Ladies Captain's Charity Golf & Bridge Day |
On Thursday 3rd April, our Ladies Captain, Sarah Mote, is organising a fun Charity Golf and Bridge Day in aid of her selected Charity. For the sign-up and itinerary, please go to the Club's Website under 'Competitions' / 'UpandComing' If wishing to play in the bridge only, please tick the box indicating such.
Zia Mahmood at Richmond Bridge Club |
Richmond Bridge Club is inviting RMS Members (whether members of RBC or not) to join them for a seminar and ploughman's lunch at RBC on Saturday 5th April.
Click the link here to obtain more details.
Easter Duplicate |
Again we are having our Easter Duplicate Session, this year on Friday 11th April starting at 1.30pm. Please be seated by 1.20pm. Cost will be £5 for members and guests are very welcome at the same price. Costs will be automatically charged to the members' card. Tea and biscuits will be served with the costs being borne by the Bridge Section.
Click Easter Booking form to take you to the Booking Form or click the Booking form in the menu to the left.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Bridge Section - AGM and Prize Giving |
We are holding the Bridge Section AGM and Prize Giving on Tuesday 29th April at 1.00pm in the Pam Barton room. All are welcome to join us and the Tuesday afternoon session will commence immediately following the end of the meeting.
Please follow the links to the
AGM AGENDA 2025 - Coming shortly
RMS BRIDGE SECTION Accounts - Coming shortly
Clicking on the above will download the document to your computer. Open the download.
Bridge Drives |
On the first Wednesday of each month there is a Bridge Drive, usually starting at 1.30pm in the Clubhouse. Until the end of May, we will be trialling a second session on the third Wednesday of the month. If successful, we will continue with two drives per month.
These are gentle sessions of Chicago Bridge (playing with the same four on your table throughout). These are organised and run by Julia Wright (and in her absence Christine Wright). The Booking Forms (in the Menu on the left) are for entries of upto 4 persons; members and guests The cost per player is £2.00. If a player wishes to partake of the tea and biscuits, there will be a charge to their levy card. Any questions on the bridge side should be addressed to Julia. These organised sessions will only proceed if we have four complete tables signed up.
Tuesday Afternoons - Benmore Bowl Duplicate Bridge |
Our Tuesday afternoon sessions are very popular. This is a relaxed social afternoon with Tea and Biscuits if you wish to partake. We hope you can encourage other less regular players to come along. These afternoon sessions are playing for the Benmore Bowl trophy. The 2024/25 sessions start on Tuesday 1st October and run through on most Tuesdays until the last Tuesday in March 2025. To qualify for the trophy, a player must attend at least 10 of the Tuesday events. After the end of March, bridge will continue to be organised until the last Tuesday in June provided that at least four tables are in play. Please sign up on the website on the Bookings Page in the menu to the left for these very social occasions.
The Freeman Madgett Trophy |
Our ever popular Freeman Madgett Trophy rubber bridge knock-out tournament commenced on 1st September. Not quite a full knockout tournament; as we have so many pairs entering, we have a round-robin pools system where the leading pair in each group go through to the knock-out stage. The round-robin rounds have now been completed. The competition runs through-out the Autumn/Winter/Spring and can be arranged to play at either the host pairs' house or at the Club....the choice is by agreement between the pairs. The organiser of the event is Mimi Waterbury and any questions should be asked of her. The Rules and when the Draw is drawn are shown on the menu tab to the left.