Wishing all our members & past members a very Happy New Year.
Bridge is back on 2 January 2023 at 7.00pm
 Wishing all our members
a very Happy, Peaceful and Healthy New Year
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New Year Bridge Congress on our doorstep |
♠ ♥ Start 2022 with ♦ ♣
Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th January 2022
If you are interested check out the poster or ask Sue for more details
Day rates available
Click here for the flyer for what should be a fantastic "all inclusive"
bridge and food weekend down the road
Both events are Blue Pointed
Covid 19 Update |
From 12 April, lockdown is easing. Community centres and other such establishments are allowed to open for business from 21 June. Hopefully, taking into consideration any Covid restrictions and advice from the EBU, we can start to plan to resume F2F bridge at the community centre in the summer.
The committee will keep the situation under review. The health and safety of all our members is our main priority.
We will keep you updated through the website, regular email/phone call communication and our Facebook page.
Simultaneous Pairs
Monday 6 November at 7.00pm
We will be playing the same pre-prepared boards as other Bridge Clubs,throughout the country &
raising money doing something we love.
As a result, we can see how well we’ve done (or otherwise) in comparison to some of the best bridge players in the country.
If you do well, there are no prizes, just a sense of satisfaction.
Table money this evening is £5 per player
(Club will double the amount raised)
Children in Need 2024 |
We are running a heat of simultaneous pairs on
Monday 11 November
to raise money for Children in Need
If you wish to make an additional donation ...please follow the link to just giving page
Priday Cup |
On Sunday 12 November at 2.00pm, Mansfield Mechanics is hosting the Priday Cup
on behalf of Nottinghamshire Contract Bridge Association.
It is open to anyone with an NGS of 9 or below at the time of entry.
(Play without the Experts!)
No entry fee!
Complimentary light refreshments halfway through the competition
You will find your NGS grade on myEBU (contact Sue if you need help)
Entry form on NCBA website (again Sue will help with this)
Mixed Pairs 1 Dec 2024 |
Sunday 1 December 2024 starting @ 2.00pm
At Woodborough Village Hall,
Lingwood Lane, Woodborough, NG14 6DX
FREE entry for players with Nottinghamshire registered as primary county.
Men’s and Women’s pairs are very welcome to play in this event.
Entry fee for players not registered with Nottinghamshire as primary county - £5.00
The highest ranking Nottinghamshire Mixed Pair will win free entry to the
OPEN PAIRS Blue Pointed Event to be held on Friday 3 January 2025 at West Midlands Bridge Club. Further details will be available.
Light refreshments including mince pies, mulled wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be available in the break
Please provide names and contact details by completing the entry form on the County Website. https://www.bridgewebs.com/nottinghamshire/ or contact Sue Wright through the website
Looking for a partner? Contact Clare Batten or Sue Wright
All entries need to be received by 25 November 2024.
Lots of us will still be reflecting on the sad news of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s passing.
As a mark of respect and to commemorate her reign, we have cancelled the improver/learner session on Monday afternoon, 19 September 2022.
Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family.
Starting back on Monday 2 October
from 10.30am - 12.30am at the Community Centre, Bellamy Road
We will be recommencing lessons and play sessions at the beginning of October for learners and improvers. The format of the session will be 20-30 minutes of teaching the Standard ACOL system, with 3 weak 2's followed by play, including hand discussion.We will review hands demonstrating specific topics and have Q&A sessions.
Although bridge is a complex game to learn, you can have fun at the same time and it’s a good way to socialise & make new friends.
Our Monday regulars can confirm that all are made welcome at our warm and friendly Club.
The cost is £3 per session
There is always something new to learn and everyone is welcome
Whether you are a complete beginner or want to refresh your game,
contact Sue Wright on 07970 198312 or
Mike Gyles (Club Secretary) on 07947 845305 or via mike.gyles@hotmail.com for further information
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
If you would like to learn to play bridge, or looking to improve please come and join us at the Centre
We will be delighted to hear from you!
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
Life's too short to look back and have regrets, so remember these 2 wise phrases:
'The first step is generally the hardest, but once you've taken it,things get easier'
'If you don't step forward, you will always remain in the same place'
F2F Bridge is Back |
Recognising that there are hazards in all human activity, having canvassed the views of the entire membership, the SM&BBC Committee have put together a plan to minimise the risk of Covid-19 as we resume F2F playing of bridge with effect from Monday, 19
You can be assured that all steps have, and will continue to be taken, to ensure that the Community Centre will be a safe and secure environment in which to play.
A 'Guide for Members' document has been circulated to ensure that all attendees are aware of what is expected of them to ensure their own personal safety and comfort, but equally important, that of their fellow players. Please ensure you have read this before attending.
These measures will remain in place to ensure that the Community Centre and playing conditions are such that all members are confident that we have a safe and secure environment in which to play. We make no apology for these at this time, but will constantly review and remove measures as and when it is clearly right to do so.
