The Whist Club - ACBL Unit 125 Northeast Ohio
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Committee Information
Committee Information


1. Tournament Coordinator – (Sean Malloy
    a. Coordinate efforts of– Sectional, Unit Games and I/N games including scheduling and marketing.
    b. Establishes Sectional Dates out 4 years.
    c. Schedule location for each tournament one year in advance.
    d. Report results of each event to board.
        i. Sectional Coordinator – (Gail Smith
            1. Determines games to be played and creates flyers a MINIMUM of 6 months in advance
            2. Establish a budget including pricing and costs
            3. Selects tournament chairs and assists in staffing, supplies, hospitality
            4. Work with Marketing to promote events
       ii. Unit Game Coordinator – (Barbie Greenspan and William Issa See Unit Handbook pages 7-9 – Includes Vichill League. The
unit is allotted 24 Unit Championship games per year plus 3 extended team games). The unit game coordinator supervises all preparations for the unit events which include:
            1. Getting approval of dates for the unit events from the tournament coordinator,
            2. Applying for any necessary sanctions for unit games,
            3. Providing the staff and location
            4. Furnishing the necessary electronic computer-dealt hands (provided by the ACBLClub and Member Services Department) as required
            5. Submitting complete game reports and fees to the ACBL. Reports on success of tournament to Board
            6. Manage annual meeting and awards

2. Intermediate/Novice Coordinator (Fleur Howard and Sallie Reider}
    a. Develops programs to improve participation from I/N players at tournaments and club games
    b. Creates games for I/N players such as Mentor/Mentee games, Intro to Duplicate, Intro to Swiss teams
    c. Coordinate with District I/N coordinator
3. Education Coordinator (Wayne Heritage
    a. Creates beginner bridge and learning Duplicate Training courses
    b. Contacts schools to set up bridge lessons
    c. Get more teachers on ACBL listing and Unit 125 website
    d. Trains teachers on Sponsor ship programs and other programs provided by the ACBL
    e. Work with I/N Coordinator
4. Membership Supports/Retention Committee (Susan Stark
    a. Establish contact with new Unit members including new ACBL members and transfers in.
    b. Maintains ACBL Lapsed member listing, follows up with people on Lapsed list to see why they have not paid dues
    c. Contact people on “In Jeopardy” listing to see how we can help get them to games
5. Club Coordinator (Linda Singleton
    a. Manages communication of events to club managers
    b. Keeps Webmaster updated about changes to club game information
    c. Keep board apprised of club request and needs
6. Historian (Phil Becker
    a. Be a resource for board regarding historical information
    b. Maintain awards plaques



1. President The unit president presides at all meetings of the unit board of directors and all general meetings of the unit membership. The president appoints all committees and serves on them as an ex-
officio member (but not on the Nominating Committee), except when the unit bylaws or regulations specify otherwise. He or she exercises general supervision over the activities of the unit and performs
other duties that are incidental to office, including those the unit board assigns.
2. Vice President (Fleur Howard ) In the absence or incapability of the president, the vice president assumes the president’s duties and performs other duties that the president or board may
3. Secretary (Angie Strainic}
    a. Attends all membership and board of directors’ meetings.
    b. Records and keeps the board minutes. Maintain minutes and Unit related documents on Web site.
    c. Sends notices of unit meetings to the members and the unit board
    d. Keeps records of all tournament and unit activities.
    e. Completes and files all unit reports required by ACBL.
    f. Receives and files the reports of all officers and committees.
    g. Advises board on past practices and historical records of board actions
    h. Manage election of new board members and by-law amendments
4. Treasurer (Sue Knirsch
    a. Has custody of and is responsible for all funds, securities and properties of the unit.
    b. Deposits such funds in the bank or banks as designated by the board.
    c. Pays unit obligations from the unit funds as directed by the board.
    d. Makes financial reports as directed by the board.
5. Marketing Director (Jeffrey Weiss
    a. Maintains Web Site
    b. Works with other committees to promote events
    c. Formats emails and flyers
    d. Promote the Cleveland Whist Club Identity