Stourbridge Institute Bridge Association
Minutes of Committee Meeting 10th July 2024
Present: Linda Wright, Georgina Lineker, James Taylor, Gavin Tringham, Glo Jackson
Apologies: Margaret Hanson, Fiona Hahn
Election of Chairman: Linda Wright was proposed by Georgina Lineker and seconded by James Taylor and unanimously re-elected as Chairman.
The minutes of the committee meeting of 8th May 2024 were approved online.
The minutes of the AGMs of 18th June were accepted.
These minutes with a draft watermark to go on the noticeboard – GJ
Matters Arising
From July 11th table money for members will be £3, visitors £4 and directors and scorers will pay £1
Margaret Hanson and Fiona Hahn to look into costings for Tablets and Bridgemates
Chairman’s Report
- Calendar of Events 2024/2025
Social Bridge
Saturday September 21st 2pm
Christmas Party
Friday December 13th
Tuesday June 10th
JT to print the notice for Social Bridge
Secretary’s Report
- Discovery magazine only online
- Revised format for Roving County Phillips Pairs. The committee decided that we will host the event only on Tuesdays since Friday bridge sometimes has to be played in a small room.
- Inter Club Teams
- Malvern Congress: October 26,27
Members lists/records
- JT to produce a list to be checked for members’ details.
Treasurer’s Report
- Everything is up to date.
- On-line banking is working well.
Media Co-ordinator’s Report
- Social Bridge and Christmas Party details to be emailed to members and the dates put on the website.
Rota Co-ordinator’s Report
- Rotas are up to date to the end of July.
Competitions Secretary’s Report
6 pairs of our students entered the WCBA Chairman’s Cup and did remarkably well. Congratulations to:-
Fiona Hahn and John Salisbury - 1st
Pat and Ken Smith - 2nd
Karen and Dale Matthews - 4th
Resources Co-ordinator’s Report
- Scorecards have been ordered.
- MH to order new movement cards then to laminate.
Any Other Business
Dates of next meetings
- September 11th
- November 6th
- January 8th
- March 12th - Committee meal
- May 14th
- AGM June 10th Tuesday
- July 9th