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Welcome to Pulborough Bridge Club
Pulborough Village Hall

We meet on Tuesday afternoons, starting play at 1.10 pm.  We play Duplicate, and on occasions Simultaneous pairs and Teams. The club has over 60 members and the usual attendance is eight to ten tables.  The Village Hall is of modern construction and has all the usual amenities including a large free car park.

2024 Calendar


October 29 - Random Teams 

November 5,12,19 & 26 - Club Championship

Bridge - It’s a Big Deal charity event on Tuesday September 10
Bridge - It’s a Big Deal charity event on Tuesday September 10

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to our Bridge - It’s a Big Deal charity event on Tuesday September 10.  We had 50 players and 12.5 tables in the Arun Hall, a record for our club.  Cancer Research UK received a splendid total of nearly £500 for our efforts. Well done all.  A big thank you to Barrie, Sue and Tom C for organising the event, Dave T for scoring, and David G for directing. And to everyone else who contributed in different ways.

Congratulations to Chris S and Richard S (63.3%) for topping the NS listing, with Barrie & David G second (61.3%). And to EW winners Diana & Pierre (60.5%), with Laverne & Tom G second (58.7%). Luuen & Tricia S and Jane & Steve won the prizes for scores well above their average this year.  Well played all and thank you for making it a special fun day to support a very worthy charity.

Update from EBU on October 15

Over 300 events were held in England and Scotland and we have smashed our target of £60k, with over £100,000 the current fundraising total!  We would like to thank everyone who helped organise or joined in an event, for their effort and contributions to making the festival a great success. The success of the Festival could not have happened without you. 

July 2 - ECats Summer Charity Simultaneous Pairs

Our Club performed very well in the ecats Summer Charity Pairs with five pairs in the top 40. In total 304 pairs in 22 clubs in four countries participated.  Locally we had twenty pairs, ten tables and so 30 boards in play,. But the SIMs organisers only provide 28, so our local results are slightly different, as boards 29 and 30 did not count in the SIMs.

It was a remarkably close result with just a trick separating our top two – so congratulations in particular to Richard S & Chris S for achieving an international score of 65.11% (9th overall) and Ronald & Duncan 65.05% (10th). Others in the top 40 were Hilary B & Bob (24th), David G & Barrie (27th) and Stuart H & Tom C (39th). Our best EW Frances & Gerry were 52nd. So overall an excellent result for Pulborough. The full results, hands and commentary are on the ecats web-site.

Many thanks to all those who supported the event and contributed generously to Kidney Research UK and the British Heart Foundation. We are grateful to Barrie for arranging the hands, David G for directing, and Dave T for scoring.

May 14 - EBED British Spring Simultaneous Pairs


Congratulations to Glynis & Tom C for winning the Pulborough session of the EBED Spring Sim Pairs on May 14.  They achieved a national score of 62.3% to finish 10th in the overall league table. Gerry and Barrie were second with 61.2% (15th), closely followed by Stuart S and Diana 60.8% (19th).  So, three Pulborough pairs in the top twenty.  For the full results, hands and commentary visit the EBU Sims web-site. 

We had 19 pairs playing, nationally there were 210 pairs in 13 clubs.  Many thanks to all who contributed to English Bridge Education and Development to support the charity's work in promoting and developing bridge.

We are grateful to Barrie for arranging the event and Dave for scoring. 


We are sad to report that Joan Kellett died at the beginning of May.  Joan and her husband Geoff (who died four years ago) joined PBC in 2007 and were frequent winners of the weekly sessions and SIMs events. They won the Club Championship three times – in 2010, 2011, and 2013.

Joan was a much loved and admired member of the Club. The Kelletts were a formidable partnership, but Joan was always generous if an opponent bid, played or defended a hand well. We remember her fondly.

She was very well known in the Sussex bridge scene too, successfully participating in many competitions. Joan achieved Life Master in the EBU rankings, having amassed an astonishing total of over 184k master points.

Because of ill-health, Joan did not renew her membership when we reopened after Covid, but continued to play occasionally as a guest.  She will be missed by so many, and our prayers, thoughts and best wishes go to her family and friends.

Club Party on April 9

Great to see 42 members attending the Club Party.  Many thanks to Barrie and Sue for arranging the event, and to Chris and his team for a splendid buffet.  A most enjoyable afternoon.  Well done all who arrived early or stayed late to help. The usual random pairs format was used with 10.5 tables.  

Congratulations to Inge and Bob for winning N/S (67.8%), followed by Stuart H and Barrie (63.6%).  And to Diana and Chris A for leading E/W (61.4%), with Brian and Tom C second (54.7%). 

March 12 - ECats Charity Challenge Simultaneous Pairs

Thank you to all who played in the ECats Charity Challenge, supporting Mind and Macmillan Cancer Support, on March 12.  Sue has sent a cheque for £120 to support these two very worthy charities.

We had ten tables.  Well done Gerry & Pierre for winning the Pulborough heat with a national score of 60.2% (35th overall), followed by Gary & Jude 57.3% (64th), and Stuart & Diana 56.6% (81st).  A total of 392 pairs in 26 clubs participated.  As usual, full results can be found on the ECats web-site.

Random Teams - 30 January 2024

Well done David G, Barrie, Lynne and Angela for winning the Random Teams event on January 30 with a score of + 51.

They were closely followed by Christine S, Helen, Glynis and Tom C in second place with + 40. 

Frances, Stuart H, Jane and Steve were third with + 10.

Good to see eight teams participating, and playing 28 boards.  So thank you to Barrie for organising and directing, and Dave T for scoring.

Looking for a partner?


The club no longer operates a 'stand by' system but if you want a partner please ring Tom Garside on 01403 782814 (by 4pm on Monday at the latest) and he will try to help.

2023 Club Championship
2023 Club Championship

Many congratulations to Chris Simmons & Richard Shuker for winning the 2023 Club Championship, which was played over the four weeks of November, with each pair’s best two scores counting. 

Chris and Richard played all four weeks and increased their percentage score each time – all four well into the 60s.  An excellent record.  They are well deserved winners, scoring 138.1 points.  Barrie Salmon & David Gilbert were second with 122.0, closely followed by Frances Fuller and Stuart Henderson in third place with 121.6.  So Chris and Richard retain the trophy they won last year.  The last time that happened was in 2011 with Geoff & Joan Kellett.

You can view the full results table by clicking on the link on the left within Competitions.  A total of 21 pairs participated.  In the month we averaged just over nine tables per week, our best-ever for the Championship.  Thank you for your support.

ECatsBridge Children in Need Sims 7 November 2023

Well done Richard Shuker and Chris Simmons for coming top in the Pulborough heat of the Children in Need SIMs on November 7 with a national score of 62.2% (70th overall), followed by David Gilbert & Barrie Salmon (62.0%, 73rd), and Roy Penrose & Carol Davison (59.1%, 163rd).  Many thanks to the 21 pairs who played - that's our best ever turn-out for this event.  We raised £232 for Children in Need.

The Tuesday event was supported by 1,466 pairs, playing in 101 clubs in England, Scotland and Wales.  The full league table is on the ECats web-site.


October Teams

Congratulations to Hilary, Christine W, Di & Sue for winning the self-selected teams event on October 31 with a score of +31.  Richard L, Chris A, Peter & Howard were second with +17.

Thank you to the nine teams who participated, and to Barrie for organising, Richard L for directing, and Dave T for scoring.


To celebrate his 90th birthday and retirement as Club Chairman, Tom Garside invited members to a post-bridge Tea Party on Tuesday September 5th.  A splendid time was had by all.  We were pleased to welcome a number of old friends who play less frequently these days - Nelly, Joan, Alison, Moira, Carolyn, and David Ellis.  Tom thanked members for turning out in such numbers (47 attended), and Chris’s team for producing fine fare.  Tom then gave a very informative talk about the history of the Club since the early 1980s. 

Secretary Tom Cole thanked Tom on behalf of all members saying: ‘Tom has been a splendid Chairman over 13 years since he took over in 2010.  We are a friendly Club, run smoothly.  Membership numbers are strong (well ahead of pre-Covid levels), playing numbers are good, and our finances in best-ever shape.  So much of that is due to Tom’s style and leadership.  Always there, always willing to help anyone.’ 

Treasurer Sue Spears then presented Tom with gifts from the Club, and a bouquet to Inge for her great support over the years.


Before the Tea Party, we enjoyed our usual duplicate session.  Eleven tables – nearly our best ever, only bettered once when in August last year we had 11.5 tables.  Tom nearly ended his chairmanship with yet another top of the table finish, but was just one trick away.  So well done Brian & Jen (62.2%) for heading the EW table, followed by Frances & Tom G (61.8%) and Christine & Tricia (58.2%). 

Stuart & Tom C (67.2%) topped NS, with Gerry & Pierre (61.6%) second, and Dave T & Richard L (56.4%) third.  



We are pleased to announce that Barrie Salmon is our new Chairman, replacing Tom Garside who has now retired.  We all wish Barrie every success in his new role.

The other members of the Committee, namely Tom Cole (Secretary), Sue Spears (Treasurer), and Dave Tyte (Scorer) will continue in their current roles.




Tom Garside has been awarded Life Membership of the Club in recognition of his great service and dedication over many years, especially during his time as Chairman from 2010 to 2023.   The Certificate was signed by the Committee on behalf of all members, past, present, and future, who will continue to enjoy his legacy.  Only two others have previously received this honour - Richard Hodgson (past Chairman) and Joan McDermott (past Treasurer). 

ECatsBridge Summer Pairs Charity Sims

Thank you for supporting the ECatsBridge Summer Pairs SIMs event on July 4 to raise funds for Kidney Research UK and the British Heart Foundation. We had ten full tables, and Sue is sending a cheque for £195 to support these worthy charities.  In total 28 clubs and 413 pairs participated.

Congratulations to Stuart S and Diana for achieving a national score of 65.6% to finish in 10th place overall, just ahead of Frances and Tom G 64.9% (16th), and Jo and Keith 63.3% (21st). Remarkably, the scores for each of the ten North/South Pulborough pairs improved by about ten percentage points, compared with our local league table. That meant nine Pulborough pairs finished in the top 20% nationally. An excellent result for our club. The full table is available on the ECats SIMs web-site.


Keith died in hospital on Thursday, June 22, having spent his last few days there. 

Keith had been a very popular member of our Club for many years, and with Moira won the Club Championship twice - in 2014 and 2016.  Despite the deterioration in his health, he continued to play at Pulborough up until last month.  It was always a pleasure to be at his table. With his fine card play, and aggressive (and at times unorthodox) bidding, he was a challenging but fun opponent.

He will be much missed, and our prayers, thoughts and best wishes go to Moira, the family and friends.  The funeral was held at Worthing Crematorium on Monday July 10 and Moira has expressed her gratitude for the many Club members who attended to pay their respeccts and share memories.


Dinah Hutchins died on Sunday June 11 after a massive stroke the previous day. 

Dinah joined Pulborough Bridge Club when we reopened in September 2021 after Covid.  She quickly became an enthusiastic and popular member.   Dinah loved bridge and hosted Jane Bellinger, Pauline Gow and Liffa Wilson on a Monday, which was always fun.  She was a keen croquet player, a member of Theatre Arts Club, the Arts Society and the WI.  She also had a big family who visited often.  Her funeral was held on Wednesday June 28 at Worthing Crematorium.

EBED Spring Pairs Sims - May 9

Fourteen pairs participated in the EBED Spring Pairs Sims on May 9.  Congratulations to Ron and Duncan for achieving a national score of 60.4% to finish in 19th place overall, just one ahead of Stuart and Frances with 60.2% (20th); Barrie and David G were our third pair with 59.6% (25th), followed by Glynis and Tom 57.4% (40th).  The full table is available on the EBU Sims web-site. 

178 pairs played in 13 clubs.  Many thanks to all who contributed to English Bridge Education and Development to support the charity's work in promoting and developing bridge.

Club Party


Good to see 41 members attending the Club Party on April 18.  Well done Hilary and Steve D for a splendid score of 70.5%, followed by Carol and Pierre (64.8%) and Gary and Sue S (60.7%).  Many thanks to Tom and Inge for making all the arrangements, to Steve and his team for the excellent catering, and to everyone who helped setting up and clearing away at the end of the session.

Richard Hodgson RIP

Richard Hodgson who died in February had been a member of our Club since the 1980s and was chairman for many years.  He also loved scoring in the days before Scorebridge, using big sheets of paper and working out scores and percentages - with never a mistake!  Together with David Thornton, a partnership that wasn't always a happy one, he won the Club championship more times than anyone else. 

In recognition of his great service to the Club over so many years he was awarded Life Membership.  When face to face Bridge resumed in September 2021 after lockdown, Richard was too frail to play so many of our new club members never knew him.


Ecats Charity Challenge Pairs - 14 March 2023

Twenty clubs and 309 pairs participated in the Ecats Charity Challenge on Tuesday, March 14.  Well done Richard Shuker & Chris Simmons for coming 12th overall with 63.7%.  David Gilbert & Barrie Salmon were 14th with 63.2%, and Richard Lerner & Chris Andrews 42nd with 58.9%.  The full league table can be found on the E Cats Bridge web-site.



2022 Club Championship
2022 Club Championship

Many congratulations to Chris Simmons & Richard Shuker for winning the 2022 Club Championship with an excellent score of 135.5. 

They were closely followed by Glynis & Tom Cole (132.8), and Frances Fuller & Stuart Henderson (127.8).  Both pairs occupied the same positions last year.  

Diana Caplin & Stuart Spinney came fourth (126.9), Chris Andrews & Richard Lerner fifth (119.5) and Gerry Seal & Tom Garside sixth (113.8).  Click the link in the Competitions section on the left hand menu to see the full league table.   

Twenty one pairs participated - that's a record number.  The Club Championship was held over four weeks in November with each pair's best two scores counting.

Children in Need - 8 November 2022

Many congratulations to Richard Shuker and Chris Simmonds for winning our session of the Children in Need Sim Pairs with a national score of 62.6% (coming 50th overall).  Our top six also included Ron & Duncan (61.8%, 75th), Stuart S & Diana (60.3%, 114th), Roy & Carol (58.7%, 164th), Glynis & Tom (55.8%, 278th) and David & Barrie (55.4%, 295th). 

A total of 1,243 pairs participated from 86 clubs, so we were well represented in the top Q.  The full table is on the ecats web-site.

Thanks to the 17 pairs who played, your table money and additional contributions meant that Sue was able to send £259 to Children in Need.  Your support is very much appreciated.



August Teams

Well done Stuart H, Frances, Diana and Stuart S for winning the random teams event on August 30 with 56 IMPS.  Janet, Laverne, Carol and Roy were second with 44 - closely followed by Christine, Richard L, Inge and Gerry with 35.  Nine teams participated.

Many thanks to Dave Tyte for scoring the event.

ECatsBridge Summer Charity Pairs

Many congratulations to Chris Simmons and Richard Shuker for winning the ECatsBridge Summer Pairs SIMs event on July 5 with a fantastic national score of 76.44%, nearly seven percentage points ahead of the second-placed pair.  

Stuart Henderson and Tom Cole finished 27th nationally with a score of 59.59%.  Inge Garside and Steve Duddy were 40th with 58.12%.

In total, 320 pairs from 22 clubs participated in this event.  The full results are on the ECats web-site. 

Thank you for helping to raise funds for Kidney Research and the British Heart Foundation.

EBED Spring Sim Pairs

Many congratulations to Stuart Henderson and Frances Fuller who topped the national table for the EBED Sim Pairs on Tuesday, May 10 with a splendid national score of 66.95%.  Well done indeed.

Next placed were Glynis and Tom Cole 17th nationally (57.8%) and Diana Caplin and Stuart Spinney 21st (57.5%).

Our other pairs who featured in the Top 30 included Richard Lerner and Chris Andrews, Inge Garside and Steve Duddy, and Steve Watkins and Jane Bellinger.

122 pairs from 9 clubs participated in this event.  The full results, hands and commentaries can be found on the EBU SIMs web-site.



March Teams

Well done Tom G/David C/Richard S/Chris S for winning the randomly selected Teams event on March 29 with a splendid score of + 81.  Sue/Roy/Hilary/Christine were second, two points ahead of Lueen/Virginia/Glynis/Tom C in third place. Click the usual Results link for the full table.  

Many thanks to Tom Garside for managing to arrange seven teams, despite last minute cancellations.

Charity Challenge Pairs

Thank you to all who played in the ecats Charity Challenge Pairs SIMS held on Tuesday March 15.  355 pairs from 24 Clubs participated. 

Here are our top three pairs, with particular congratulations to Gerry Seal & Barrie Salmon (63.4%) for coming 9th overall.  Stuart Henderson & Tom Cole were 26th with 60.7%, and Tom Garside & David Cole 51st with 58.5%. 

The full league table can be found on the ecats web-site.


Children in Need - 9 November 2021

♣   ♠ 

Many thanks to all who played in the Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs event on Tuesday, November 9.  We raised £124 for Children in Need, thank you.  Nationally that day 1,073 pairs participated.  Here are the top three Pulborough pairs - congratulations to Frances Fuller and Stuart Henderson with 61.62% (65th nationally), Glynis and Tom Cole 57.92% (175), and Steve Duddy and Richard Hodgson 54.34% (314).  The full league table can be found on the E Cats Bridge web-site.

22nd October 2024
Duplicate Bridge
Pulborough Village Hall 13.15
29th October 2024
Duplicate Bridge
Pulborough Village Hall 13.15
5th November 2024
Duplicate Bridge
Pulborough Village Hall 13.15
Duplicate Bridge
Scorer: dave tyte
Duplicate Bridge
Director: Tom Garside
Scorer: dave tyte
Duplicate Bridge
Director: David Gilbert
Scorer: dave tyte