SABF Teaching Bridge
Release 2.19p

Welcome to the Web site for all SABF-affiliated learners. We trust that it will serve as the basis for becoming fully-fledged members of the South African bridge fraternity.  

Details of upcoming events, as well as results for recent tournaments, can be seen on the rhs of the Home page. More general  information can be accessed via the buttons on the on the lhs. 

Note: Any member information is password protected to ensure compliance with the POPI Act .           

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Learning bridge in South Africa
Learning bridge in South Africa

Courses to suit newcomers to bridge, as well as for more advanced levels, are provided online throughout South Africa. 

Last updated : 20th Feb 2022 16:51 SAST
Beginner Courses available

> Beginner Bridge 101 (based on Paul Marston’s book ‘Introduction to Bridge’)
   At the end of the course you can expect to be playing a good basic game of bridge, even if you have never played cards before.

> Beginner Bridge 102 (based on Paul Marston’s book ‘The Principles of Card Play')
   A step-by-step approach to teaching the elements of card play at bridge - ideal for any beginner or intermediate player wanting  to play the cards well.

> Beginner Bridge 103 (based on Paul Marston’s book ‘The Language of Bidding ’)
    For intermediate, or club level players, to develop an improved understanding of bidding concepts - based on a  modern 'Five Card Majors' approach. 

Last updated : 20th Feb 2022 17:43 SAST

Please try out  our new 'hand-of-the-week' feature - an analysis of an interesting hand from one of our recent events! Click on 'answer' to see how our panel assessed the problem.  

Enjoy. smiley

Last updated : 3rd Sep 2021 17:31 SAST
Details of upcoming courses
Details of next tournament