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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

January 25th, 2018 Minutes
January 25th, 2018 Minutes

Unit Board 216 Meeting January 25, 2018 at 3:30 pm

Present:  Margie Brennan, Bill Long, Barb Maas, Carolyn Miller, Rich Newell, Kate Reynolds, Penny Rittgers, Carolyn Sabroske, and Dee Wilson. 
Absent:  Bonni Newton, Bill Wallace, Gregg Walsh

President Carolyn Sabroske called the meeting to order.  Roll call was taken.  A motion was made by Bill Long and seconded by Kate to accept the December minutes.  Approved!  A motion was made by Kate and seconded by Carolyn Miller to accept the January 1 minutes.  Approved!  Bill Long moved to accept the treasurer’s report.  Dee seconded.  Approved!

Education:  Nancy is planning a beginner’s class.  Mike Smith will have a class in March.  Rick Kelly plans to have two night classes.

Carolyn Miller addressed the Hawkeye Holiday Sectional.  We had 161 tables which was exactly the same as a year ago.  We cleared $32.62.  Please note that this total was greatly influenced by the error with Subway.  Subway made the wrong number of sandwiches and without catching the error our unit paid the entire bill.  After deliberation Subway has credit Unit 216 with $500.  However the Unit can use only $125 of this at a time forcing us to order from Subway 4 more times or forfeiting money.  (Unit 216 is getting this arrangement in writing and Gregg Walsh is handling it.)

Lois Kriebs and Laurie Taake are chairing the Spring Festival April 5-8, 2018.  After discussion, the Thursday evening event will be Eight is Enough.  Friday and Saturday will be stratified pairs at 10 am and 3 pm.  Two session play through Swiss Team game on Sunday will be $96 which includes Subway sandwiches.    

The Iowa Gold NLM Regional is August 17-19, 2018.  After discussion the Unit decided to host 2 sessions on Friday and Saturday and a two sessiom play through Swiss game on Sunday.  Save the Date cards will be taken to other tournaments encouraging out of town players to come play. 

Dee has been in contact with the Sheraton as the venue for our 2019 Regional.  Carolyn Sabroske has received the contract.  We have until June 2018 to cancel.  It is similar to the 2017 Regional contract. 

By-laws rewriting has been put on hold.  At this time changes seem unnecessary. 

AED class was attended by 4 directors, 7 board members, 2 teachers, and 3 interested parties.  The two presenters did a great job helping the trainees become comfortable using the machine should the need arise. 

Kay Stowe and Bill Friedman addressed the Unit 216 Board with a concern.  Members are smoking out front and the smoke is drifting inside the playing area.  Bill stated the landlord made it clear during the lease agreement that smoking was not allowed out front.  Looking at the lease the matter of smoking could not be found.  Bill Long has the agreement and is going to give us his legal opinion.  Nothing was decided concerning this smoking issue. 

Due to the length of the meeting the Unit 216 Board was asked to think about the Hawkeyer.  Decision on this has been tabled until March.  The Swansons have retired.  Their years of service are appreciated.  Division of the unit games throughout 2018 was also tabled. 

Penny Rittgers moved to adjourn this meeting.  Dee seconded.  Motion passed.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 8.  Please mark your calendar. 

Submitted by Barb Maas