All games from Mon. Mar.3 to Fri. Mar.7 are Club Championships
Extra points; No extra charge
Note there will be no game on Mar.14th as the church is having a St. Patrick's Day party
Congratulations to Patti McCabe on reaching Ruby Life Master
Congratulations to Maxine Etkin on reaching Ruby Life Master
Congratulations to Marilyn Li on reaching Ruby Life Master
Congratulations to Anne Brouillard on reaching Bronze Life Master
If you are looking for a regular partner and would like to add your name here please e-mail the website manager
Name Phone # Session System Experience Level
(M,T,Wam,Wpm,F) (Std Amer, 2/1, Precision) (Beginner,Novice,Intermediate,Advanced)
Noman Siddiqui 613-252-9953 Afternoons Intermediate
Michael Atkinson 3434633518 Afternoons 2/1,SA,Precision Advanced
Carol Vlassoff 819-986-5057 Weds AM Beginner/Novice
Richard McMackon 613 226 5370 Weds PM Intermediate
Susan Bolla 613-859-9976 Intermediate/Advanced
Jacques Grisé 613 820-0448 Weds pm Intermediate.
James Russell 613 730-9380 Mpm, Wpm, Fpm 2/1 Advanced
Avi Poriah 613 612-6077 MWF pm Advanced
We are pleased to offer a second 0-750 game on Fridays
Chalk talk 9:15, Game 9:30.
You can come without a partner and you will be paired up
Please support this game if you want to see it continue!
The Carlingwood club has open games on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 12:45 PM.
0-750 Limited game on Fridays (chalk talk 9:15 AM ; game at 9:30 AM)
A Wednesday 0-750 limited game and supervised beginner game (chalk talk 9:15 AM ; game at 9:30 AM)
Location is St. Elizabeth's Church 1303 Leaside Ave.
Carlingwood memberships ($10 per year Oct.1-Sep.30) are available at the game.
Carlingwood table fees are
Members $5, Non-members $6
Supervised Beginner Game
Wednesday Mornings
Bridge hints at 9:15, master point game at 9:30
Use your lesson notes or ask questions
Partner guaranteed, Relaxed, Fun-filled
Perfect for beginners or those new to duplicate!
♥ Reminder♥
It is common courtesy but please cancel your game rather than show up when you are sick.
If you may have been exposed to illness please wear a mask
Wednesday Bridge Booming at Carlingwood!! |
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If you have suggestions for content you would like included on this website please let me know- Andrew Brown
click to send e-mail suggestion