Web Site |
The Barn is a reconstructed part of a 16th century manor house
Important Information |
 The Purley Barn Bridge Club has been running for several years and has members with a wide range of skill levels. Games are played in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. We are not able to give formal tuition to absolute beginners, but the more skilled members are happy to review hands and give advice (when asked) to those with less experience.
The Purley Barn Bridge Club holds two sessions per week:
On-line Realbridge playing Duplicate Bridge at 7 pm every Tuesday
The club meets face to face on Friday mornings 09:40 to 12:40 at the Barn, Goosecroft. At this session we play Chicago. We have also introduced Duplicate play once a month. Mid way through the session we break for coffee, biscuits and gossip.
In addition to our standard bridge sessions the club also holds special events eg, a Summer party, a Christmas lunch and a number of bridge drives. For details of upcoming events see the Calendar pages.
Future Events |
Duplicate play with Chicago tables available on last Friday of the month.
Summer party 21st June 2024
Christmas Lunch - all day event on Friday 13th December 2024