The only sanctioned Gay Bridge Club in Florida.
We offer a more relaxed game and perfect avenue for new players to break into duplicate bridge.
Tuesday, 6:30 pm Open game and Saturday, 12:30 pm Limited (2,000) game only.
Membership $20.00, Member Table fee $10.00 and Non-Members $13.00.
Quick Tricks has joined the Southeast Florida and Friends BBO Alliance. Games offered 7 days a week.
Table fee is $6.00 for 18 boards. If you like to play online a portion of your entry fee goes to Quick Tricks.
12:15 PM Limited game (0 - 1,500)
12:30 PM Open game
The joint QT/FTLBC sponsored February 2025 Silver Sectional at Sea was a huge success.
60 people sailed with 48 bridge players! Jesse Laird ACBL Tournament Director and Gilbert Stockton,
QT Director, held two games per day including lessons!
QT/FTLBC will sponsor a March 22-29, 2026, Eastern Caribbean Cruise on Celebrity’s newest ship the Xcel.
Please check our websites for more information on itinerary and pricing: or OR
Duglin Travel at 914-471-7765 or
QT will celebrate it’s 17th Anniversary with dinner and bridge on Tuesday, March 11th.
According to our 501C 7 charter, QT makes yearly charitable donations supporting local LGBTQ communities.
This year the Board of Governors has focused donations to supporting LGBTQ Youth.
The Sunshine Pride House for Homeless LGBTQ youth and South Florida Pride Bands. Each organization will receive $5,000.
620 NE 8th Street (Ft. Lauderdale Bridge Club)
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304954-761-1577
Visit our website for the partnership chair and all other current club information: