Any queries about the club should be directed in the first instance to the Secretary Chris Hall (Tel. 07796 086544).
You can send him an email by clicking on this item.
If you notice any errors on this website or have ideas for improvements then please email Gill Smith by clicking on this item.
For external competitions where the entry is made by the Club you can now submit your entry via the web site. If you click on this item then an email will be generated which will be sent to the Competitions Secretary.
Thursday evening Online Bridge
Reading Bridge Club are holding online bridge sessions jointly with Loddon Vale Bridge Club on RealBridge on Thursday evenings. Table money is £2 and members will be invoiced at a later date.
Please log on by 7.20pm for a 7.30pm start. Log on with your real name in the Full Name box and your EBU Number in the ID Number box.
RealBridge Link: 2 January
To test your microphone and camera click here
If you haven’t played on RealBridge before then the Realbridge Quick Start Guide has lots of useful information and can be accessed by clicking here
If you need a partner then the Find a Partner function on this website can be used or contact Chris Hopkins from Loddon Vale, email:
There are two methods to create a Partner Request. Both methods require that a member has set up a password on their member account. The easiest method is to click on Find a Partner in the menu. This will show any current requests and by clicking the People icon a new request can be added. The second method is to log into the members area and click the Find a Partner tab.
Full details of how to add a request can be found here
The Guide to logging into the Members Area can be found in the Information section of the website and also by clicking here
Please contact Gill Smith with queries/problems.
RBC is holding online bridge sessions on Thursday evenings jointly with Loddon Vale Bridge Club. The games take place on RealBridge starting at 7.30pm. Please be logged on by 7.20pm. The RealBridge link will be posted on this website.