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St Albans Bridge Club
15th Jul 2024 22:56 BST
Top Scores 24/25
9th Jul 2024 09:25 BST
TaraStan XImps Ladder 24/25
9th Jul 2024 09:25 BST
Teams Ladder 24/25
9th Jul 2024 09:24 BST
St Albans Bridge Club
Scores Monday 15th July

Hi all,

the PC did not pick up the scores from the Bridgemates tonight for reasons unknown.  The scores are stored on the Bridgemates so I should be able to sort that out but it won't be tonight.

Better news is that I did find the missing keys. They had fallen underneath our car when I was loading some boards at the start of the evening.

Steve Lambert


Bridge with St. Albans Bridge Club

Welcome to St. Albans Bridge Club.  We are currently playing twice a week.

Monday evenings at 19:30 Jersey Farm Community Hall - Duplicate Pairs except for the second Monday of the month when we will play Multiple Teams.  For Pairs events we operate a Reserve Player system so members can come along without a partner and will get a game.

Thursday evenings at 19:20 online on BBO

Non-members wishing to play in either event MUST contact me for approval at least 24 hrs in advance at  Tournament Directors may not permit non-members to play if they simply arrive at the event.


Minutes of the 2023/24 AGM






Steve Lambert, Chairman of the Bridge Club, noted that the necessary quorum of 25 members had been achieved and welcomed members to the meeting.

Apologies for absence had been received from Denis King, Roy Seaman, Jo Mason and Claus Crede.



Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on Monday 18th December 2023 were approved.



Chairman’s Report

The Chair thanked members for their support during the year, particularly

  • the Committee: Gill Lambert, John Duthie, Steve Lambert, Jayne Scaysbrook, Gary Kendall, Martin Sidders and Clare Garretty.
  • the Directors: John Stobo, Gary Kendall, Mike Hann and James Rogers.
  • the Scorers: John Duthie, Mike Parikh, Rod Adams and Mike Hann.
  • the weekly helpers: Jim Fry, John Roberts, James Kleiner-Mann, Tony Hazell and Nigel Lewis.

The Chair asked that members sign-up to be duty officers from August, as insufficient volunteers are coming forward.



 Election of Officers

Steve Lambert, Gary Kendall, Martin Sidders, Gill Lambert, Jane Scaysbrook John Duthie and Clare Garretty were unanimously re-elected.

Claus Crede was re-elected as Auditor. 



Treasurer report.

The Treasurer, Martin Sidders, reported that the Club had achieved a surplus for the first time in four years. The surplus was £632 increasing our reserves to £5,355, though they are still below pre-Covid levels.

Last year on average we had 12½ tables on Monday and 11½ on Thursday. Largely due to rental costs, Monday nights made a loss of circa £1000, offset by Thursday nights making a surplus of £300 and net subscription income.

Funds balance @ 1 April 2023                       £4,723

Income                                                             £10,352

Expenditure                                                    (£9,720)

Funds balance @ 31 March 2024                 £5,355

Claus Crede has audited the figures.

The Treasurer tabled the accounts, which were approved by the members.



 Membership and Table Fees.

The Committee proposed that the Monday table fees be increased from £2 to £3 as from 1st July 2024.

An email was sent to all members about the proposal and no comments have been received.

The Treasurer reported that the reason for the increase is to provide a capital fund for the replacement of the Bridgemates and the club Laptop, in total estimated to be £4-£4.5k.  

Members voted to approve this proposal.

The Committee confirmed that the Annual Membership fee will remain at £10. Online fees will continue at $3 and Monday table fees for non-members will remain at £5.



Prize Giving for 2023/2024 Ladders.

The winners were presented with a pen.

The Gerald Everitt Monday pairs – Bob Turnham and Harry Silverman      

The Teams Ladder - Bob Turnham, Harry Silverman, James Rogers and Denis King.

The John Matthews Thursday Pairs Ladder – Paul and Fiona Littlewood

The Individual Trophy - Nigel Lewis.

The TaraStan X-IMPS   - Harry Silverman

 The Roy Seaman Trophy - Steve Lambert.



Any Other Business

There being no other business the Chairman thanked the members for their support and the meeting ended at 7.20.


Do you need a partner ?

If you need a partner for either Thursday nights on BBO or Monday nights at Jersey Farm drop me an email and I'll do my best to help. 

Steve Lambert <>


Bridgebase Tips

Please check out the following videos if you have any issues about using Bridgebase Online in St. Albans club games:

Self Alerting: Click here.                                        Chatting & claiming: Click here.

Undos: Click here.                                                Robots: Click here.

There are masses of videos on Youtube explaining every aspect of BBO so if you are indoubt, just go to Youtube and search.

15th July 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Jersey Farm 19:30
Director: Steve Lambert
Scorer: Mike Hann
Reserve Player: Lawrence Wybraniec
18th July 2024
Duplicate Pairs
BBO 19:20
Director: Gary Conrad
Scorer: Gary Conrad
22nd July 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Jersey Farm 19:30
Director: John Stobo
Scorer: Rod Adams
Reserve Player: Gary Kendall
25th July 2024
Duplicate Pairs
BBO 19:20
Director: Gary Conrad
Scorer: Gary Conrad
29th July 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Jersey Farm 19:30
Director: James Rogers
Scorer: John Duthie
Reserve Player: Jill Ackroyd
1st August 2024
Duplicate Pairs
BBO 19:20
Director: Gary Conrad
Scorer: Gary Conrad
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Gary Conrad
Scorer: Gary Conrad
Duplicate Teams
Director: Gary Kendall
Scorer: Steve Lambert
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Gary Conrad
Scorer: Gary Conrad
Duplicate Pairs
Director: James Rogers
Scorer: John Duthie
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Gary Conrad
Scorer: Gary Conrad
AGM followed by Duplicate Pairs
Director: John Stobo
Scorer: Rod Adams