NB – like you, we all hope that won’t be too long.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let Mike or any other committee member know.
(A copy of the Covid-19 Risk Assessment and the 'Guide for Members' can be found on the menu on the left hand side of this page)
In the meantime, can you:-
- Let me know which, if any sessions, you’ll be attending each week. This will allow us to prepare properly.
- If intending to attend, please ensure that you follow the guidance notes in full (see guidance for members)
- Should you need sustenance during a session, please bring your own food and drink (this may be a temporary measure)
- Bring table money of £2.50. Cash on the night will be fine as we have a safe process in place for collection and administration.
- Let any committee member know if you’re looking for someone to play with as a result of your regular partner deciding to wait a little longer before returning.
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! |
Annual General Meeting 2022 |
The AGM was held at the South Mansfield Community Centre
on Monday 23 May at 6.00pm.
A copy of the minutes is available on the Club's noticeboard.
Further copies are available, by e mail, upon request to members.
Reopening 3 January 2022 |
Just to let you know bridge will resume on Monday 3 January 2022
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
The Club’s committee continue to monitor government regulations and guidance closely and will be alert to any changes that may be announced in the coming days and weeks, especially in the light of the Omicron variant.
For the present we will continue as we have been doing. We space out the tables, reduce interactions by playing Mitchell movements wherever possible, wear masks k use hand sanitiser at the table and have windows open to aid ventilation. Should circumstances change, we will let you know and post on the club’s web site.
In the meantime, we support the government’s call for all members who are able, to have a full set of vaccinations, and to stay away, test themselves if they show any symptoms that suggest they may have caught the virus and keep the committee informed.
It’s also important – now more than ever – that we act responsibly if we are not well. If you don’t feel well, please stay at home.
Colds, coughs and other bugs are common at this time of year and they can spread quickly.
If you have had an upset stomach (diarrhoea and/or vomiting), stay at home, rest and drink plenty of water – do not return until you have been clear of symptoms for 48 hours.
Sue Wright
on behalf of SMBBC
Children in Need 2021 Commentary file |
Please click here to view commentary file
If you are aged 80 or over you can book your free NHS coronavirus vaccination appointments online at
https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/nottinghamc19vpatient.php or by telephoning 0115 883 4640 between 09:00 & 17:00 Mon to Sun.
Vaccination slots are limited but more slots and new vaccination sites will be available throughout December and January. The coronavirus vaccine is free of charge to you. You need 2 doses of the vaccine to get the best protection from the virus. Each dose must be at least 21 days apart. When you book your first appointment, you will also need to book your second appointment.
Stop Press |
Nottinghamshire Contract Bridge Association
Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs Event
Thursday 27th February 2020
Nottingham Bridge Club
Commencing at 10.30 am.
Registration from 10.00 am.
Entry Fee:£20 per pair including lunch.
Entry fee is to be paid on the day.
No prize money will be awarded. EBU members only (members of affiliated clubs are automatically EBU members).
The event consists of six matches of six boards each.
At the end of each match, pairs with a similar score play against each other. This means that players of a similar standard should end up playing amongst themselves. However pairs should not play each other twice.
If you intend to play, please contact Graham Brindley by email at graham@brindley57.plus.com, or by phone on
0115 9232186, as numbers are needed for catering purposes. Closing date for entries is Monday 24th February.
Teams of 4 on Bridge Club Live |
Thank you to everyone who has played in our Teams of 4 on Bridge Club Live. Congratulations to those who have mastered the technology.
With the return to F2F bridge, sessions on Monday and Friday evenings at 7pm in the Teams of 4 room will cease
On Wednesday mornings at 9.00am we are also running a session, currently for 8 players.
Sessions last for approximately 2 hours.
If you are interested in joining in any of the sessions then please contact Mike Gyles or Sue Wright for more information.
It is important that you contact Mike or Sue if you are unable to play for any reason, as the numbers are critical to the sessions.
Christmas Party 2019 at Sherwood Golf Club |

Move "mouse" over thumbnail to change
38 members braved the cold and damp to attend the 2019 Christmas party, once again held at the Sherwood Forest Golf Club.
A lovely meal was followed by an evening of bridge in which pairings were decided on a random basis. Eddie Walker and Craig Wagstaff were N/S winners with Julie Rutter and Janet Franks coming second. E/W winners were Bob Laughton and Dorothy Burton with John Beeley and Jean Richardson as runners-up. As you can see from the pictures, they looked justifiably pleased as they received their prizes from Tom Richardson who, as in every year, put so much effort into making the evening a success.
In truth there were smiles all round - and this had nothing to do with copious amounts of alcohol being consumed! - as a number of fine festive gifts, generously supplied by the Club in a free raffle, were taken home at the end of the evening by happy attendees.
Yes, Christmas 2019 certainly got off to a grand start for SM&BBC members on Monday 9th December.
