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Results of club events are usually posted here. Your committee will be considering 2024 events in the New Year


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Welcome to Ringwood Bridge Club

Lyndon Davies gave 9 months notice that, after over a decade in post, He would stand down as Treasurer at the 2024 AGM. In the absence of a volunteer to take over He has been Acting Treasurer in the interim. He steps down as Acting Treasurer in 2 weeks time. We urgently seek a volunteer to be co-opted onto the Committee and take over as Acting Treasurer until May 2025. At this stage the post  permanently becomes that of Treasurer. Please contact Clive to express your interest.

A new programme of lessons starts in September for both beginners and improvers. Please see below

Future Events

If you enjoyed the President's Trophy at Grassmoor then our next "Away Day" is just for You.

"Ringley" will be holding a tournament at Ashover Community Centre on Sunday 6th October starting play at 10.00 with a Buffet Lunch provided by The Farm Shop at Ashover.  Provisional Cost is £15 per head and if you wish to play please contact or or by putting your name on the lists in the club.


President's Trophy 27th July Grassmoor

There were two cancelations on the morning of the event. Muriel has been kept in hospital overnight for observation. Roger felt seriously unwell and decided not to spread "it" around the attendees. We wish them both well.

After a little time lost rejigging the movement, we started play virtually on time 10.00. We stopped for 45mins for a delicious buffet from the Farm Shop at Ashover. We completed 39 boards by 16.00. The scratch event was won by Alan Kenny & Richard Horsley with an impressive 64%. The handicap was won by George Nash & John Thorpe. Richard & Alan will retain the trophy for 12months. There were the usual insultingly small prizes which were received in good spirit. A very good day!


We are booked at Chesterfield Golf Club on 10th December for our "Xmas Do"


The Club operates a policy of "Best Behaviour at Bridge" as advocated by the EBU 

Regular sessions at the club are: 10.00 Mondays Lessons, 12.45 Mondays Face to Face Duplicate and 19.00 Tuesdays Improvers Duplicate, all at Grassmoor Community Centre. Members are expected to arrive with a partner. Visitors to the area are very welcome to attend singly or with a partner and will always get a partner


Tuesday sessions are aimed at easing our students into full Club play. As such, Improvers are "cut some slack". They cannot converse during bidding nor play but they are encouraged to discuss hands afterwards with everyone at the table. Mistakes are made and play is a little slower than usual. Please make allowances and enjoy the bridge.


Our beginner's bridge programme will start  at Grassmoor Community Centre on September 16th at  10am.If you would like to know more please contact Ray Wallace on 01246 930302 or email .All welcome. 1st lesson is free.

Our improvers programme will restart on September 9th. For more information contact Clive Case on 07923 375247 or


Away Day Friday 3rd May

Ripley & Ringwood Bridge Clubs held an Away Day at Chesterfield Golf Club, Walton. We played 30 boards and had a good lunch in very pleasant surroundings. 

At 10 tables the attendance was less than other recent Away Days. This may have been due to the proximity of the Bank Holiday or other peoples holiday plans. 3rd May was however the only day available now the golf season is in full swing.

Nevertheless, it was an excellent day of Bridge and heartily enjoyed.

The winners NS were Meg & Dave Ridley whilst John & Sheila Bamford won EW. In the Handicap, NS winners were Doreen Hartshorn and Jackie Makinson and Debbie Waters and Beryl Marsh duly obliged EW.


Learn Bridge

 The current series of lessons for beginners will finish on July 24th. A new course based on the English Bridge Union's 'Red Book' will commence after the summer. For those wishing to continue their learning an improvers group will also be started at that time.



Partner Finding

 If you are a visitor to the club or you know that your Regular Partner is unavailable please call or email Chris Challinor who will try and  arrange a partner for you.  Please do not turn up "on spec" as a Host may not be available. Contact Chris 01623 230752 or Chris will also try to find you a Regular Partner if you are currently unattached.


Club Telephone Number 07504 749948. Call TD on the night to advise late delays etc..


Ringwood Bridge Club is an EBU affiliated club operating in Grassmoor, Chesterfield. We are complemented by Chesterfield Bridge Club and the U3A. Together we seek to provide and promote bridge in Chesterfield.

Session times and links to other clubs in the area may be found in the left panels on this page.

Members are requested to be in their places AT LEAST 10 minutes before the scheduled start of play.

Membership is £5 per year. Table Money is £4.00 for Members and £4.50 for Visitors.


Chairman's Remarks




On a brief visit to the UK Chairman Dave Ridley & Meg Ridley managed to find time to win the President's Trophy.

Master Point Promotions

Recent Promotions

George Nash -  Master

Debbie Waters - Club Master

Many congratulations!!


Future Events




Mon 30th September 2024
Ringwood F2F Duplicate
Tue 1st October 2024
No Fear Duplicate
Mon 7th October 2024
Ringwood F2F Duplicate
No Fear Duplicate
Ringwood F2F Duplicate
No Fear Duplicate