Gerald Booth |
 Gerald died on the 30th January 2025 at the age of 94. He played at the club for many years up to the end of 2018. He was an excellent player and audited our accounts for a number of years. He had a very commanding voice combined with being hard of hearing and often had to be gently reminded to keep his voice down when discussing hands he'd just played as everyone could hear what the contract had been and what would have been the best lead! In typical Gerald style he wrote his own eulogy which can be seen here.
Jenny Whone |
 Jenny died on the 13th November 2024 at the age of 80. She had been in intensive care for a while due to an infection following a routine operation but returned home where she died, as was her wish. She partnered Geoff Roberts for two years and won the annual gross competition for both those years. She was an exceptional player and very competitive but was also very cheerful and helpful and didn't seem to let things bother her too much, even when her contract went down!
Pam and Tony Griffiths |
 Pam and Tony died within hours of each other on 13th August 2024. Pam suffered a stroke and her husband Tony died the night before after a very long illness. Tony stopped playing bridge at our club several years ago but Pam was one of our regulars for many, many years. They were a lovely couple and we will miss Pam very much, particularly her smile and calm manner and common sense.
Janet Watts |
 Janet died on the 19th January 2024 at the age of 91. She played at the club regularly with Ron Howes up until 2014 and then later with Linda Bailey and stopped coming when Covid started in early 2020 but many of us will remember her as a talented bridge player with a good sense of humour.
Edith Higham |
 Edith died on the 27th December 2022 at the age of 103. She played with us for a number of years but stopped some years ago. She was a very sweet lady but she did cause a bit of a rumpus one time while we were tidying up at Delph when she moved a chair that someone was about to sit on. It prompted us to get some public liability insurance!
Ron Howes |
 Ron died in August 2021 aged 96. He used to play with Janet Watts up until 2014 and will always be remembered for his big smile.
Peter Allison |
 Peter died on the 3rd October 2020 from a heart attack after a battle with cancer. He was an excellent player who regularly won our annual gross competition with his partner Don Walton and it was very sad for us all to see his decline as his memory deteriorated. On a lighter note he will probably also be remembered by many of us for his prodigious biscuit eating!
Gwen Southern |
 Gwen died from Covid-19 in August 2020 while being treated for leukemia. She was a very loyal and popular member of our club and many of us had known her for a long time. She always sat in the South position with her partner Geoff Roberts on what was usually table number 7 and hated having to move if there was a Howell or Hesitation Mitchell movement! More details can be seen here.
Jean Birkby |
 Jean died from natural causes in August 2020 when she was almost 96. She and her husband Arthur were very supportive and popular members of our club for many years. Arthur would always bid very aggressively and admonish Jean in a light-hearted way for not being as aggressive as he was. More details can be seen here.