Minutes of the AGM Phuket Bridge Club held on 23rd January 2025 at Ali's BBQ
In attendance:
Ron Stern
Nigel Montagu
Philippe Raoux
Derek Priest
Proxies were received from:
Steve Burns – represented by Ron Stern
Hans Stoeckli – represented by Ron Stern
Elisabeth Stoeckli – represented by Ron Stern
Claude Vouga – represented by Ron Stern
Salma Lall - represented by Ron Stern
Mike Davies – represented by Ron Stern
Simon Boler – represented by Philippe Raoux
Michael Flynn – represented by Philippe Raoux
Susan Norman – represented by Philippe Raoux
In the absence of the retiring officers, Ron opened the meeting at 12.30pm.
Ron thanked the Club’s retiring officers, namely Didier Pinet, Diane Lauderdale and Cristina Granow for their dedication and years of service in the furtherment of the promotion of bridge in Phuket.
- To elect an Executive Committee to serve for the 2025 year, the year to start on February 1st.
The poor attendance was noted (despite 9 members having executed proxies in their absence) and thus it was decreed that an amendment to the By-Laws of the Club would be necessary (see agenda item 2)
It was proposed and accepted that Ron would act as President and Webmaster and Nigel Montagu would act as Secretary and Treasurer.
Derek noted that in the past, the AGM was held on the same day prior to a bridge session to encourage greater participation and this was taken under advisement.
- Formally adopting the Club by-laws to govern the club moving forward (see attached)
The draft version of the club by-laws was presented and adopted with the following amendments:
Article 3.3 - that the annual membership fee shall be THB 250 per annum.
Article 7.2 - that no person may hold more than TWO positions on the EC at any one time.
Article 7.5 (iv) - if in the opinion of the EC the financial health of the club is sufficient the EC in its sole discretion may authorize " Free Play " events for all members in good standing in attendance at that event. Note (see item 8)
- To adopt a Code of Conduct for all members (draft was tabled).
Presented and approved.
4. To determine eligibility requirements for members.
It was proposed and approved that all players who played in 4 or more events in 2024 or any player who participates in 4 or more sessions in 2025 shall be deemed to be a ' de facto ' member for the year ending January 31, 2026 and that the fee for annual membership would only be implemented from February 1, 2026 onwards.
5. To determine the amount of annual membership dues (if any) for members.
It was proposed and approved that the annual membership fee shall be THB 250 per annum.
6. To determine the playing fees to be paid by both members and guests.
It was proposed and approved that the playing fee per person/member be set at THB 200 per person per event and the playing fee for guests per event be set at THB 250.
7. To review the Club's financial position.
The financial accounts of the club were entered and approved, showing the club's financial health to be excellent at the present.
The EC will constantly monitor income and expenditure. Ron noted that in the not too distant future new items - such as cards, bidding boxes and BridgeMates - may need to be bought. Members will be advised as and when.
8. To vote on a proposal to allow members to play free of charge on days to be determined by the EC (the club's finances permitting)
It was proposed and approved that in accordance with Article 7.5(iv) "Free Play" days shall be established on every 2nd Tuesday at Cherngtalay and every 4th Friday at Kathu.
9. Any other business.
Advertising for new members - it was felt that the best way to attract new members would be via an improved website and Ron as Webmaster will endeavour to upgrade it in the near future.
Derek was asked if he could use his contacts with the local Thai Bridge community to encourage some Thai members to join. He will try.
Derek was appointed to the position of Honorary Historian and has agreed to put together a brief history of the Club's origins in Phuket for future inclusion on the Club's website.
10. AGM was formally ended