This is the old way of settling disputes
Now we have introduced
Above all, avoid any behaviour that would make anyone (especially beginners) feel uncomfortable.
Cards should not be taken out of the board before all players are at the table.
Before you look at your cards count your hand and ensure that you have exactly thirteen cards.
Do greet your opponents at the table and treat them with respect and courtesy.
Do not indulge in post-mortems with your partner directly after a hand is finished. (Save it for after the game.)
Do not criticize partner. (Keep it to yourself until after the game.
Do compliment your opponents for fine bidding or play. (Especially beginners)
Do not gloat! (It is ugly) Be modest.
The Auction
Do not ask for information from your opponents unless it is your turn to bid.
Do not ask what a bid means unless you are intending to bid.
If one doesn't intend to bid, questions of the opponents should be made after the auction has concluded.
Play of the hand
Do say ‘Thank you’ to your partner when he/she puts the Dummy on the table.
All players, except dummy, may now request a review of the auction and an explanation of any alerted calls.
You, as the opening leader, may ask for any review of the bidding
Other players may also ask for a review of the auction at their first opportunity to play.
Do not detach a card from the hand before it is your turn to play.
Do not pull up a card, push it back into your hand, and then pull up another card. Nor should you detach a card and then replace it to play another card.
Also do not detach your card before it is your turn to play and never rearrange your hand when you are out of a suit.
At the end of a hand ensure that you do not mix up your cards until the result is agreed with the opponents.
North, when scoring the traveller, must present it to East-West for their acceptance prior to folding and returning it to the board.
Do not look at your opponent's or partner's cards after the hand has been played without their permission.
You may not call declarer's attention to anything except that he is about to lead from the wrong hand or to ask if he is out of the suit being played.
As dummy, you may not play or touch any card in dummy (even a singleton) until declarer calls the card
If declarer designates a suit, but not the rank, he is deemed to have called for the lowest card of the suit indicated.
If declarer designates a rank but not a suit, he is deemed to be continuing the suit in which dummy won the last trick.
Otherwise, be silent during the play.
Dummy is not allowed to call the Director.
Failure to finish on time can do a great deal to chase players away from the game and is extremely distressing to waiting players.