We held a very successful day yesterday, Saturday March 8th, holding our Annual Congress.
Enjoyed by all (I think), we had 24 tables playing Swiss pairs.
The results can be viewed at https://laikel.bridgeaustralia.org/teamresults.asp?id=15257
ie- laikel results
The overall winners were 1st. John Yang (VBC) and Paul Ruan ( Waverley)
2nd. Jan Tunks (Bayside) and Marion Spurrier (Bayside)
The winners of the restricted section were:
1st. Matthew Sieredzinski (Frankston) and Heath Watkins ( ABF Youth)
2nd. Rebecca Mackiggan (Bayside) and Rebecca Dorman (Bayside)
Our best local pair was : Julie Farmer, Jac Rossiter-Nuttall and Pat Besley who came 4th overall with 5 wins and 1 draw. (Jac and Pat shared the Day)
Well done to everyone for attending, especially those players who were attending their first Congress.
MORNINGTON BRIDGE CLUB will start beginner lessons in April 2025.
They will be held each Wednesday Morning from 10am until 12.00 noon.
Venue- St Marks Uniting Church, Barkly Street, Mornington.
Cost- $110 for 8 lessons and a book (payable at the 1st lesson)
Enquiries and bookings to Christine Parkin 0411025052 or email cparkin_82@hotmail.com
Supervised Bridge Sessions , are held each Thursday from 10am until approx. 12 noon.
If you have previously played Bridge (or just a series of lessons) and want to upskill your knowledge, please come along and join us.
We will be playing random hands and will be discussing the bidding, leads ,defence and anything and everything you need to know to help with your play.
The cost will be $10 per session, but this enables you to play duplicate , for no extra charge, on Thursday afternoon, if you want to stay on and practise your new skills.
Looking forward to seeing you all again on Thursday mornings.
Time for Membership Renewals |
Membership for 2025 is now due.
Full Membership $60 (from April 2025- March 2026)
Associate Membership ($25) Please note- You must be a full ABF Member of another club to be an associate of our Club.
These fees are the same as 2024, even though all fees within the ABF and Bridge Victoria have increased in 2025.
From Thursday November 28th, we will be meeting at a new Venue for both our Supervised and Duplicate Sessions.
952 POINT NEPEAN RD, ROSEBUD (across the field from the Rosebud Sound Shell).
Supervised starts at 10 AM
Duplicate starts at 1 PM
There is loads of parking, we have the premises all day and the Bar will open for us at the end of play.
PLEASE NOTE: This venue is only being used on Thursday's.
We will still be holding our usual Duplicate Session on Tuesday's at the Salvos from 12:30 until approx 4pm.
Rye - Dromana Bridge Club |
The Rye Dromana Bridge Club offers the best of bridge on the Southern Peninsula.
Sessions are held 3 days a week.
Mondays - Duplicate - Percy Cerutty Oval, PORTSEA. Arrive by 9.15am for a 9.30am start
Tuesdays - Duplicate - Salvation Army Hall, Melaleuca Avenue, Capel Sound. Arrive by 12.45pm for a 1.00pm start
Thursday - Supervised - Rosebud Beach Community Bowls Club, 952 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud (near Rosebud Sound Shell)
Arrive before 10.00 am until about 12 noon. Play free for the afternoon duplicate session.
Thursday - Duplicate - Rosebud Beach Community Bowls Club, 952 Point Nepean Rd, Rosebud. Arrive by 12.45pm for a 1.00pm start
Red points are awarded on the first Thursday of each Month.
Table Fees (2025)
Member of Rye - Dromana Bridge Club $12.00 . Visitors $15.00.
Please Note: You must be either a Full Member of the Rye Dromana Bridge Club ($60 per year) or an associate Member ($25) as of 1st April 2025 to qualify for the $12 table fee.