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Swaffham Bridge Club



  1. The name of the club shall be Swaffham Bridge Club.
  2. The Constitution is displayed on the Swaffham Bridge Club website.
  3. Any alterations or additions to the Constitution can only be implemented after agreement of the members at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and thereafter become binding.

Club Committee

  1. The Management of the club shall be vested in a committee consisting of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 elected members of the club. The committee will include the officers of the club, namely the elected chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and at least one tournament director.
  2. The club’s accounts will be audited each year. The management committee will unanimously agree the appointment of an auditor who will not be a member of the committee.
  3. All Officers and Committee Members shall be elected for a period of 3 years and shall be eligible for re-election. The Committee may co-opt additional members without the requirement for an EGM. However, co-opted members must then be re-elected at the next AGM for a period of 3 years or stand down.


  1. The club’s AGM will be held in the first quarter of each year at which the Tournament Director’s report, the Secretary’s report and the Treasurer’s accounts will be submitted, followed by the election of officers and other members of the committee.
  2. Club members must be notified of a proposed AGM or EGM at least at least 3 consecutive weeks prior to the meeting by all reasonable means available to the Committee. Such means will include notices at bridge playing sessions, email, publication on the Club’s website and mail or telephone for those members without online access. The wording of any proposed alteration to the Constitution of the Club shall accompany the notice.
  3. The committee will hold meetings a minimum of 3 times a year to which other members of the club may be invited to deal with specific issues. The presence of a simple majority of the elected committee members will constitute a quorum.

Bridge Sessions

  1. Application for membership requires a proposal and seconding by 2 full members.
  2. Each member will be called upon to pay an annual subscription and will only be supplied with a copy of the club programme when this has been paid. The amount of the subscription will be determined by the Committee.
  3. Each member or guest taking part in playing sessions will be asked to pay a sum of table money fixed by the Committee.
  4. A guest may attend no more than 4 times in any one year, and thereafter will be required to become a member. A guest will be eligible for club trophies or prize money provided they become a club member before the presentation of the cup or within 3 months, whichever is the sooner. If a cup is won by non-members then it will be awarded to the runners-up.
  5. Club trophies will be competed for annually and will be held by the winners for approximately 12 months, after which time they will be returned to a nominated committee member.
  6. Any differences at the bridge table shall be referred to the Tournament Director.
  7. All complaints, other than those dealt with under item 15, shall be addressed in writing to the Club Secretary for consideration by the Committee, unless the complaint is about the Secretary when the complaint should be sent to the Chairman.

Approved at the AGM on 04.03.2025







Bridge is an extremely enjoyable game. Courteous behaviour is an exceptionally important part of the enjoyment.


• Turn off your mobile phone (if vital leave on vibrate)

• It is necessary to play quickly. The aim is to be able to play at least 21-24 boards in a session

• Make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents.

• Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.

• Take care of your personal grooming.

• Enjoy the company as well as the game.

REMEMBER it is rude to criticise your partner or opponents in public, to be less than polite at the table, to gloat over good results or object to a call for the tournament director or to dispute or argue about a director’s ruling, or generally to make any personal and disparaging remark.

Please call the Director if you think you may have been affected by bad behaviour. You will be helping others as well as yourselves.


• Greet your new opponents in a friendly manner as they arrive at your table.

• Explain your system clearly and simply, if asked. Answer questions clearly.

• Sort and count your cards quickly, so that you can bid promptly when it is your turn.

• Do not sort through your cards again when it is your turn to bid.

• Do not ask what a bid means unless you are intending to bid. Ask any questions when the auction is over.


• Do not put your bidding cards away until the initial lead has been made.

• When you are making the initial lead, play your card before you write down the contract in your score card. (Three people are waiting!).

• Place this card face down on the table first, to check whether partner has any questions about the auction.

• As dummy, lay out the cards before you write down the contract. Lay out the cards as quickly as possible (Three people are waiting!)

• As declarer, plan your campaign before you select a card from dummy.

• As dummy, do not play the first card (even if its is a singleton) until declarer has worked out his plan and called for it.

• As declarer, always call for the card you wish dummy to play.

• As declarer, when you lead to a trick, wait for LHO to play his card before calling a card from dummy.

• When making a claim, explain your intended line of play clearly.

• When the hand has been completed, North should enter the result in the tablet quickly. East confirms it is correct.


• Do not hold long post-mortems unless you are clearly well ahead of the other tables.

• Do not touch other players’ cards - ask them to show you.

• North handles new boards

• Thank your opponents at the end of the round and move quickly to your new table


Membership Application Form