Eastbourne - Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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6th Jul 2024 10:55 BST
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4th Jul 2024 20:49 BST
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4th Jul 2024 20:43 BST
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1st Jul 2024 14:09 BST
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Ebu. Summer meeting.

In Eastbourne. 8th-11th August 2024

At present we are not providing any bridge lessons

for either beginners or Intermediates.

A reminder that if you wish to view your personal

analysis (all your personal results at shbc) ,

change your address etc, you need to use

the "members only" option. (see main menu) 

If you require an ebu diary, you have to opt in. See "MyEBU" on the ebu Web site. 





Welcome to Eastbourne - Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club

EBU Affiliated Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club play friendly duplicate bridge on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club (see below). Please be seated by 13.00. for a prompt start at 13.15. Play is scheduled to finish by 17.00. when the Yacht Club bar is open.

Visitors always welcome.
Host provided

Running late?? 

Please Contact ☎️ (Viv Morris: Mobile: 07984 957640)


Sarah Sanders SHYC Administrator ☎️ 01323 470888
Free Parking

How to find us       


♠ Please See menu at left ♠ ,

Information -  location, times etc for FULL details.  

Last updated : 1st Jun 2024 10:26 BST
The view from our venue: Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club
The view from our venue: Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club
Last updated : 1st Jul 2024 14:09 BST
Thursday Pairs #1
Director: Hilary
Scorer: Robin
Host: Annie J
Tuesday Pairs
Director: Christine
Scorer: Norman
Host: Brian S
Thursday Pairs
Director: Debbie
Scorer: Norman
Host: Padmani