STaC, NAP. GNT, and Charity) may cost everyone $6 on Thursdays.
It is important to show up by 12:15, or have a partner there by then, so we can know how to set up the game. Players who are late may not be allowed to play! Please turn off ringing on your cell phones while playing!
Food will not be provided by the unit. Water/coffee will be available, and sometimes, goodies baked by players are always welcome. Everyone is expected to help putting away bridge supplies and card tables/chairs, etc. after each game.
Game results will be posted on ACBL Live shortly after the game is completed. Knights of Columbus bar (Casey's Club) opens at 4pm – players are encouraged to socialize there after each game.
Thursday game results are posted on this site, left side under Results.
Note: Tuesday and Friday games are run by the Wild West Club and may have different rules and procedures for play.
Link to Latest D17 Bridge Buzz
Link for non-members to become a guest member of ACBL for 120 days (free)
Link to Unit 421 Ace of Clubs (select Race, Year, and D17 unit 421)
Link to District 17 Website