This page specifically contains links to other sites or pages of interest to members. Click on the header to take you to the site or page.
The official American Contract Bridge League site.
How to Complete Your Convention Card |
Helps you and your partner put down on your convention cards the agreed approaches the two of you will be playing. Each topic gives you "conventional" wisdom on filling out the sections of your convention card.
Commonly Used Conventions |
Descriptions of the most popular conventions to familiarize yourself. Clear one to two pages with enough information for you to decide if you want to learn that convention
Learn to Play Bridge I (LTPB I) beginners |
The new Learn to Play Bridge I online is a free web-based program supported by ACBL. It is a good program for newer players to test and learn new skills. It will work with any device with any browser that is connected to the internet.
Unit 356 Home Page (our unit) |
Includes Tucson - SaddleBrooke - Heritage Highlands - Green Valley - Sierra Vista
District 17 Home Page (our district) |
Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Eastern Nevada
Learn to Play Bridge II intermediate |
Learn to Play Bridge II (LTPB II) is a free online program for intermediate players. It is funded by ACBL. Unfortunately it is only compatible with MS Windows.
Western Conference Home Page (our region) |
District 17
District 21
District 22
Larry Cohen |
Includes some practice bid and play hands
Michael Lawrence |
Good bridge site containing articles and bridge links
Richard Pavlicek |
Bridge quizzes, puzzles and lots of free bridge utilities