St Annes Bridge Club was founded in 1983 |
 Welcome to our website.
The Club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union & Essex County Bridge Association.
We are a very friendly club and make visitors welcome, they do not have to be members of the EBU.
At present we do not run a host system, but you can contact Amarjeet Singh on 07746 848671 who will try to find you a partner.
Amarjeet is away for a few weeks, so call Rob Orange if you are looking for a partner - 07719 289573
Important Information |
The Club meets every Tuesday at
St Annes Church Hall,
Larkshall Road,
Chingford E4 6NP
Please arrive by 7.20pm for a prompt 7.30pm start.
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Clarry Mayhew Trophy 2024 |
Graham & Heather Olliffe were joint winners of the highest annual average score for 2024. The new Clarry Mayhew Trophy (in memory of our former much missed chairman) was kindly supplied and presented by Clarry's wife Jean and son David.