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Club Rules
Amended Club Rules 3rd March 2022




1. NAME OF THE CLUB - The name of the Club shall be "The Ryde Club". The Club provides facilities for members to play snooker, billiards, contract bridge and other card games.

2. OFFICERS OF THE CLUB - The Officers shall be the President, Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Registrar and Bar Manager.

3. MANAGEMENT - The management of the Club, the organisation of Club activities, the maintenance of Club property, the heating and cleaning of Club premises shall be the responsibility of the Management Committee.

4. TRUSTEES - The property of the Club shall be vested in a minimum of three Trustees who shall hold the same until resignation, death or removal, for the benefit of the Club members as a whole. A vacancy in the office of Trustee shall be filled by a nominee put forward by the Management Committee. A Trustee found not to be acting in the interests of the Club may also be removed from office by a decision of the Management Committee. For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination or removal the Secretary of the Club is hereby nominated as the person to appoint the new Trustee or remove the existing Trustee within the meaning of The Trustee Act 1925 and he/she shall be deemed duly to appoint or remove the said person or persons. A Trustee who retires or ceases to be a trustee for any reason shall have a duty to ensure that any Club property vested in their name is transferred to the remaining or any new Trustees so elected by the Management Committee.

5. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - Membership shall consist of the Officers, two Snooker playing members, two Bridge playing members and two other Club members. Five Committee members present shall constitute a quorum. The Chairman shall have a second or casting vote where there is an equality of votes. The Committee may co-opt a member to fill a casual vacancy for the period up to the next Annual General Meeting.

6. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - A general meeting of members shall be held annually ideally in February (a) to elect the Officers of the Club and other members of the Management Committee for the ensuing year; (b) to approve the annual accounts; (c) to appoint an auditor for the annual accounts; (d) to transact any other business.

The notice convening this meeting shall be posted on the Club notice board a minimum of fourteen days prior to the due date.

Motions suggested by individual members, duly proposed and seconded, shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary 14 days prior to the AGM.

No business shall be transacted unless a quorum is present. Five members present shall constitute a quorum for the choice of the Chairman and the adjournment of the meeting. For all other purposes the quorum shall be ten members present or one fifth of the membership whichever is the smaller number. Only full members may vote. Any full member may stand for election to the Committee. The Officers, other members of the Management Committee and the Auditor shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a period of one year. The name of the nominee, together with the names of the members proposing and seconding the nomination, shall be posted on the notice board at least three days before the meeting; the consent of the nominee must be obtained. The Snooker and Bridge nominees and their proposers and seconders shall be restricted to their respective participations. Officers, Committee members and the Auditor will be eligible for re-election on completion of their terms of office.


Secretary - Responsible for all Club correspondence, maintaining a true record of Club proceedings and proper minutes of the Management Committee meetings and have custody of all Club records except those referring to the accounts.

Treasurer - Keep all financial records, pay to the credit of the Club all sums of money received on behalf of the Club and pay Club creditors as directed. Cheques on the Club bankers shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by one of the two nominated officers of the Club.

Registrar - Keep a record of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of members.

Bar Manager - Responsible for the purchase and sale of intoxicating liquor to members. An account of income and expenditure shall be prepared for the Treasurer prior to his yearly statement.

8. FINANCIAL STATEMENT - A yearly statement of income and expenditure made up to 31st December, audited and presented at the Annual General Meeting. A copy of this statement shall be placed on the Club notice board for fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

9. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING - The Management Committee may, having given a minimum of fourteen days notice, call an Extraordinary General Meeting when they think fit. Quorum requirements and voting qualifications are as specified for an annual general meeting (rule 6). The Management Committee are bound to call an Extraordinary General Meeting on receipt of a request, signed by ten members, stating the reason for the meeting.

10. MEMBERSHIP - There shall be the following categories of membership - (a) Honorary Life Members; (b) Full Members; (c) Junior Members.