Lockdown Update |
As of today, 20 May 2020, there is no indication of when restrictions designed to limit the spread of Coronavirus are likely to be lifted to such a degree to allow social gatherings and eliminate the need for social distancing. Under these circumstances it is difficult to forecast when SM&BBC may be able to safely return to the Community Centre and resume normal operations.
For the time being, members will continue to get emailed updates every fortnight. Those not contactable by email will, as an alternative, receive a phone call from a Club official to make sure that they are keeping fine and remind them that help is at hand if required. Any member with an urgent issue that the Club may be able to help with needn’t wait to be contacted. Details of three current committee members can be found under the ‘information’ tab.
With current plans for a summer party in doubt, rest assured that once this is all over, the Club will announce arrangements for how we all might celebrate ‘coming out the other side!’
In the meatime all members are advised to keep a) safe b) sane c) spirits up and d) washing those hands!
For the latest advice on Coronavirus click here and here.
Bridge Club Live |
Welcome to Bridge Club Live (BCL) on-line bridge.
Please click on the link to access
Please contact Sue Wright on 07970198312 or Mike Gyles on 07947845305 for more details on how to join.
But don't wait for an invite - we are now registered with BCL . As EBU members you can get a 50 day free trial. Please contact Sue so that she can contact BCL to get your free trial added.
Charity Bridge Event - Monday 24th February 2920 |
Please support our annual Charity Bridge event to be held on Monday 24th February .
The agreed charity for 2020 is the Kings Mill Scanner Appeal.
Table fees £5
Raffle tickets will be sold prior to the event at £1 per ticket. Prizes to be drawn on the night
180 years combined experience!! |
Coronavirus update -Bridge Club closed |
The government has recommended the cancellation of all unnecessary social gatherings.
This obviously includes bridge and is likely to be the case for the forseeable future.
In view of this clear, scientific-based advice SMABBC is cancelling all of its sessions until further notice
We will keep you updated via e mail, text/phone and this website.
Congratulations to our Nonagenarians!!! |
 We've been blessed this year in having two of our loyal and long serving members reach their 90th birthday.
In January, Fay Buckley was the first to reach this milestone , followed on 30th May by her junior (well she is four months younger!) playing partner, Dorothy Beaves.
In addition to having members of their respective families gather in Nottinghamshire around the respective dates to celebrate, the Club made sure that the occasion was suitably recognised.
As can be seen from the first of the accompanying photographs, the Club’s outgoing chairperson, Jan Fraser presented Dorothy with a floral gift in recognition of her special birthday. Dorothy is joined by her playing partner Fay, in the second photo.
Let’s be honest here, if we hadn’t mentioned it, you’d never have believed that there was 180 years of combined experience on show in that second picture!
All at the Club, even those members who without exception are younger, and who regularly find that Fay and Dorothy have made their ‘three no trumps’ contract go ‘two off’ when sitting E/W, wish them well in the future and look forward to doing battle with them for many years to come.
July Update |
The club has officially joined the EBU from 1 July 2019. We will continue to be a friendly club. The benefits for the membership are that scores will now contribute to your National Grading Score (NGS) and for those doing well Masterpoints are awarded. On all other fronts business as usual! We can also participate in county and EBU organised events
Children in Need
On Monday 7th November 2022
Play with other Bridge Clubs throughout the country & raise money whilst enjoying ourselves!
All monies raised will be donated to PUDSEY BEAR!
The amalgamation of South Mansfield and Blidworth Bridge Clubs was formalised at an extra-ordinary meeting of the committees of both clubs on Monday 13th February 2018. A new Committee was formed and issues relating to the merger were discussed and agreed. A copy of the minutes of the meeting will be sent to all committee members in due course and posted on this website and on the club notice board in due course.
Special thanks to Jan Fraser |
Following delivery of her 8th Chairman's report at the Club AGM on Monday 13 May 2019, Jan Fraser formally handed over the Chairmanship to Bob Laughton.
Throughout her long association with the Club, Jan has, over the years been a good friend, tutor, leader (and supplier of free-range eggs, amongst other goodies!) to many members. Although she has many talents and a wide range of interests, Jan's passion for bridge always shines through - she's even been known to turn up for bridge sessions with just one good leg!
Her patience with those who are less experienced than herself , and are still coming to terms with the complexities of this fascinating game, is renowned. Having said that, we suspect that on occasions there will surely have been some interesting discussions with husband Alex on the journey home to Ravenshead!
Fortunately for the Club, Jan is not retiring completely and will continue to serve the Club as a hard-working member of the Committee. Her experience is invaluable to us all.
In appreciation of her long and loyal service, Tom Richardson presented Jan with a bouquet of flowers. on behalf of a very grateful membership. (Pictured below)
Summer Party and Bridge 8 July |
Following the success of our Summer Party to celebrate the merging of the two clubs in 2018, we will hold another Summer Party with Bridge at Sherwood Golf Club on Monday 8 July 2019 commencing at 6.00pm
Dinner will be followed with an evening of bridge. Partnerships to be decided on the night. Thanks to Tom for arranging this event.