Eastbourne - Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Ebu. Summer meeting.

In Eastbourne. 8th-11th August 2024

At present we are not providing any bridge lessons

for either beginners or Intermediates.

A reminder that if you wish to view your personal

analysis (all your personal results at shbc) ,

change your address etc, you need to use

the "members only" option. (see main menu) 

If you require an ebu diary, you have to opt in. See "MyEBU" on the ebu Web site. 





Lupus Charity Shield

Every October a charity fundraiser is held in aid of Lupus awareness.

Here's the shield:

The first winners in 2013 were Linda Sherlock and Jan Dineen

being presented by the event organiser, Bill Buss.

2014 winners:  Peter White and Victoria Cooper

2015 Winners: Alyson and Alan Middleton.

2016 winners, Chris Hebson and Ed Padget

2017 winners:  Hilary and Robin Levett.

13 tables played and £410 as raised for the charity.

2018 winners: David Buckley and Val Tinney

2019 Winners - Nick Rogers and Colin Clark

13 tables played and over £460 was raised.

2022 Winners - Mary Fogo and John Williams

£500 was raised on the day!

2023 Winners, David and Jane Spencer