11. ELECTION OR APPROVAL OF MEMBERS – (a) Honorary Life Members: Full members of the Club who have given long and valued service, may, on recommendation of the Management Committee, be elected as Honorary Life Members at the Annual General Meeting. (b) New Full Members: An application for new full membership shall be made to the Honorary Secretary for approval on the appropriate new membership proposal form. The application must be proposed and seconded by other existing full members and be accompanied by payment of the relevant annual membership subscription. An applicant may be interviewed by Club Officers before approval. It will be open to the Secretary to refer the application to the Management Committee for rejection, in which case any subscription will be returned. If approved the applicant will become a full member entitled to take advantage of Club priviledges no less than two days from the time the application is approved. (c) Junior Members: Applicants below the age of eighteen may be approved as Junior Members by the procedure described for Full Members. Junior Members have no voting rights, powers of nomination and must be accompanied on the premises by a full member or at the discretion of an Officer.     

12. GUESTS - Full members only may introduce a maximum of three guests at any one time and enter their names and addresses in the Visitors Book. No member shall introduce the same playing guest more than five times within one calendar year. Junior members are not allowed to invite guests unless accompanied by a full member or with permission of a Committee member. Guests cannot purchase or reimburse a member for any purchases made for intoxicants. Members of visiting sports teams may purchase intoxicants only if the event is an organized one.

13. RESIGNATION OF MEMBERSHIP - Members intending to resign from the Club shall give notice in writing to the Secretary. Persons wishing to rejoin the Club will need to reapply for membership as stipulated in Rule 11.

14. CONDUCT OF MEMBERS - If the conduct of a member be considered unacceptable and, in the opinion of the Management Committee, merit a warning or expulsion, the offending member will be interviewed by the Officers of the Club. Their recommendation will be reported to the Management Committee, whose decision will be final.

15. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND FEES - Subscriptions for the various categories of membership shall be approved by two-thirds or more of an attendance of at least 70% of the Management Committee present and be applied as agreed.

All monies obtained through the use of Club facilities (premises, equipment, etc.) to be paid to the Honorary Treasurer at the earliest opportunity following that money being received.

A member may pay a proportionally reduced subscription in the year of joining at the discretion of the Management Committee. Subscriptions for junior members shall be half that for full members rounded up to the nearest pound. This concession may, at the Management Committee's discretion, be extended to members over 18 years of age whilst continuing in full time education.

16. PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS - Any member whose subscription remains unpaid at the end of February shall forfeit the privileges of membership until the subscription has been paid. At his discretion the Treasurer may inform such a member that he/she can only be reinstated on payment of the subscription for the current year.

17. RULES - Alterations or additions to the Club rules may only be made by special resolution at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting but the Management Committee shall have the power to institute temporary rules and bye-laws that may be necessary in the interests of the Club. A copy of the Club rules shall be displayed on the notice board.

18. CLUB HOURS - The Club may open every day and for as many hours as the Management Committee consider appropriate. The sale of intoxicating liquor is only permitted during local licensing hours in accordance with relevant laws. No person under the age of eighteen shall be supplied with intoxicating liquor. Except for authorized functions, items of hot (convenience) foods or intoxicants shall not be brought on to Club premises by a member.

19. SECURITY – Any keys to the Club premises (or rooms in the premises), or details of entry arrangements to or in the premises, provided to members, must not be passed on to non-members. Keys to the premises must also be returned on ceasing to be a member. The last member to leave the Club premises shall close all windows and lock the front door securely. Articles left on the Club premises are at the owner's risk.

20.HEALTH AND SAFETY - All members and their guests must sign in on entering the building and sign out on exit.

21. CHILDREN - Children under the age of twelve are allowed on the Club premises only when accompanied by a full member or at the discretion of an Officer.

22. ANIMALS - Animals are not allowed on the Club premises.

23. OTHER MATTERS - The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with any matters not provided for in these rules.


Amendments approved at AGM of 3rd March 2022