Stornoway Bridge Club
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And a little tale to amuse.

I paid by cheque last night and as I was writing the cheque I said to the 2 staff members.
”I haven’t written a cheque for ages’
The young girl replied ‘I’ve never written a cheque”

Eek - that made me feel old…….



Welcome to Stornoway Bridge Club

Spotted by one of our members in The Telegraph.

Well, it would be rude not to share…..

A celebratory selfie! 

A lovely evening spent with our friends from Germany, Andrea and Irene, up on holiday.

And they won!  

Congratulations and thank you for seeking us out.

Ghinda Social
Bowling or Bridge
Individual Fun Bridge 26th March
SBU Easter Pairs - Bobby Allan Trophy
Fun night
Golf Club Trophy
Hugh Halbert
Clansman Trophy
Charity Night
Sports Festival
David Walker
23rd January Fun Night
Tom Grassie
Fun Night
Betty Rodgers
Charity Night
Frank Strachan (Draw for partners)
Children in Need / Ecats event
John the Chemist